Chapter one

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I wake up to the annoying voice of my step mother. Lucinda.


I groan and slowly get out of bed. I get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast.

"What are you doing?!?" my step mother asks me as I'm getting out the cereal.

"Having breakfast..." I slowly say.


"But I'm hungry!" I argue.

"You can eat once you've cleaned young lady!" She says walking off.

"What about Olivia, why can't she help!" I yell out to her from the kitchen.

"ITS HER BIRTHDAY!" She yells back. Olivia is my step sister. Thank goodness theres only one of her because if I had two evil step sisters I wouldn't be able to live. I start cleaning and then there is a knock at the door.

"ELLA THE DOOR!" Lucinda yells from upstairs.

I put down my broom and go get the door. I open the door only to see five young guys standing at the door with some instruments. I feel so embarrassed because I look like shit right now. My hair is in a messy bun and its extra messy because I've been cleaning. Plus my clothes are a little dirty from cleaning too.

"Uhhhhh h-hi.. who a-are you?" I say, stuttering. Why am I stuttering, I never stutter... but the five boys in front of me are all really cute. One steps up and puts his hand out. I stare at him for a second. He has light brown hair, it looks soft, but his eyes, oh his eyes are gorgeous. They're light blue.

"Hi I'm Daniel" I shake his hand. WoAh, that was weird, I felt... felt some sort of electricity... I don't know what it was but it definitely felt electric... he must of felt it too because he's looking at me with a blank face, his blue eyes wide, we stop shaking hands but still holding hands.

"I uhhhh W-we are why don't we" He finally says letting go of my hand.

"Who?" I say confused.

Another one steps up and introduces the rest of them " I find it sad that you don't know who we are, but anyway. Hi, Im Jonah that's corbyn, jack and Zach. We are the band and we are here to sing for a girl named Olivia, for her birthday party." He says, this one is tall, dark haired and he has brown eyes.

"Oh right sorry I don't know your band, and I totally space about this, I will let my..." I stop, I'm not allowed to tell people I'm her step daughter unless they already know. I'm not entirely sure why though. "I'll let lucinda know, come inside, the kitchen is down the hall to your right." I say pointing to it. I go upstairs to tell Lucinda.

"The band is here." I say Olivia obviously hears me because she screams so loudly it hurts my ears, even though she is in the room next to us.

"Ok you can keep cleaning" She says sending me downstairs. I got to the kitchen to finish the dishes. Lucinda follows so she can meet the guest. They all introduce themselves to her and then Daniel comes up to me to say something but before he can get one word out, Lucinda steps in.

"Daniel she is our servant and in this house you don't talk to the servants" She says to Daniel but is giving me a stern look.

"Oh um sorry I didn't know" he says looking down and going back to his seat. Poor guy all he wanted to do was talk to me.

"So lucinda how come you got us to come so early? The party doesn't start for like another 3 hours." One of the boys say. Jack I think his name was.

"Oh yes sorry about that I accidentally sent you the wrong time. Plus I thought you guys would need to do sound checks and set up and stuff." She says with a grin on her face. She really just wanted more time for her and Olivia to get to know them. Silence feels the air and out of no where lucinda shouts at me.

"ELLA!" She says I jump still wiping some plates.

"Yes?" I say in annoyed voice

"Go see if your Olivia is okay." She says smiling. I know she is trying hard to keep that smile on her face.

"Okay let me just finish wiping this pla-" She cuts me off.

"NOW!" She says I jump a lot more this time and accidentally dropped the plate. It smashes to pieces on the floor. The boys stare.

"Look at what you've done! Clean it up!" She says sitting down frustrated. Daniel gets up to come over and help.

"Daniel! Don't help her she is the servant so she must do it herself!" She says in a stern voice.

Hiya guys and gals I hope that this is ok for the first chapter, I hope ya'll liked it and I hope you continue reading too! <3

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