Chapter 6 - "Just Another Pop Star"

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My heart dropped. Seeing the sadness in his eyes like that made me want to burst out in tears. I felt guilt starting to form in my stomach. I trusted Niall, and I think he trusted me. But, after what I had just said, what if he thought it was all a lie? What if he thought I was just being nice to him because he was living here now? So many questions I didn't know the answers too.

I made my way up the stairs, and saw that Niall was back in the guest room. I wanted to talk to him so bad and tell him I didn't mean it, but the boys were in there, and I just couldn't bring up the nerve to go in there.

After starring at the closed door, I walked to my room.

Closing the door behind me, I headed straight for my dresser, taking out a pair of short pajama shorts and a tank top. Then quickly changing into them. My room was burning up and I didn't want to melt during the night, so I decided this was a good choice.

I slipped the hair tie I was wearing off my wrist, and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I pulled down the covers of my perfectly made bed, and got in, wrapping the blanket around me. I clenched the blanket in my fist, and brought it up to my chin.

Closing my eyes, I started to think about my plans for tomorrow. I had to wake up at 6, then go to the studio and practice. Then, I would get home and get ready for the dinner with the boys. I began to wonder if my dad was coming with us. Who am I kidding? Since when does my dad go anywhere with me?

I sighed, as I slowly started to drift off to sleep.


I groaned, throwing the pillow over my head, trying to block out the annoying noise of my alarm clock going off.

Deciding it wasn't going to stop, I reached over and hit the top of it with my hand. I removed the pillow from my face, and got up, making my way to the bathroom down the hall.

Pulling on the shower curtain, I slid it open and turned on the shower. The hot jets of water coming down and hitting my skin, removing all of the stickiness of the sweat that had formed on my body overnight in my hot room.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. After making sure the hallway was clear, I walked to my room and changed into my dance clothes. A pair of black sweats with the words 'I love dance' on one of the legs, a red tank top, and a pair of white shoes.

Then I went back into the bathroom, and blow dried by hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I decided not to apply any makeup, because it would have come off by the time I left the studio anyway.

I gave one last look in the mirror, and headed out of the bathroom when I ran into Niall.

This brought back memories of the first morning they stayed here. I was making alterations to my appearance when I walked out and ran into Niall. I remember looking up into his eyes and just forgetting about everything. Like I was in a different world. All sound was gone and all I could focus on was his bright blue eyes, until he started to wave his hand in front of my face. I tried to suppress a smile as I thought of this.

"Sorry." I said, and he just continued his walk back to his room. He didn't even look at me. Like I was invisible, and it didn't even happen.

Guilt started to take over me, and I just shrugged it off.

I walked downstairs, and took my keys off the table by the front door. "I'm leaving!" I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the house.

Turning the handle to the door, I exited the house. I hopped in my car and started my 45 minute drive to the studio.


"Right, right, right, over, slide.." Coach Anthony yelled, while me and the other dancers did the dance moves.

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I've been dancing for about 5 years and I still love to do it. Dancing is like being in a whole new world. I forget about all my problems and just focus on the music as I dance. Each move fitting perfectly together with each beat of the song.

I'm top dancer in my class, so I'm positioned in the front, at the middle. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't too excited about this. I didn't like being the center of attention, especially while dancing. Yeah, I'm good, but it's so nerve racking. Like everyone's watching you.

The music stopped, and we all froze in our last positions of our dance. "That was great! 5 minute break!" Coach Anthony exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

I walked over to my bag, and pulled out a water bottle. The cool liquid slipping down my throat. I was about to swallow the water, when I began to choke at what I saw. I finally contained myself, and I ran over to the other side of the gym.

"Niall!" I yell whispered, looking around, making sure no one could see us. "You can't be here! If my coach see's you, I'm done!" I said, with wide eyes. "We need to talk." He whispered, looking down at me. "I'm kind of busy." I said, gesturing to everyone who were about to start dancing again. "I know but-"

"Megan?" I heard coach Anthony say behind me. "Shit." I sighed, slowly turning around. "Yeah?" I asked. "Isn't this the boy from last night?" He questioned, pointing to Niall. I looked back at him, then turned back to Anthony. "Uh..Yeah." I replied.

"And.. He's not a boyfriend, right? Just another pop star?" He asked, crossing his arms, waiting for my reply. I turned back to look at Niall again, and he sat there waiting to see what I was gonna say. "Um.." I started.

Okay Megan, don't screw this up. What should I say? 'No, he's just a good friend.' No. Coach Anthony would question what I meant by 'good friend'. He may be a coach, but he's not stupid. And since he knows my dad, he knows me. Unfortunately, he also knows when I'm lying.

My palms started to break out in a sweat, and I could feel my heart beating faster. Ba Bum, Ba Bum, Ba Bum. I looked back at Anthony, and he's eyes were looking straight at me. Like he could see right through me. I couldn't take it anymore, and I blurted out my answer.


