"come on losers, if you take any longer the sushi place will close before we even arrive." y/n said to the group of boys who were finishing up practice. jisung was the first one to finish and he waited with y/n at the door."you know, you've all improved so much since your debut.. it's been so long since i've watched one of your groups' practices.." y/n suddenly said, breaking the silence between her and jisung. she wasn't lying. she and the boys were extremely close before and they even all practiced together. as it got closer to the boys' debut, they found themselves being distanced from each other. it wasn't intentional, more of a thing where they just became too busy for one another.
y/n's words made jisung smile. "i'm sure you have improved too." the poor boy didn't know how to take the complement. he knew she wasn't talking about just him, so why did he feel like she complimented only him?
he just looked down at her awkwardly while the other members gathered around them.
"let's go!" y/n heard renjun say while grabbing someone's wrist. it wasn't hers but that person grabbed someone else's. it turned into a chain with all of them pulling each other by the wrists. y/n was near the end of the chain, between jeno and jisung.
the groups laughter filled the hallways as they exited the building and got into one of the companies cars. the car ride was filled with laughter and memories being shared. it reminded them all of old times, with the addition of chenle and renjun of course.
mark was the first one out of the car and he ran inside the sushi restaurant to get their table. y/n got out after everyone and looked around the mall to see if there were any stores she could buy stuff for her next night in. when she located one, she decided she'd go visit it after.
the female got in slightly after the others and sat in the only open seat. the one next to jaemin. rather than buying individual orders, the boys ordered one big platter of sushi for them all to share. since jaemin was paying he was happy that it wasn't that expensive.
they all began to eat. it was quiet for a bit, which was surprising considering who was at the table.
"so y/n. what's your friends name?" she heard jeno ask. it made y/n smile and send him a teasing smile. she knew he wasn't talking about yuri since she also is their childhood friend. "are you talking about chaeyoung?" she asked but only received a nod from the male.
"why're you asking her hm?" chenle then began to tease the older. he then asked. "do you perhaps like chaeyoung?"
"what? i don't know what you're talking about.. none of us have really talked to her before so i was just wondering." jeno defended himself while shaking his hands in a way that meant 'no I do not.'
"let's not tease him- he was probably just curious. but just know she is a very talented rapper." y/n said and caught the attention of mark with the words 'rapper'.
it seemed like he was going to say something but was interrupted by donghyuck. "whO took the last california role?" his glare evident as jaemin began to eat his california role happily. "nana..." donghyuck began and stood up. mark held the males wrist pulling him back into his seat.
jisung, who was sitting in front of y/n, got up from his seat to try and get the soy sauce from the other side of the table. his clumsiness caused him to slightly stumble over and knock his arm on a glass of water. the glass tipped over and spilled all over someone. if you know how fan fictions go, you'd only assume that it spilled on y/n. so if that is what you were thinking, you're right.
"ah, shi-" jaemin covers her mouth with his hand before y/n could cuss. he gives her a look gesturing to jisung and chenle. "they're probably not even that pure." y/n mumbled slightly frustratedly to jaemin while removing his hand from over her mouth.
"do you need some help?" jisung asked quietly. only to receive a confused look from y/n. "do you need some help?" he asked louder this time while gathering napkins from the table and passing them to her, earning a smile from the female.
"i'll be fine. i just need to get cleaned up. i'm sure i have an extra pair of pants in my bag." y/n then excused herself from the table and went to the bathroom with her bag in hand.
an hour later, everyone was done eating. they were all too busy making fun of each other and making jokes to realize how much time has passed. eventually y/n realized she hadn't gotten her stuff from the store yet.
"i need to go out and get some things for yuri and chaeyoung.. you boys can go ahead back to the dorms. the company car is here anyways." the female got up but was followed by renjun, then chenle after the other chinese boy pulled him up.
"we can go with you." renjun said with a smile. chenle was frowning slightly since he was interrupted from talking to jisung. "we don't really know you that well yet so we would like to get to know you! right chenle" the older nudged him. "mhm! yes. we will go and help you buy whatever it is you're getting." chenle added on.
"aw, you two are so sweet. but are you sure? you both look.. tired." y/n didn't really want to be alone and was happy that renjun and chenle offered to go with her.
"we're sure. you guys can go ahead back to the dorm. we'll make sure y/n gets back safely too!" chenle said while taking renjun and y/n by the wrists and leaving. jaemin was paying anyways.
𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭.

we grow up. | nct dream
Romancenct dream. a boy group that debuted under sm entertainment. the boys are fairly young. some would say they grew up together. which is because they did. some in the group had been in the company since they were twelve and possibly even younger...