Harry Potter: The Death Eaters Meal Part 3

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It really does seem as if Sage and Lestrange are dead. The house is burning down with thousands of books to kindle the fire and yet they stand in the middle of it all. James is on the floor bleeding from an non healing spell as Sage is trying to save him from bleeding. Although they forgot one huge detail. These books have thousands of different spells...

Sage: Please! Wake up! Don't die on me!

James stayed silent on the floor as he was bleeding*

Sage: Come on! There has to be something inside of here that can help! 

Sage begins to whisk through the bookcases as she finds a book called (Counteract Spells for Handmade Spells) and opens it and begins to rummage through the pages*

Sage: Come on! Come on! Aha! Found it! Sectumsempra is made by Severus Snape and can be counteracted with "Vulnera Sanentur"*

Sage: In the name of Nicholas Flamel please let this work! Vulnera Sanentur!

James' blood began to pulsate back into his body and making sure very drop was back in until he gasped and woke up*

James: Gasp* Sage! Thank you! Now we need to get out of here! 

Sage: Right!

They apparate out of the house to find the cloaked figure waiting outside*

???: My! My! You really don't know when to die? Can you?

???: Avada Kedavra!

James & Sage: Protego!

???: Well I guess this won't be easy won't it?

James & Sage wave their wands franticly blocking and attacking their opponent until they accidentally knock her hood off*

Samantha: Well! I guess you caught me! HAHAHAHAHA!

Sage: Samantha? Why are you doing this? You can be good if you wanted to!

Samantha: Not like I have a choice do I? Whenever I tried to be nice to both of you, you both shut me out! I cried and I cried until I stopped crying and realized there was nothing to cry about! So then I thought why should I keep on trying to be good when there were other options! So my father taught me everything! 

James: The Ministry will be here soon!

Samantha: And when the Ministry arrives I will be gone and you will be dead!

Samantha: Crucio!

James: Protego!

Samantha: Incarcerous!

Sage: Wait what does that mean?

A rope begins to bind around Sage beginning to strangle her*

Sage: Ja *gasp* mes

When Samantha is only focused on Sage James begins to cast a spell*

James: Expelliarmus! Accio!

Samantha's wand flies out of her hand and flies into James' hand unbinding Sage as she gets up*

James: No more bad doing for you!

James snaps Samantha's wand and she begins to make a fuss about it*

Samantha: How dare you!? I guess I have to resort to this!

Samantha begins to grab some bricks from a pile and begins to throw them*

One brick flies and hits James' leg making him fall to the floor*

James: Ow!

Sage loses focus and looks at James*

Sage: Are you okay?!

James: Sage! Behind you!

Samantha comes up behind Sage and whacks her in the head with a brick making her unconscious*

Samantha: Don't worry! You won't be dead yet! The Death Eaters want to speak with you first!

Samantha whacks James in the head making him unconscious and having him wake up in a dark room binded to a chair next to Sage where she is also binded*

Doscius: I have finally caught you two and now you will begin to experience unbearable pain if you do not answer my questions!

Sage & James: Over my dead body!

Doscuis: Again im not going to kill you! Just hurt you really, really bad!

To be continued...

(Sorry for this being so short I have a lot of stuff going on in my life and barely have time to write. This is the part for the week and hope you had fun with the cliffhanger!)

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