I'm such an idiot.

"Well what's he doing here?" Anthony asked. "Uh-" I was interrupted by Niall. "Her dad sent me to check up on her. There were some problems last night." He lied.

"Okay. Well, you need to get back to practicing Megan." Coach Anthony said, walking back out to the other dancers.

I turned around. "Thank you." I said, looking up at Niall. "Whatever." He snapped, then turned around and walked out the gym doors.

I felt like my heart had just been pulled out of me. But not by Niall. By me. I had a chance to fix this, and say that Niall wasn't just a pop star. He was at first, but now he's a really good friend. It's just that telling Coach Anthony this was so hard. The rules are strict and if Anthony even THOUGHT that I had a boyfriend. He could throw me my bag, scratch my name from the list, and kick me out of the studio and tell me I could never come back. I could lose my whole dream, by breaking one simple rule.


"Hey!" Louis yelled, as I entered the house. "Are you still coming to dinner?" He asked. "Yeah. Let me take a shower and get ready, then I'll be downstairs." I said, giving him a small smile.

I took a quick shower and changed into a gray floral top, a pair of skinny jeans, and some dark purple high heel boots.

We weren't going anywhere fancy, so I dressed casual, but still a little dressed up. For my hair, I curled it into thick waves and let them fall around my shoulders. (

Satisfied with how I looked, I began walking downstairs. All the boys were in the living room waiting for me, as I was the last one to finish getting ready.

"Ready?" I asked, entering the living room. "You look great!" Harry complemented. I blushed and Niall gave Harry a look. "Thanks!"

We all headed out the door and piled into the car. Harry was driving, Louis was in the passenger seat, and me, Liam, Niall, and Zayn, were in the back. I was sitting by the window, next to Liam.

Watching as we pasted multiple buildings and cars, I began to think about this dinner. It was going to be so awkward with what happened earlier today. I hope none of the boys know. Surely they don't, or they probably would have brought it up by now. They're pretty open people.

We pulled up to the restaurant, and I was surprised at what I saw. "Um.. Why are there paparazzi here?" I asked, suddenly becoming nervous. "Were One Direction, Megan." Liam chuckled. He noticed I was worried and said, "Its fine. Just follow us and don't answer any questions." I nodded.

As I got out of the car, I was blinded by multiple camera flashes going off at once. They started to yell out questions at us.





Pushing through everyone, we finally got in the building. "Can you remind me to never go out with you guys again?" I said, fixing my shirt and hair. They all started to laugh. "You'll get used to it." Zayn assured me.

The waitress showed us to our table and we all sat down. I sat in between Louis and Zayn.


Our food had arrived, and we were now eating. "So, how was dance?" Liam asked me. "Um..Great." I said, giving him a smile. I looked at Niall but he just focused on his food, not paying attention to anyone. "Are you good?" Harry asked. "Yeah I guess, I'm top of my class." I replied. "Wow!" Zayn added.

Louis nudged Niall. "Are you gonna talk? You know were having this dinner so we could get to know Megan." Niall looked up at me. "I already know enough." He snapped, still keeping his eyes on me.

"Woah. Are you two okay?" Liam asked. I took my gaze off Niall and looked at Liam. "Yeah were fine." I assured him, giving him a fake smile. "So you two are friends." Liam asked, not fully convinced with my last answer. "Yeah." I nodded.

"We are?" Niall challenged. "Cause I thought I was just another pop star your dad was working with." I looked at Niall and just stared at him. "Am I wrong?" Niall asked, with anger in his voice.

"Niall, can we talk about this later?" I asked, not speaking as loud as him, because people were started to stare. "Why?! I tried to talk to you earlier!" He said, raising his voice. "Niall! You came to my studio! You could've gotten me kicked out of the studio and the whole competition!" I snapped, now yelling at him.

"But I didn't did I?! I helped you AND lied to your coach so you wouldn't get in trouble! But, I guess I shouldn't have done that because only friends do that, and according to you I'm not a friend. I'm just another pop star you have to deal with." He yelled back at me, his tone getting more serious at the end. I didn't say anything, and he sighed. "You know I actually felt bad. That night when you told me everything, you said nobody else knew, I felt bad. I thought you were different then all the other stuck up rich girls, but now I'm not so sure." He said, getting up from his seat, and walking out of the restaurant.

I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to do. "Are you okay?" Louis asked, putting his arm around me. I looked up at everyone. "Yeah. Can we just go?" I asked. They nodded and we made our way back to the car.

I guess Niall took a cab home. The whole ride back I couldn't help but feel so guilty! All of this was my fault. Just because of one stupid rule. Niall helped me with my problems and let me talk to him about everything that was bothering me. He listened and comforted me. Even though he barely knew me, he gave me so much. Now, all Niall wanted was to be labeled as my friend, and I wouldn't even give him that.

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