It was obvious that Louis was avoiding Harry. He tried making small talks with the lad but he somehow find ways to end or escape their talks. It wasn't rocket science to Harry that Louis was avoiding him because of the things that he said. Harry wanted to apologize but he doesn't know how to start a proper conversation with Louis. Sure, they're living in the same house but it was as if the entire house was separated into two and neither of the lads are seeing each other. They would have breakfast in different times and would only clash ways when they're either getting a bottle of water on the fridge or when using the bathroom.
At some point over the days that passed by, the two boys exchanged awkward transitions when going to the bathroom.
Harry was sure that Louis was sleeping in his bedroom, he tried listening to footsteps on the corridor sensing if Louis was out there but for the entire hour, footsteps weren't heard so he decided to take a bath. He took off his clothes and even his boxers and wrapped a towel on his lower part and went straight into the bathroom. He jumped inside, closed the shower curtains, and opened the shower adjusting the heat and jumped in as he found the right temperature. Harry likes hot showers, it helps his tensed muscles relax and the steam makes him calm. He picked up the shampoo and washed his curls, smiling at the apple scent of the shampoo. He rinsed his curls and put some conditioner on it and grabbed the loofa as he place some shower gel on it. He might get insulted for his showering rituals, but he likes it this way considering the bubbles are really fluffy and makes you smell good. As he was rubbing the loofa on his arms struggling to reach his back, he heard someone closing the door. At first, Harry didn't mind since he thought that it's just something else but when he heard humming from the other side of the curtain he immediately opened it and was shocked when seeing Louis.
Louis has his headphones on and is humming to whatever he's listening to, his eyes hooded seeming that he just woke up and was now peeing. HE WAS ACTUALLY PEEING INFRONT OF HARRY he was holding his dickaroo as he pee. When Harry opened the curtain, suds still spread all over his body, Louis in return jolted as he was shocked by Harry's sudden appearance
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Harry said his eyes wide
"HOLY SHIT---!!!!!" Louis jolted his eyes wide open, faced Harry with his shock expression.
"OH MY FREAKIN' GOSH LOUIS STOP PEEING ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!!" Harry shouted as he eyed Louis who was still peeing but not on the cubicle this time but on the floor since he was shocked by Harry.
"I CAN'T STOP!! I CAN'T STOP!!!" Louis said panicking while motioning back to the toilet "CLOSE THE CURTAINS YOU FOOKIN' PERV!!!!" Louis shouted, his cheeks flushed.
Harry's own eyes widened as he realized that he was also naked. He quickly closed the curtains letting the water run down his body as he bite his nails in horror. Harry heard a flush and a slam on the door after and he peeked through the curtains and sighed in relief as he saw that Louis wasn't there anymore. But there was a pool of pee on the bathroom floor and his slippers were on the other side. Harry sighed.
"Bloody hell." Harry muttered.
Now he's the one who's going to clean up Louis' pee on the floor. BAREFOOT.
As soon as Harry cleaned up the bathroom, he angrily marched down the stairs and found Louis sitting lazily on the couch watching a movie on Netflix. His cheeks was flushed when he caught a sight of Harry but he immediately composed himself and acted tough.
"You could've just cleaned your pee." Harry said in his low voice.
"I flushed the toilet." Louis said in defense.
"The POOL OF PEA that you created!" Harry said his tone rising
Louis' eyes went wide, his cheeks turning crimson red in embarrassment. "W-Well, It's your fault anyway. You should've just locked the door! How the fuck will I know that you were in there showering!?" Louis sassed.
Harry gave Louis a glare which Louis gave in return.
Few days passed, another embarrassing moment happened again.
Harry was all alone in the house, he was content since Louis have just gone out so he peeped out his door and made his way downstairs. He was about to do yoga since he learned from his sister when he was back in Cheshire that yoga helps you relax and they've been doing it ever since. Harry was now wearing his gray shirt together with his yoga pants (which he bought with his sister back in Cheshire and Gemma swore that Harry's bum would look good with it so Harry bought them.) He placed the yoga cd inside the player and neatly placed his yoga mat infront of the television as he waited for the cd to load.
