Chapter 3

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Vicky's POV

"Mauhaha!" Rose is dead and now all her power is mine! I said to Ruby and Cyrus. So now we were heading to school from Broomstick Castle. They still had it opened for some utterly bad reason. But when we got there, there was a new kid. Headmistress Cinderella said "This is Leila daughter of the Sea Witch", the Sea Witch I thought. She would be a great villain to help us, then the mirror  chose her to be in our team. "Yes!" I thought. And at school no one knew who hit Rose with that curse, except me, Kira, Cyrus and Ruby. When Leila came I told her if she wanted to be evil, she said "Yes!" So I told her that Rose is a super powerful hero and has power no one can dream of, I also told her that I had put a very powerful curse and the teachers are trying to figure out what curse it is and trying to bring Rose back to life. "Wow!" She said impressed, Vicky you are a villain alright.

Hawk's POV

We are just about to go to Earth for the shoes!,that could save her. But just before we left, (Me, Joy, Tory, Travis and Ling Ling) I gave Rose a beautiful kiss on her forehead and said, " I will save you Rose!" So we left for Earth.

😂Time skip😂


When we got there, we saw a lot of booby traps to keep people away,life us. The first obstacle was a potions test, Astoria did that one. Then there was a obstacle course which obviously Ling Ling did. After that there was a car that Travis picked up and threw. Then something dropped out of the sky and Hawk obviously caught it, then there was a bug eating contest which I did. After that I had a full stomach, yum yum! Then there was a shoe contest which Rose had to do but she was sadly not here with us at the moment so we all did it together! We thought like Rose and picked the best type of shoes, Rose would like.

Travis's POV

We all just completed the tasks, well we thought we did but then a labyrinth came along and we had to find are way out! So we thought for a second, and then Hawk said, "Let's thought our animals up and they can tell us the way." Then for some reason he started crying. I asked him why he was crying? And he said because,"Rose would had suggested that idea to us." We all nodded are head except for Hawk. So we got out of the labyrinth and there was a sign that said "Beware of the danger ahead!" Then the fairy tale villains came out and shot spells at us! They laughed while they shot their spells, and we almost got shot. So we decided to make a plan, we hid behind a rock and quickly made a plan. After we made it we got out and charged at them me and Ling Ling (My girlfriend) at the back. Astoria and Hawk from the front and Joy underneath, because they were flying. We defeated them and got the beautiful pair of shoes. After that we flew home to save Rose.

Ling Ling's POV

When we got back to Cinderella Castle no one was home because of school, so we walked inside and went to Rose's room. But when we walked inside we saw that she was gone!!! We searched around the whole Castle but she was no where to be found. Then we decided to go to regal academy to ask headmistress Cinderella. But when we told her she said, "But Rose is in her room at the castle." Uh oh ,I thought.

Hawk's POV 

She was gone and there was nothing we could do about it. We searched everywhere around the fairy tale land and some of Earth that she could be at but no. I was so angry and started yelling at everyone. So I thought I needed a moment and went to Rose's room. I thought and thought on where she could had gone and then had an idea. "We could search regal academy"  I told the others. We had no better idea so we went. We searched around the school and then found a underground base. We searched around the underground base and found a sleeping area. On the last bed someone was sleeping, we looked closer and saw Rose!!!!!!

Author's POV

That's all for now and I will post chapter 4 I think before tomorrow night like always. Anyways HASE forever 👠🍎👠🍎👠🍎👠🍎

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