Service of the River Maiden

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Cordelia walked on the water, to get to us. She tapped Gwenyth's forehead, to change shape. I wasn't quite understanding until I saw who it was. There was two different people she became.

"You are worthy. These are the people you came here for. The only people who accepted you. Your friends. You want to help them as they helped you."

"Yes, Miss Cordelia."

She giggled. "Please, it's just Cordelia. About about the other maiden next?"

"Of course, Cordelia."

She tapped my forehead. I could see her go through my entire life. It was strange and shocking, but it was for the best. When I could see again, there was an army of people.

"You are doing this for many. You came here to ask for help clearing your brothers' minds of Irseval's control. You are doing that for not only them, but your deceased parents, your entire kingdom and what's this, another kingdom as well? You are true of heart, Princess Victoria."

When she tapped Bowen's head, one person showed up. Cordelia started crying. "The truest of heart. I have never seen someone so determined to help another. Prince Bowen, the emotion you have in your heart is truly warming. This feeling, I have only felt it once before. I will do it! I'll clear her brothers' minds. I have one condition."

"Anything, Cordelia. I will do anything to help." Bowen cheered, kneeling once again. "Tell me what it is and I'll do it. No matter the danger. Vic has done enough of the dangerous parts. Let me do something for once."

I was shocked at what I had seen. I was shocked at what Bowen had said. Then I realized, since he was so pure of heart, she would test how far he would go. She would really be testing him to see if he was doing it for real reasoning or just blindness.

When Bowen opened his eyes again, seeing something that I couldn't. I couldn't even warn him. I could only hear was Cordelia was saying.  It scared me that much more.

She smiled kindly at him. "Bowen, Prince of Servania, soon to be king of Servania. You have made it through the land of the gods, a fight against Irseval and lived to see this day. I have one question for you. Will you marry me?"

His eyes were no longer foggy. He stood up, frowning. "No! I will not marry you! This is a trick! She would never ask me to marry her!"

"So, you are not blindsided. You are true of heart, Prince Bowen. I'll release your friends and heal the princes that were kidnapped. They'll remember everything that's happened. Good luck on your quest. Oh, and Princess Victoria?"


"I'm sorry."

After we were all safely on Jagg again, we rode back to the others. I found that not only were my brothers being healed by Cordelia, but she had made a wagon for us to put all our things in as we were getting a lot. Each group of two had their own wagons. I smiled brightly at her. She was doing this because of us being true. I never lied, my reasonings were what I knew they were. I was just disappointed of the outcome, though Bowen did pass, it still hurt slightly.

I watched as Cordelia made water flow through the air towards my brothers. It swirled around them in a mix of glowing blue waters and flickering yellow magic light. Their eyes closed as they passed out. Their memories were shown in the waters.

"Interesting. Irseval has forced information into their brains, made false memories that make them different then who they should be. This is quite dangerous magic he is using on them. If he dies, he could put his soul into any of them and nobody would know until it was too late. He would be immortal. He already has the power of a god, at least Princess Victoria has the power to match him. And her secret weapon."

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