Chapter 8

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         Hermione, Myrah, Mahek, Arav, and Angel brought Kendall to the employees area and set her down on the couch.

"Rennervate," Myrah muttered before quickly tucking her wand away.

Kendall blinked and sat up.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in the employee area." Hermione replied sternly.

"Well I don't like it here, it's too shabby for my liking, I'm leaving." Kendall said snootily.

She almost made it out the door, but Blaise showed up.

"Blaise, thank goodness!" Mahek said.

"What seems to be the problem here, ladies?" Blaise asked.

Before anyone could answer, Kendall cut in to save herself from getting in trouble.

"They were about to lie to get me kicked out!" Kendal let out a fake sob.

Blaise raised his eyebrows and turned to Hermione.

Hermione shook her head at Blaise.

"She stole my key, went into my penthouse, AND flirted with Theon." Hermione explained.

Blaise looked shocked.

He turned and looked at Kendall sternly.

She giggled nervously.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat? I didn't do that!" she lied.

"I'm afraid I have to kick you out Ms. Granger," Blaise said.

"You can't make me leave!" Kendall said in outrage.

Hermione sighed.

"Blaise, leave it. just give her back her key and send her to the rest of our family."

Blaise glared at Kendall before giving her a room key.

Kendall turned around smugly and began to strut out the room.

"Wait," Hermione said.

Kendall turned around with a smirk.

"My penthouse key." Hermione said.

The smirk slipped off Kendall's face as she pulled the key out of her bra and handed it to a disgusted Blaise before walking out of the room.

Blaise dropped the key in a tub of sanitizer before he rubbed the fake tan off of his hands, and handed Hermione another key.

Hermione smiled.

"Thanks, Blaise." she said, then walked toward the elevator with Mahek, Angel, Myrah, and Arav.

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