3| Warrior on My Doorstep

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Allen stood beside Alpha Morris as they led the pack in training. At the moment there were about a fifty members gathered in the field sparring and going over drills to perfect their defensive techniques.

        "Enough!" The alpha's voice boomed through the field and the entire pack came to a halt. "You all look like you're the most comfortable wolves I've ever seen. This is training for goddess sakes, you never know what could happen. In the matter of a single second we could be at war and you'd better be ready! And if anybody knows the significance of being prepared for an attack it should be this pack."

The allusion to the pack's past made Allen and Sam stiffen and even without heightened werewolf senses a pen could be heard dropping to the grass. They weren't sure what was going on with Morris but they felt it, something wasn't right with the pack and it was making the hair on the backs of their necks reach for the moon.

        "Allen, Sam...I want laps. I don't want a single pack member back in this field until they're ready to fight." Morris's eyes peeled from the two boys and scanned the rest of the pack, his voice was so deep and rang with a power so intense that every single wolf in the field bore their necks to him as he turned and walked away.

They all stayed in that position until Morris disappeared into the house.

Allen was the first to break rank and assume the role his father left empty for the time being.

        "Well, don't just stand there. We're running west along the pack boarder, no shifting, we're going to use this for endurance training. Ava will take the front, Sam takes the middle and I'll bring up the rear."

Quickly, the pack scrambled to get into position before taking off running into the woods.

        "You know the drill," Sam rang out and Allen continued the threat, "If anyone falls behind you'll have to answer to me...and it won't be pretty."

With a little bit of guidance from Sam over the years, Allen had gotten pretty good at laying on the dominance when it came to the pack. Of course he always had it in his blood but after the fire Allen had no desire to be the one ruling a pack of wolves.

They all raced around the pack's territory for what seemed like ages and just when they were about to take up the last lap Sam spotted a stranger leaping across the river and into pack territory. Within seconds Sam broke rank and rushed towards the back of the pack where it seemed the intruder was headed for Allen. In a fraction of a second Allen spotted him as well and both Sam and Allen let out deadly growls that alerted the rest of the pack.

The intruder landed directly between Allen and Sam and did not make a single attempt to bare his neck or announce his presence. Even though Allen wasn't officially the alpha of this pack, any wolf could smell his rank on him, and without Alpha Morris around that was enough.

Sam's protective instincts for his alpha and his mate muddled into one hazy mess and he was on the stranger with claws out and canines extended. The stranger attempted to put up a fight and quickly found himself surrounded by Ava, Justice and Justin—the twins, also Allen's warriors—along with every other pack member and of course Allen himself. Soon the stranger found himself with his back pressed against Sam who physically forced the intruder's neck up with his arms trapped in place. Allen stood at his front with one set of claws buried deep in the intruder's stomach and the other set positioned to take his neck clean off.

        "Wait!" The strange wolf pleaded. His eyes flashing a brief moment of vulnerability before quickly returning to the cold unreadable fortress that had presented itself since the moment he leapt over the river banks.

        "You have point five seconds to explain why you were bold enough to even think you could enter my territory with your scent masked and dare to attack my fucking beta. Give me one good reason not to rip your throat out!" Allen growled from the back of his throat standing mere inches away from his face.

Sam would never admit it but seeing Allen like this made his temperature rise just a notch and he looked at him with a lustful haze just barely present in his eyes, but only for a second. They had become masters at this denial thing.

        The stranger cracked a smile and went to speak, "You'll ruin my ink if you don't remove your claws from my abs," Allen's claws just barely entered the skin on the stranger's neck before he finished his sentence, "Al...I'm here because you need me."

        Allen's eyes glowed yellow with rage, "Sam break his finger." And he did. The intruder barely winced and held his ridiculous unreadable expression laced with mild amusement until Allen raked his claws down his abdomen as he spoke again, "And just who the hell are you?"

        The intruder managed to gently glide his fingertips across Sam's skin and continued speaking to Allen, "I'm your warrior and I'm here to join the pack."

Sam growled again and Allen's glowing eyes narrowed as one of his hands moved to wrap around the man's neck.

        "Let me make myself clear," he growled lowly in his ear, "You may have masked your scent but I sense your complete and utter loneliness and desperation just oozing from your pores. The only reason you're not dead at my feet right now is because I can see that you're a warrior and either you have balls of steel or a death wish coming into my land the way you just did."

The strange wolf sank back slightly into Sam's broad body and almost whimpered.

        "So this is what's going to happen!" Allen's voice boomed and his pack anxiously perked up waiting to make sense of what in the world was going on here, "We're going back to the field and each and every one of you will fight this wolf. Ending with the twins, the betas and if he's still in one piece... the little shit will fight me. And I'll decide at that point if he gets to keep his life."

The pack howled their approval not even attempting to hide their smirks and grins from the victim before them. Sam stared quizzically at Allen and the intruder's body language as Allen hadn't yet increased the distance between them.

        On the contrary Allen tightened the grip around his throat and snatched his claws from his abdomen, leaning into his ear once again he growled huskily, "Welcome to Prideridge."


Looks like we've got ourselves a warrior. Is that jealously I smell on Sam? What do you think about the way Allen's acting?

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