Chapter 6

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Marie pov

Let me tell y'all what happened that day at the shop, when I followed O to the back. I wanted to be a good best friend and leave this man alone but I wanted him to bad. So when we got back there I was feeling on him trying to kiss him but he kept rejecting me. I tried everything grinding on him, letting him see how wet I got but nothing worked. So I told him and how Indy had been fucking his opps.
Even though I had no reason to be jealous of my best friend I was. I had both my parents, I had everything I ever wanted but for some reason I wanted her life. So yes I found her parents and was willing to pay that price to get rid of her.
I knew where India was but make it look good I blew her phone up and asked B-Man why she wasn't answering her phone.

"Where's India" I asked b man

"Meet us at the spot" he said

"Heard" I said and hung up

I was gonna find out everything I could and keep sending them in the wrong direction for as long as I could.

B-Man pov

I knew exactly where to find my parents they always used the same hide out when they handled business. If they think I won't remember they was stupid. But I knew somebody on the inside was snitching I just didn't know who.
After I got there I looked at everybody. The only nigga I really trusted was O. I didn't trust no bitches so I dismissed them all even Marie. I should know my sister best friend wouldn't do anything to harm her but it still wasn't a job for no bitch. It was over 100 niggas here and I been with them all for more than 5 years, I paid them good and if anybody needed anything extra they knew to just ask and I had them. I looked out for all my niggas so I knew it wasn't them. Couldn't be.
I picked a couple niggas and we got in the truck and headed to the spot.
We pulled up down the street and watched for a minute figuring out how we was gone go in.
"Man fuck all this thinking & shit I'm going on shooting everything moving" O said pissed.
"Man shut the fuck up and relax" I said.
"Fuck you nigga, how you know they ain't kill her already" O said.
"Because I know my fucking sister, so this the pl..." he cut me off and said "fuck a plan I'm going in" as he got out the car and ran up to the spot. We all followed.

We kicked the door in and just started shooting. There was no plan so everything moving was getting killed.
"I'm going to find my sister & my parents" I yelled to my boys ducking bullets running downstairs. O followed.
When I got to the room in the basement I heard my mother and father talking to India. Part of me wanted to kill them but the other part was still a little boy who just wanted to cry & hug them.
"Man what the fuck you waiting for" O whispered.
I mugged him. "I know you and my sister fucking and if you wasn't my mans I would have killed you." I said staring at him.
"Nigga can we talk about this after we get her.?" He asked getting even more impatient.
I kicked the door in and my dad turned around and pointed the gun at us. Before anybody started letting off shots I yelled "DONT SHOOT". I got some shit I need to get off my chest.
I looked my momma in her eyes and asked her "why.?". She looked at me and started crying and apologizing. I loved my mother more than anything and to think I was about to have to kill her was breaking a nigga down. It hurt my soul. India was crying, O had his gun pointed at my father and I had mine pointed at my mother.
"You weak bitch, this wasn't part of the plan" my father said as he shot my mother in the head. O shot him before he could shoot us & untied Indy. I stood with my mother body crying for what seemed to be hours. My clean up crew was already on it.

India pov

I couldn't believe it, the 2 people that was supposed to love & protect us had just hurt us bad. I cried and cried all night. I stayed with me and held me and told me that everything was gone be ok. I knew it wasn't but I had to get myself together and fast, all this crying shit wasn't for me.

After I got out the shower I seen that O was gone. He could have said he was leaving but whatever fuck him I was calling my new boo, dayday. Dayday was cute not as cute as my fav 2 but his dick was big so who cares. He was 6'1, only 19, of course he was chocolate just how I like it. But he was skinny. Skinny as fuck. When he got here I got right to it I didn't need to do no kissy kissy and cuddling because all I wanted from him was sex with no feelings involved.

"Dude stop kissing me" I said getting aggravated.
"You know what bruh call one of them other niggas then, all a nigga been tranna do is love you since I took yo fucking virginity but all you wanna do is be a funky ass two dollar hoe all the time" he said leaving me shocked.
"Boy fuck you, you knew my situation before you fucked me, I'm the one who asked you to take my mf virginity so I could do wtf I do" I said starting to cry.
"Naw fuck you, you didn't have to do that shit I would of had you man I could of took care of you but fuck it, when you wanna have some respect for yourself and be treated like a lady, you know my number." He said walking to the door.
"I still love you" he said as he walked out.

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