Would You Rather

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What will happen is I will leave questions and you leave your answer in the comments below!


No swearing

No criticising other people's answers

You can also leave questions and I will add them in.
When it says: My Answer it is my opinion so please don't take offence if you are passionate about the subject.
Let's get started:

Q1. Would you rather:

Read Harry Potter or Wings Of Fire?

My answer: Too hard

Q2. Would you rather:

Have an elephant or have a cow as a pet?

My answer: Have an elephant and build an enclosure for it

Q3. Would you rather:

Be dirty your hole life or always be dry and clean? (no swimming, going to the beach, climbing trees...)

My answer: Be dirty (My holiday house is surrounded by beaches, trees and soil)

Q4. Would you rather:

Have a boy child or have a girl child?

My answer: Girl

Q5. Would you rather:

Be a zombie or vampire?

My answer: Well... they are both the undead Vampires are cooler and can say more than: "Urrg... brains," so Vampire the only con: Can't go in sunlight.

Q6. Would you rather:

Live in a mansion all alone or live in an apartment with a caring family?

My answer: For me this is obvious I would live in an apartment with a caring family!

Q7. Would you rather:

Be feared or forgotten?

My answer: I would liked to be remembered but only for good reasons, it pains me to say but... *very dramatically* forgotten.

Q8. Would you rather:

Be a heart surgeon or ophiologist?

My answer: I am a snake lover and just to clarify a ophiologist is a scientist who works with snakes so definitely that and a heart surgeon has a lot of pressure on your shoulders.

Q9. Would you rather:

Make a speech in front of 50 important people (Michelle Obama...) or be a isolated judge?

My answer: I have no idea!

Q10. Would you rather:

Watch Full House for the rest of your life over and over or watch Fuller House for the rest of your life over and over.
(If you don't know the show skip the question and write in the comments: Idk the show)

My answer: I would rather Full House because it has more seasons, in my opinion more appealing and I always like the classics!

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