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AFTER GAINING A SLIVER OF INFORMATION FROM VERONICA, ARABELLA SET OUT TO FIND THE RULER. Although, with barely any known information about purgatory or who the hell controlled it, the task itself wasn't exactly easy. The only thing that would give her further information was a Veronica who was too snarky for her taste.
Instead of eternally becoming confused, she set forth to explore the place she was in for too long. Although, she did make sure to prepare, somewhat. Even with her ability to kill and even maim the things that came at her, she figured out an easier solution. When in a forest-like place, there was enough supplies to gather for fundamental tools.
She had enough materials for a handy spear, one sharpened to perfection with the use of iron & rock while the base mainly consisting of wood constructed with her bare hands. It was made for killing and it would do just that.
After attaining the essentials for what she planned to do, she set off to traverse the forest for something she had seen at one point. She had sworn she saw some building, a castle of sorts. It had reminded her of the trecherous palace she dared to call home so long ago. She didn't know how long it had been since she arrived at purgatory but she recognized it had been too long.
As she went through the forest, only the mere and low sounds of the forest remained. But even at that moment, her mind was elsewhere. She had wondered how meeting with the ruler would go as well as how life out of purgatory would be. It was all she had known for however long she had been trapped. Would she be trapped in some futuristic world she knew nothing of or in a world where the Mikaelsons still remained? Although, she had also wondered if she would even be acceptable in such a society when all she knew now was death and isolation.
She would had been more useful in a war full of martyrs rather than a home, much less in the arms of someone she still cherished. Even with the numbness still sinking in, clearly there, she constantly thought of Kol & his siblings. She would had killed an eternity's worth of armies just to see them, more so him. She felt like perhaps she would regain the part of her humanity that was lost decades ago. Any human interaction probably would had the same effect. But, beggars couldn't be choosers.
Soon enough, an unexpected noise catches her attention, dragging her out of her previous thoughts. Her eyes glance all around only to see the werewolf she was eternally aggravated with. She groaned as she ran faster towards the palace she had only witnessed once before. Her feet could feel the steady ground with each pulsing second like the various times before when facing off against the beastly werewolf. She could remember each tear and splitting of flesh from all the times she perished at the hands of it. The memories flashing before her eyes in need of some kind of release, the hope that she'd finally escape the hell hole she resided in, the fear of never seeing the Mikaelsons again. It was a cycle she seemed to break after so long.
As she can hear it's footsteps nearing closer & closer, second by second, she jumps up only to land back down on it's head with tremendous force. She practically crushes it's skull with her legs as she hears it's painful whimpers. Her eyes cascade over it's white as snow fur, admiring it's horrific beauty. Soon, the blood comes pouring from it's now fractured skull onto the ground but Arabella only puts more pressure upon its body before pulling out the very spear she handcrafted. With the slick movement of her well manicured hands, she pushes it downward, it puncturing the werewolf's heart. The pure sound of bone crushing and it's heart being torn through doesn't seem to affect her in the slightest.
She then mumbles a simple 'Hmph' before taking the spear from it's body to bring it back to her side. She jumps off the fresh corpse to continue on her quest for the palace. And only hours later, she can see it in plain sight in all it's depressing glory. Her dull eyes and at this point, dead heart become somewhat alive at the very thought. Even if she wasn't going to get out of Purgatory, then at least, she'd be able to enact some kind of revenge she had played out in her head.
And oh, she would but not in a way she foresaw.
── Authors Note ── It feels like it's been so long since I last updated but it hasn't been THAT long??
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