Pt 1

22 1 0


Yeshhh! Today, i went back to Korea! Yehet!!! Can't wait to see my dearest brother, Oh Sehun.

Oww, i forgot to call him.


"Hey shortie!" -Sehun

"YA!!! , for your information, my name is Sekyung" -me

"AHAHA... Okay shortie" -Sehun

"Whatever" -me

"AHAHAHA" -Sehun

"Btw oppa, do you remember what day is today?" -me

"What day? Oh, its Thursday" -Sehun

"Nice joke" -me

I notice that he's still dumb as usual.

"YA!!! Don't you remember???" -me

Seconds passed and the phone is still silent. I'm sure by now he's cheking the calendar. I wait for him patiently.

"Mmmmm... Ouh Yes! You're coming back to Korea ayee" -Sehun

"And don't shout at me!  My beautiful ear is gonna bleed you know" -Sehun

"Aiyooo! Serves you right! What do I have to do with you Oh Sehun"
*sigh* -me

"Don't you miss your oppa?  I'm hurt Sekyung-ah. It's been three years since you study abroad in USA" -Sehun

I clearly can imagine him touching his heart while pouting.

He's so dramatic.

"Nope. I didn't miss you because i miss my boyfriend at USA" -me

"WHATT?! You have a boyfriend?!" -Sehun

"Okay, now its my turn after your ears bleed" -me

"AHAHAHA. Sorry shortie" -Sehun

"Btw, you do really have a boyfriend?''  -Sehun

"Anii, i was just lying. AHAHA!" -me

"YAA! How dare you shortie" -Sehun

''AHAHAHA!" -me

"Btw, omma and appa went to Hongkong to do their work there" -Sehun

"WHAT??!! Why didn't they told me earlier?" -me

"Because you didn't ask shortie" -Sehun

''Huh. And its because i didn't know bruh" -me

"AHAHA. I need to go to school! Bye SHORTIE!" -Sehun

"YAAA!!!" -me

                ~end conversation~

Aish! That ugly evil brother! He ended up the phone! Huh.

Yayyy! I can't wait to come back to Korea! But i'll be alone at home because my parents went to Hongkong to do their work there and Sehun oppa went to school.

Huh... Lonely~ i'm so lonely~ i have nobody~

Okay, stop singing.

I went to my flight and it took many hour as i just listen to EXO Growl that my brother made it with his group.

Soon, the aeroplane landed slowly.

*sigh* At last after too many hour.

I went in to check everything and at last, i'm in the airport. I took a taxi there since no one can make it to the airport.

Well, at this time, i am lonely, but when i came home, it will became crazy. AHAHAHA

I told the driver the address and we began to leave the airport.

After waiting for a minute or an hour, i heard someone calling me.


'MISS, wake up'


My eyes open as soon as i realize that the driver was the person who yell at me. AHAHAHA. Sorry MR.

I thank him and gave him my precious money. Yeah, its precious.

I went out of the taxi and went to unlock the door that was infront of me.

Yehet! At last! I went in and gave my blank face to this huge house. His shirt everywhere, pillow at the floor, the dish was still dirty. Wow Oh Sehun! I appreciate it.

I'll give you a poisonous apple after i clean this huge house.

~Skip time~

Woah... At last! Its clean! Ehh? I forgot to make you a poisonous apple Oh SeUgly.

I'll make it for you later. Hahahaha *evil laugh*.

Okay, okay. Stop it SeKyung.

Suddenly, i heard a sound of crying from.....

Eh? I never seen that room before hmm... Please don't make me scared.

I pick up the umbrella beside me while walking to the room. I breath out the air first then i push the door.

I saw nothing but a bed for a kid as i was confuse. Why the hell did this bed and room come from?

Step by step, i went to the kid bed. At last, i reach there and i peek inside.


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