"Welcome back to fitness class! So today, we are going to start with the basics... Let's warm up first! Put your hands up and stretch as high as you can. Like this." The instructor on the television stretched her arms and Harry did the same as well.
"Now, hold your hips and bend backwards. Like this." Harry placed his hands on his waist and carefully bent backwards. He stumbled a bit which made him fall to the ground. He grumbled and cursed his long legs as he stood up and continued stretching.
"Now, Turn around and bend forward and reach the floor." Harry immediately turned around, distanced his self from the mini table that was on the center of the living room so that he wouldn't hit it and he slowl bent forward, his arse sticking in the air.
"1...2...3...4...5...6..7—" As Harry waited for the countings to be done, he heard the front door opening. His heartbeat went faster. In between his legs, he could see Louis on the front door. He was in a tracksuit and his face went pale and shocked when he saw Harry's arse facing him on full show. Embarrassment washed through Harry's entire body and as soon as he decided to stand up, his head hit the end of the table which made him curl into a messy ball in the living room area. Louis was still standing there shocked when Harry awkwardly stood up. His face was crimson red in embarrassment when he faced the shorter lad.
"I....w-was d-doing yoga..." Harry awkwardly said while gesturing to the television.
Louis nodded as he gulped "Y-Yeah. I f-figured."
Harry squinted as he took in Louis' still shocked expression. He run up the stairs quickly to avoid the awkwardness but with his long legs and pigeon toes, he tripped on the 3rd step, a chuckle was heard from Louis. Harry glared at the boy and stood up and practically sprinted his way to his room and locked the door.
He could still hear the instructor on the DVD from downstairs. He sighed loudly as he grumbled and strangled his curls in embarrassment.
Right now, Harry figured that Louis was acting rubbish. He was taking advantage of Harry's embarrassing moments and Harry's had enough. That's why here he is now, in their kitchen and scooping up a spoonful of mayonnaise and dumping it inside a yogurt box.
Harry thought about this plan of his for days. And since he noticed that Louis likes yogurts so much and despises mayonnaise, he figured to give 'em a twist. As soon as he emptied the jar of mayonnaise and practically dumping it inside the empty yogurt box, he closed the box and placed it in the refrigerator. Harry threw the mayonnaise bottle on the trash and walked to the living room with a smug grin.
He relaxed himself at the couch and flicked through the channels as he wait for Louis to come down and get some snacks on the fridge. Harry knows by now that every mid-day, everytime Louis' at home, he would always snoop through the kitchen and get himself a snack for the day. That's why when Harry heard Louis' door opening from upstairs he smiled triumphantly and quickly made a serious face when Louis padded down the stairs. He gave Louis a stare which Louis returned also and they broke eye contact. As soon as Louis was making his way to the kitchen Harry couldn't help himself but to chuckle as he anticipates Louis' reaction. He could hear the refrigerator opening and closing and the box of yogurt was opened and all of a sudden.....
"OH MY FOOKIN' GOSH!!!!" Louis' high-pitched voice echoed the entire room and Harry let out a loud laugh.
He suddenly heard angry footsteps making its way to the living room but when Harry was about get up and escape, sticky white mayonnaise was dumped in his head. Some of it slowly dropping into Harry's eyes.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Harry screamed as he tried whipping the mayonnaise off of his curls.
It was now really sticky.
"That's for switching mi yogurt to that fookin' mayonnaise, Styles." Louis sassed as he smiled triumphantly.
Harry glared at the shorter lad and immediately grabbed a fistful of mayonnaise that was damped in his hair and smacked it into Louis' face as he was laughing.
Louis' laughing episodes was eventually halted when the mayonnaise made contact on his face and now his whole face is covered in mayonnaise.
Harry laughed out loud as Louis was now bursting in anger.
And that's just a not-so-normal day in the Styles-Tomlinson household.
Author's Note: This chapter is just kind of a filler that's why is short and nothing big happened here, just them goofin' around and messing with each other cause I think it's cute. Hehe.
Comment down your insights? Let me know.