shining brightly

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A ball of disgusting clear saliva got stuck in your throat as you let your eyes roamed around the seemingly empty airport. You shifted your sight to your wristwatch only to see the hour hand resting at 5.

5 am might sound really early but you knew Aki too well, and being the over dramatic toad that he is, there's a 99% possibility that he's already here and without a doubt, he really is.

"Hey.." You trailed, observing the brunette who's wrapped with probably a dozen of sweaters. A rather sweet smile adorned his soft pale face, feeling some sort of warmth deep within him upon witnessing you in view.

"I knew you'd come.. you're really predictable like those characters in cheap RomCom movies." He blurted out despite the fact that he was a little shaking from the cold early morning breeze brushing past his exposed neck. 

You scrunched your eyebrows together, turning your heels away from the boy and acting as if you'd walk away. You heard him shuffle in great effort with all the thick cloth circling around his body, causing  small chuckles to bubble up in you.

"I'm just kidding, geez."He added, pouting as if he looks good with it. You walked back towards him, relaxing your body by sitting beside him.

You enjoyed the small bickers and short non-awkward silences with the teen that you haven't noticed how time have played with the two of you, leaving you to no clue that it was only an hour left until his dreadful flight.

"I... need to tell you something..." You were in the middle of laughing when his tone suddenly changed. He grabbed his satchel and looked for something thoroughly at it, revealing a shoe box a minute later and gently placed it on your lap.

Without any questions, you immediately opened it only to see dozens of envelopes probably with letters in it. Of course what else can be found inside an envelop? Maybe cash though.. I, as the narrator, don't actually know too.

"I know I might sound crazy to you but you're way crazier so I guess you'll understand me-" You punched him on the arm because of his remark about you, receiving a whine in return.

"Anyways... Do you still remember what I said as a reason that I went to your campus?" You blinked your eyes in a consecutive manner, trying to dig somewhere in your mind the answer to his question. You have to admit, you're not part of those people who remembers the events that happened to them even if it was a couple of years ago. You're one of the minority that seldom forgets their name especially in important occasions.

Fortunately, you were able to recognize the thing that he was talking about so as a response, you nodded at him.

"The reason on how I ended up on the well was true tho... But the truth on why I decided to barge in your campus is because there was this some sort of a portal that just appeared in my room and inside that whirlpool shit was an animated guy... it was like he was from an anime or something. I know I sound like some drug addict here but believe me, I also thought that I bumped my head so hard while I was sleeping or something like that..." 

The grip that you had on the shoe box tightened as you patiently waited for the brunette to finish his talk. You want to hear the whole story first before reacting, but somewhere deep within you knew that your heart is already pumping at its maximum level.

"I actually considered going to a psychiatrist but then the same guy appeared a week later and explained to me telepathically the reason why he can't get out of that portal thingy so I ended up talking to an anime guy that was trapped in some sort of a portal like I was Snow White's stepmother talking to a magic mirror. He said that due to some complications he can't seem to get out of the dimension he was living in and for whatever reason, the portal will only appear in the center of the city, which is unfortunately where my house, specifically my bedroom, is located."

"He asked me a favor if I could give the letter that he was holding to a girl named (L/N) (Y/N) and I actually had to put my hand inside the portal in order for me to get the letter from him since obviously, he can't get out of it. I thought of ditching him and just straight out lie to him that this (Y/N) was already dead or is out of town... but you know, I might be one hell of a human but I still have conscience... so I ended up searching you on the net and finding out where you are studying." 

He paused again, occasionally sipping on the bottled water that he was currently holding.

"It was fortunate for me to have the girl that I was looking for to be the first one to see me in the most weird state in the well of your campus... but when I got to know you, I immediately knew the reason why that guy was really into you. I was doubtful to give the soaked letter because I actually grew such interest towards you and officially decided to just keep it to myself."

"He came back the next week and gave another letter but then again, I just hid it in that shoe box. The routine was the same every week he came to visit me and hand another letter, only ending up with me shoving it in the box. I haven't realized it but I became selfish.. because I was afraid that maybe if I showed you the letter, I would lose purpose to you.. and I never want that to happen."

"Calling all the passengers to Taiwan to please start lining on the designated gates." The sudden announcement of the PA system shook the two of you, Aki now slowly standing up and getting his bags one by one.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)... I'm really sorry.." He placed a key on your palm before closing your hand ever so gently, his eyes not being able to make contact with yours.

"You should probably go there, I bet he's still waiting. He usually appears 7 in the evening for some reason every Saturday." He detached his hold of your hands from yours before taking a step away from you, however his sight still retained at you.

"And please tell him that I'm really sorry..." He looked directly on the floor as he turned his back at you, now starting to walk towards the gate. You placed the box on the chair that he once was sitting in before dashing towards the brunette, unaware on the tears now dampening your red tinted cheeks.

"Aki." Like an overused scene form a departing part of a movie, he stopped on his tracks to turn and look at you only to be engulfed in a warm full hug, his hair tickling your cheeks as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

"Please don't feel sorry... I was more than grateful to have meet you. You can tease me as some sort of a cringe-worthy friend later on but... I am one lucky person to be destined to cross paths with someone like you, please remember that." You felt the back of your shirt getting a little wet, knowing that the brunette is currently shedding some painful tears and that fact alone scrapped your heart.

You pulled out from the hug before holding your hands with his. You wiped the salty liquid designing his face with your fingers and took a step closer towards him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I'm going to miss you, Aki..." 

With this, the boy took your hands and placed a peck on it as well, a shaky yet bright smile now adorning his perfectly defined face that seemed to shine all throughout the dull surroundings of the airport; the bright shaky smile that will forever leave a good burning feeling in your heart.

"I will miss you the most, (Y/N)..."

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