Your watching the teacher drag on about how the different 'its' are important. Mkay, people are going to be SPEAKING, not writing an essay full of 'it's ' and 'its'. But, what you ARE gonna do is get out of that class in 5....4.....3.....2....1.... FINALLY! SAVED BY THE F'IN BELL!! You head to your locker because you were switching to lunchtime and you had to put everything away and stare at Justin Timberlake. When you open your locker, your not greeted with Justin, though. You were greeted by a note in small letters reading, "Meet me at lunch? -Tom" I remembered what table he say at, so I knew where to go. I ripped the post-it note off the picture and it damaged it a little. I was fine on the inside, but crying on the inside. A girl came over and asked, "are you ok?-" " NO I'M NOT FUCKING OK JUSTIN BROKE" I whisper yelled. "Oh. I am really sorry, (Y/N)." She said. " Wait, how do you know my name? I've never seen you before. " you ask curiously "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Clara. And I know you because I sit behind you in math." Clara responded. Hm. She doesn't quite seem like someone who likes math. Whatever. Time for lunch, and your starving, so you run to the lunchroom and immediately began standing in line. As your standing in line, you are scanning the area, figuring out where Tom is. You find him, grab your lunch, and try to sneak up on him.
I'm waiting here for (Y/N), but I don't see her- "BOO!!" "AhHhHHhH!!!! (Y/N)!!! You scared me!!" But she just replied with, " that 's what I intended on doing. " I have her a death glare, then she sat down and started talking to me. I was Edd, Matt, and Tord sitting at the table across from our table. Tord was looking at me and (Y/N), and then I heard Matt and Edd saying, "You've got a cruuu-uuush!" Over and over again. (Y/N) just looking at me and shoved her (F/F) in her mouth. She's so cute. And if Tord really is trying to steal her, I won't let that happen.
Time skipp, kuz I'm so fukin laziii
Finally your home, now you get to relax- *dInG diNg dOoOO* "UGH!! STUPID PHOOONEEE!!" You scream. You look at the number, and you don't recognize it. You answer anyway.
818-253-9947- (that's not real) hey
Um, who are you? (Y/N)
Tom- it's tom, (Y/N)
How'd you get my number? - (Y/N)
Tom- someone told me to text this number. Maybe wrong number?
Well, it's ok. I could use the company. -(Y/N)
AfTeR A n hOuR oF taLkInG
You asked Tom if he wanted to come over, and he said sure! You also asked what time, he said 8:30 ish.
You and Tom are watching tv and eating pizza. You enjoyed the comfort of his soft hoodie, and his spikey, but fluffy hair. He then said, "You know, Tord wouldn't treat you like this. He would probably be raping you, actually." You blushed at the fact, and never knew he would do that. Sure, he did stare at your ass, but it was only because you were bending over. Right? He isn't a weirdo. ..
A/N : so I was wondering if you guys wanted to end up with tom, or tord. If you want to end up with tord, say 'Norway 4 lyfe'. If you would like to end up with Tom, say 'fuck commie. ' also, if you would like me to throw in some oc's of you guys, say the most inspirational quote you can think of. And only if you don't know any, you can look it up. And if you do look it up, put the authors name. I will take the most inspirational note and use their oc. If you win, I will text you, and I will need your oc name and what gender. If you listened, thanks for reading and I'll see you fried potatoes later. BAIIII
(635 words)

Tom x Reader x Tord
Romance(High school AU) Your 18. Your new to (School name). You always got bullied and kicked around at your old school, so you wanted a change. You better your parents to take your to (School name) just so people didn't bully you. Hopefully it pays off.