[Jennie]Her dumb face was so elegant at the same time. She pissed me so much but the way her baggy sweatpants contrasted with the spaghetti strap crop top that went to her navel made me want to squeeze her tight. The flurry of emotions whirled within me were insanely scary and I didn't know what to do or say to the stupid grin on her face. So I ran. I turned on my heel and jumped to the next building over.
I had about 15 steps on each foot until I looked behind me to see no one there, "Huh?"Then next thing I know, I'm sitting on my butt on the concrete beneath me, Lalisa Manoban looking down at me with an apologetic grin and I tilt of her head, "Oh sorry, but didn't your parents tell you to look forwards when you walk?"
She held out a hand to try to help me up which was accompanied by a smile. I rejected both, a quick disappointed tint in her eyes, "No, they didn't," I spat and ran to the left, my steps even faster. I counted thirty on each step before looking to my sides, seeing a running Lisa beside me, "Hi,"I screamed out in frustration before turning to the left again, heading into the direction I was in originally, "Where are you going?"
"Don't follow me!" I screeched out with a voice of rebuttal as I ran faster and faster.But somehow she was able to keep up. Hell, she began skipping over the rocks and pebbles, her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants, and the wind making her hair following behind her in a languid distance, "I'm getting the hand of this," she chuckled casually which made my nerves only burn with anger, "I know why Taehyung said you would like this, it's pretty relax—AHH!"
The second her mouth uttered Taehyung's name, my mind snapped. I tackled her in the air, our bodies gliding onto another building as if there weren't hundreds of feet under us. I did a dive roll to ease out of the air but she landed on her side, the gravel of this particular building probably injuring her immensely. I quickly ridded of the weak thoughts that pitied this girl before me, "Owie, that shit hurted— WHAT THE FUCK!"
I tackled her again but we stayed on the floor. The side of my forearm was to her throat and my legs straddled her waist so she was unable to move, my other arm supporting my weight next to her head.
I loomed over her and was actually impressed with myself at how strong I was just then, "HOW DO YOU KNOW KIM TAEHYUNG?" I barked in her face.
She coughed a bit before looking up at me, "Damn, my breath was knocked out of me, twice—"
"OH MY FUCKING GODDESS CAN YOU NOT INTERRUPT ME WHILE I'M SPEAKING BY ASSAULTING ME PHYSICALLY OR WITH WORDS?! I WOULD HAVE SHUT UP IF YOU JUST ASKED ME NICELY!" She yelled back, a vein popping from her forehead either from the position we were in or because of her anger. My forearm is a bit tight around her neck. That's probably it.
"Sorry, umm, just tell me," I responded with a lower tone of voice that wasn't as violent as the other, "How do you know Kim Taehyung?"
She looked at me up and down and side to side, then back at me with a small smile as if she were a child, "Hehe, I'm turned on, I like rough Jennie,"
Her child like expression that contrasted with her obscene words which not only made me extremely uncomfortable, but she refused to answer my question, "HOW DO YOU KNOW KIM TAEHYUNG!?" I yelled again, since that seemed to at least get her to listen to the loudness of your voice. Maybe this time she actually listen.She blinked and the childlike smile was on her face again, which led me to mentally prepare myself for any sexual harassment, "Oh, Taehyungie? That's my bro,"
"Your bro?"
"He's the one who told me how to find you," she nodded but leaned her neck to the side with an uncomfortable expression, "and although I love being pinned down by you, hun, I honestly do with everything in me, my neck hurts really bad from this concrete, so could we maybe do this on a fluffy bed or maybe—"
It took me a minute to process her thoughts. There was no way she could've found me this quickly without any help, it's only been two hours. Also, how would she know Taehyung? Maybe—
"Love?" She called, snapping me out my thoughts.
I looked down at her with an irritated expression, hurt spreading in my heart, "Don't call me that,"She pouted, "Well, what do you want to be called?"
"Kim Jennie," I replied curtly.
She scoffed underneath me and rolled her eyes, "Oh that's no fun, what about baby?"
Ew, I'm not an infant.
"Sweetheart?"I gagged inwardly. Hell no, too sappy.
"Kitten?"The way her tongue pressed against her teeth on the second syllable did actually stir something inside of me. But no.
"Can't you call me Kim Jennie?" I drawled in an aggravated groan.
"Wait-Wait, what about mate? Like those Australians 'G'day, mate'." She chuckled under her breath like an old man at her own joke, "Haha, I'm just kidding. I'll call you mate, because you're my mate."
I shook my head, "You are not my mate,"Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "You really don't feel those tingles going through your body right now from us touching?"
I did feel the tingles. I felt them in my core as they slowly travel down to the primal heat in between my thighs. I didn't realize that I had tightened my abdomen so much to keep my lower half still holding myself up. I felt the tingles the second I tackled her. They retreated down my spine in such a satisfying way that being so close to her at this moment was complete torture. I wanted to love her. Feel her. Touch her.
All in the most lewd and crude way.
"No, I don't feel anything,"[author's notes]
omg. I feel so awful.
I tried to heal myself by reading 20 something chapters of a bts imagines book because although yaoimomma loves yaoi, I am yaoimomma and do I love me some of my baby boys myself. I'm not only interested in gay things by the way.
I love all things!
I'm open minded.
Which is probably why I like every ship in bts regardless of who is with who. Haha. Benefit for me bc I can read all the fan fictions I want.
Haha sucks to be you, judgmental loser.
Lol I'm just kidding, I love you too. Everyone has their preferences and I understand that. And that's the essence of being open minded.
OK YAOIMOMMA, lets get back to the point:))
Well I was reading some smut and I was thinking—
"If I can get all hot and heavy with just reading two people getting it on?"
Then I continued to think about it until I came to this conclusion—
but honestly. once I realized that I didn't even wanna look at myself.
Haha.. kms bye bye. "Promise by Jimin which you should totally stream" can't even heal my anagnorisis.
I love you guys. Pray that my anagnorisis allows me to live as a human being.

omega (✔️)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] [JIKOOK] [SOPE] [NAMJIN] [omegaverse] "I hate you so much." Jimin spat as he stared at the taller alpha that could easily rip out his throat in a second or two. "The feelings are mutual, you omega trash." Jungkook retorted with an unden...