The Preparations

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The trip didn't take too long. Only a day or two. Only Saiota and Kesair left, she put Resem in charge of the Gerudo Desert while they were gone. Once Saiota stepped foot off of the desert sands and to the stables at the beginning of the canyon trail, the two got horses and went the rest of the way on horseback.

The horse whined as Saiota pulled him to stop at the gates of Hyrule Castle. She dismounted, Kesair followed suit. Saiota's eyes scanned the castle and she marched on.

Once she entered the inner sanctum of the magnificent palace, Zelda was there waiting for her.

It was strange, looking upon Zelda in all her might, now that she had taken the role as Queen of Hyrule. She looked beautiful, dressed in an extravagant blue and silver gown, her eyes sparkled with her wisdom.

"Chief Saiota," she said, her voice official, "What brings you here?"

She marched forward, bowing her head in the proper manner, "I have no doubt my news will surprise you, but Ganondorf has the Triforce of Power and I fear that he will be making an attack soon," she bowed her head now in shame, "I come to you for aid in taking down this great foe. I wish to gather the power of the other two Triforce shards to defeat him, once and for all,"

She could see how conflicted Zelda was from the look on her face, "Why should I help you? After everything that you have brought upon Hyrule?"

"Zelda, you know I am a flawed person," Saiota said, confessing her fears to the world, "I have made so many mistakes, and I regret so many things. I feel I must fix one of these mistakes, and I am powerless to do so. Another mistake of mine was abandoning my friendship with you. But in this time, we must put aside our past decisions and do what is best for our people, mine being the Gerudo and yours all of Hyrule. I can't do this without you,"

A smile tugged at the edges of Zelda's lips.

"Thank you for admitting these things," she said, "I am more than willing to lend you my strength if it means getting rid of this evil that has plagued us for so long," a part of Saiota's heart wanted to scream at Zelda for referring to Ganondorf as 'this evil', "However I don't know where the Triforce of Courage rests. Link has left Hyrule Castle and Castle Town, he has gone to some place in the world I know not,"

"I will find him," she said simply.

"I wish you luck," Zelda smiled, "In the meantime, you can stay here in Hyrule Castle,"

"Thank you," she bowed again and left.

Saiota's hunt for Link started the next day. She and Kesair left again, on horseback. Her first suspicion was to go to Hateno Village. Both because of pure curiosity for the town she used to live in and also because that was where she first met Link. Might as well start at the beginning.

The trip to Hateno village was, again, not too long. She was starting to get tired of riding a horse, though. The village was still prosperous, as always. It was practically exactly the same as the day she and Link left years ago. After asking around, she found out there was an old house that lived across the river that people had seen a blonde haired man enter and leave frequently. She got excited and hurried to the house, but upon entering, no one had lived there for tens of years, but the floors were covered in pots.

Saiota's next stop was Kakariko Village. As soon as she stepped foot there, she instantly regretted it. The days she had spent here under Lady Impa were over. She didn't want to spend any more time than what was necessary. She went straight to Impa's house, and after a lot of talking, the vai finally explained that she hadn't seen Link for several years.

She probably should've stayed there, slept at the inn, but she never enjoyed staying with the sheikah for too long. She escaped as soon as she could. Instead, she fell asleep that night at a stable inn.

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