24. The Cave

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Seally pov.

I stood nervously in the dark, tugging at the collar of Christians shirt. It still felt weird to wear in this bigger body. In the distant woods I had heard many sounds such as gunshots as well as the hyper chattering of many monsters. Something was happening.

"This isn't right." I muttered to myself as I turned to look back towards Theo's house where Y/n and the others should've been. The house was vacant, dark, and cold. Things had not gone as planned. I winced as I heard movement in the trees and from among the bushes Melody emerged looking frantic and scared.

"Where have you been?" I ask her and she opens her mouth to answer but then I quickly wave her off before she can mutter a word. "Y/n has gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble." I state and I can see the young elf's eyes go wide and curious.

"Where is she?" Melody asks in a small voice. I pause and place a hand on a nearby tree, feeling the forests energy pulsing through the roots.

"Are you familiar with the Rock Bottom Caves?" I ask her. "They are over in the west near the lakes lip."

Melody thinks it over and then nods slowly.

"You better get over there fast then." I tell her. "Otherwise I'm not responsible for what may happen to your friend." Melody looks me over once cautiously and then nods again before bolting from the scene off to the western lake. Once she is gone I take another minute to feel the energy pulsing through the trees. I sense danger inching around the corner and I can foresee something...unpleasant...in the future.

"A violent death." I mutter absently as I turn back to look up at the moon. "How unfortunate."

Your pov.

First it was too bright and now it was so dark I couldn't see a thing. My eyes seemed to be working fine so I attributed my blindness to my surroundings. Where was I that was so dark that I couldn't see? Even in the dark woods the moonlight was almost always there to cast a faded white light over the treetops. The only thing that assured me I was not dead or sleeping was a hand on mine pulling me forward over what felt like rocky and unstable terrain. Twice I tripped and each time, no sooner then I hit the floor then someone picked me up and forced me to continue walking. It didn't feel like a scary person so I wasn't afraid but I was vaguely aware that I was in some sort of trouble. And then, just as I started to see some light in the distance, I was blindfolded and both my hands were grabbed tightly as I was led along. Various noises reached my ears. Some sounded like people while others sounded like violent animals.

"Where am I?" I asked meekly.

"Not important...now be quiet!" A voice growled and I shivered as I recognized the tone. Eventually the voices died down and I was sat down on what felt like a wooden bench and my hands were tied behind my back.

"Is this the girl?" A different voice asked.

"Yes." Said the one from before.

"You going to kill her?" The voice asked followed by a loud smack where I assumed someone got hit.

"Keep your mouth shut and get back to the work!"

"Okay Theo." The voice grumbled as footsteps quickly walked away. Once they were gone Theo's voice returned.

"You sit there and don't move an inch." Theo ordered. "I'll be back to deal with you later." And with that he left and I was alone...or so I thought.

"Y/n?" A small male voice called out to me.

"...hello?" I called back as I struggled with my restraints.

"Y/n its me!"

I paused a second to think.

"Christian?" I called out and I could hear someone shuffle closer to me but then stop.

"Y/n are you okay?" Christian asked and I breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of his voice.

"I'm fine." I told him. "What about you?"

"He's a little beaten up." A female voice answered.

"Shut up Patty!" Christian growled. "Don't tell her that!"

"Its true!"

"Is Patty here too?" I asked.

"I'm here." Her voice called out. She sounded a bit farther away.

"What happend?" I asked. "How did you guys get here?"

"After you ran off towards the gun shots we got ambushed by Theo and his goons. There were like a dozen of them. We didn't stand a chance. They beat us up and then dragged us off to this cave."

"We are in a cave?" I asked. I didn't know the forest had caves.

"Yes." Christian answered. There was a minute of silence as I continued to struggle with my restraints. They were getting looser but they were still a long way off from me being able to slip a hand out.

"What do we do?" I asked, slightly panicked, but no one was able to answer because just then footsteps could be heard walking closer and everyone in the room shut up. The footsteps got closer to closer and then I felt someone kneel down next to me. I held my breath as a hand touched my face and then removed my blindfold but even then I hesitated on opening my eyes until...


My eyes snapped open to see Melody kneeling in front of me, her face caked in dirt and dust and her white hair full of twigs and branches.

"Melody?! What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I'm here to free you." She said matter of factly as she untied my hands. I immediately looked around the room to see Patty and Christian who were also blindfolded and tied and as soon as my restraints were off I ran to my brother to undo his. The second the ropes came off he hugged my tightly.

"I really hate these woods." He breathed with a small chuckle as he released me and ran to help Melody untie Patty who was waiting patiently.

"How did you get here?" I asked Melody once everyone was freed.

"I just slipped in. No one noticed me but I don't think that will still be the case when we all try to leave."

"How do we get out then?" Christian asked.

"Can't we just go out through the back tunnels?" Patty asked as she pointed behind us where the small cave room departed into several tunnels.

"Which one do we take?" I asked as I looked between the different tunnels but we didn't have much time to think as the sound of footsteps echoed down the cave, approaching at an alarming speed.

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