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I woke up, still thinking about the girl of my dreams

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I woke up, still thinking about the girl of my dreams. "GOOD MORNING, SCUUUUM!" The lunatic cupid greeted me with a glass of milk on his hand. "Want some?" He joyfully offered. "There's no good in the morning" I winced as I contradicted him as I accept the milk. "Do you believed it now?" Ambrose smirked annoyingly. I sighed. "I saw Miss Paige thrice but I still don't consider her as the girl of my dreams," I stated as I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. "I don't get you" He crossed his arms as he followed me. "Don't you like the girl destined to you? Don't you like Miss Paige?" He questioned. I stopped brushing my teeth to face him. "Do you think she likes me?" I asked him back with my brows lifted. ".....I dunno...I can't read her." Ambrose replied. "Your reply was my answer to your question," I stated and resumed from brushing.

"Still not believing that she's your destiny?" I glared at him as I heard the word destiny. "I'll gonna buy a box of cereal on the grocery store. For God's sake, Don't try to follow me!" I said, leering at him. As I reached the store, I immediately picked up the two cereal boxes and joined the line in the counter.

"Paige! Its been a long time! How you doin'?" I turned around to see who was talking to Miss Paige. "Nothing special, just looking for something. How's your day, Baron?" She response. "Hmmm, why don't we eat lunch together? A friendly lunch. Are you free later?" Baron Corbin suggested with a smile on his face. "I'm not sure yet if I can go with you. I'll just text you." Miss Paige and Corbin nodded. "Sir, you're next" A kid behind me said as he pointed the counter. "Ooops sorry" I winced and stepped near to the counter. I quickly gave my credit card to the cashier lady and I placed my sight back on Miss Paige.

"Here's a flower for you! See you later, Paige!" Baron gave her a single flower and went outside. "Hey! Faster!" I told the cashier lady. She was still typing the bar code of my cereal for how many times. "Oh geez, its already nine o'clock" I heard Miss Paige said that and she proceeds to the exit without buying anything. "Hey! Come' on! hurry!" I yelled at the slow woman. "The bar code gets invalid all the time, Sir," She said. "Argh! Alright! I won't buy them anymore!" I yelled as I rushed to the exit. I searched for Miss Paige but I couldn't longer see her.

But on the other hand, I caught Baron Corbin hiding behind a blue Ferrari, talking with someone on his phone. I secretly went near to him to listen to their conversation. "Jinder, are you still there?" Corbin asked. "Do you get it now?.....snatch her sling bag, porch, wallet, or whatever in a fast way! Just focused and be faster while my job is to distract her! get it?" Corbin explained in a low voice. I furrowed my brow as I listen to them. Who's her he was talking about? Is it Miss Paige?!

✘ SETH ROLLINS + PAIGE // THAT THING CALLED DESTINY.Where stories live. Discover now