"Just a year ago, things were so different."
—"It's about time you show up. I was starting to get impatient." Yoongi huffed as the younger boy finally made it onto the rooftop.
Jeongguk looked down at the ground, "I-I'm sorry.."
"You're a lot more shy than through text. Is there a reason why? Am I too scary for you?" Yoongi slightly smirked, taking a few steps closer to Jeongguk.
Jeongguk slowly shook his head. "I-I-I'm just a little nervous.."
"Why? This isn't the first time we've talked."
"I-I dunno.."
Yoongi suddenly pulled out his phone, "Check your phone."
Agustdx: Is this better?
Kookiemonster97: A little bit..
Agustdx: Are you that scared of me?
Kookiemonster97: No.. I'm just scared you're going to shove me out of the way again. 😢
Agustdx: Eh sorry about that. I was just really cranky.
Kookiemonster97: Its alright Yoongi, sometimes I'm really cranky in the morning so I understand. :)
Agustdx: Mk. So what do we do now?
Kookiemonster97: I'm not sure.. I didn't think any of this through. Do you have anything in mind?
Agustdx: Want to go somewhere?
Kookiemonster97: What do you mean? :O
Agustdx: Like we leave school and go somewhere else.
Kookiemonster97: What? We can't just leave out of the blue. We could fail! 😱
Agustdx: I dont really care about school.
Kookiemonster97: And I quote from Yoongi, "I can't risk failing the semester."
Agustdx: I was lying about that.
Kookiemonster97: I don't want to fail. :(
Agustdx: Suit yourself. I guess we'll just continue to text until lunch is over.
Jeongguk glanced over at Yoongi, his eyes slowly widening, "A-Are you going to leave a-after lunch is over..?"
Yoongi nodded. "If you want you could come with me but since you care about your grades I'm going to assume you're going to stay."
Jeongguk squinted his eyes, he thought about going with Yoongi. He didn't want to fail school but he wanted to get closer to him.
~Ring Ring~
"That's the bell. You should head to class, you don't want to be late. Again." Yoongi grinned cheekily before walking back into the school leaving Jeongguk on the rooftop.
Jeongguk stared down at his hands before running back into the school, chasing after Yoongi, "W-Wait! I want to go with you!"
Yoongi smirked as he glanced at Jeongguk, "Lets go then." The two boys walked out of the school, Jeongguk slightly hesitant about leaving but he did so anyway.
The boys walked down the streets of Seoul, Jeongguk's eyes wondering across the small stores and people walking by.
"What are you looking at?" Yoongi asked, his voice startling Jeongguk.
"I-I was just staring at.. I-I.."
"My God you're really shy."
Jeongguk sighed deeply, his face flushed with embarrassment, "S-Sorry."
Yoongi nodded in response and grabbed onto Jeongguk's arm dragging him into a small café.
"I-Is this a cafe..?" Jeongguk quietly asked the raven haired boy as they were seated at a small table. Yoongi nodded once again, "What are you going to get?"
Jeongguk quickly shook his head, "I'm n-not going to get anything.. thanks though.."
"Why not?"
"I-I...I don't like t- I-I'm just not hungry.." Jeongguk replied, his voice slowly getting quieter. Yoongi decided not to question the younger boy and ordered himself a small desert.
After a few minutes of waiting the waiter brought the desert to the table."Open your mouth." Yoongi brought a fork near Jeongguk's mouth. Jeongguk's eyes slowly widened, "Y-Yoongi I said I wasn't hung- ack!"
Before Jeongguk could finish his debate Yoongi shoved the fork down Jeongguk's mouth, "I didn't ask if you were hungry."
Jeongguk slowly swallowed the piece of food, his eyes quickly looking away from Yoongi. He felt slightly embarrassed for acting so strange around Yoongi but he couldn't help himself. Texting is one thing but actually socializing with someone is a whole different scenario.
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Yoongi put his fork down and stared at the younger boy, his dark intense eyes making Jeongguk flustered, "Y-Y-Yes I'm sure.. thank you.."
"Hm alright then."
"Thank y-you by the way.. for being so nice to me.. e-even when we didn't know about that whole thing.. heh.." Jeongguk giggled nervously, forcing his eyes to look up at Yoongi.
Yoongi nodded and brought the fork close to Jeongguk's mouth again, "You're welcome."
Jeongguk smiled happily before opening his mouth, letting Yoongi put the fork in his mouth. "Aw so cute."
"W-What was c-cute..?"
Yoongi pointed at Jeongguk, his cheeks slightly turning pink.
"W-What..? Did you j-just call me c-cute..?"
"Hah of course not. I was calling that bunny cute ya dummy."
"W-What bunny? Wait w-why would there be a bunny in here in the first place..?"
"The one in front of me."
"B-But I'm in front of you.."
"Clearly you're not catching on. I'm calling you cute dummy."
Jeongguk blushed intensely, shaking his head as Yoongi playfully winked at him. "Ya dummy.~"
Kookiemonster97: Haiii friend!
Agustdx: Hey.
Kookiemonster97: How are you? :)
Agustdx: I'm okay. How about you?
Kookiemonster97: I'm good, thank you for asking! <3
Agustdx: No problem.
Kookiemonster97: Thank you again for today. I had a lot of fun.
Agustdx: This is like the 10th time you've said thank you. You don't need to thank me all the time.
Kookiemonster97: Eh I'm sorry.. you must think I'm really annoying. 😶
Agustdx: Nah. Don't call yourself that. I don't think you're annoying at all.
Kookiemonster97: Aw thank you Yoongi.
Agustdx: You're welcome.
Kookiemonster97: Do you think we could hang out again sometime? ;-;
Agustdx: Yeah.
Kookiemonster97: Yayyyy! Well I'll see you tomorrow at school Yoongi! <3
Agustdx: We don't have school tomorrow.
Kookiemonster97: We don't? Heck I just made a complete fool of myself- 😢
Agustdx: It's fine.
Kookiemonster97: Aww we won't be able to hang out until Monday :(
Agustdx: There's this thing called tomorrow.
Kookiemonster97: Oh pfft- wHat A GrEat IDea YOonGi-
Agustdx: Mk. I'll text you tomorrow.
Kookiemonster97: Alright! Bye Yoongi! 💕💕✨
Agustdx: Bye. ✌️
*Agustdx went offline*
*Kookiemonster97 went offline*