[5] The Misguided Stripper and The Pervy Sage

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Guy after guy, every single night.

It's a hard life after a while.

And it's even harder when all I can think about is the long white haired ninja who I left at the Leaf years ago.

I wonder what he's doing nowadays... Does he ever think about me?

I wrapped my legs around the pole and slid down it, doing all the moves I'm suppose to.

All the sleazy men whistling at me, I walked around letting them put money in my undies and stuffed in my bra.

I waved my goodbye to the crowd and went backstage, my smile disappearing because it was fake.

I took all the money that I got out off my undergarments.

250 and I was only on for ten minutes, not bad. Not bad at all, Ama.

I slipped my clothes on and packed my shit up, ready to head home.

Home being whoever I can get with to let me stay the night.

I sighed and walked out the door of my place of work.

I hit something hard and fell back on my butt.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." A hand was extended and I cautiously took it. I was pulled to my feet easily.

I looked up and my eyes just widened.

"Amaterasu?" I couldn't move.

Why is he here? Did I truly want to see him?

My arms wrapped around him and slowly, his were around me.

"Pervy Sage." I pulled away to see a little blonde boy behind him. "Why do we always have to do this."

"Naruto, this is way different." He said and then gestured to me. "This is Amaterasu."

"THE Amaterasu?" The boy asked and Jiraiya nodded.

"Ama?" My throat was a bit tight.

What the hell is he doing here? And why isn't he mad?

"Naruto, head to the hotel. I'll be there shortly." The kid looked like he was going to fight back, but he did as was told.

"What are you doing here?" I finally was able to ask. My brain was going a mile a minute.

"I'm training my apprentice." He said and looked the way that the Naruto kid went. "That was Naruto Uzumaki, he hold the nine tailed fox inside of him."

My eyes widened.

What a burden for a child.

"I'm trying to do something right with my life." He whispered. "I have done so many things wrong... One of them was letting you walk away." That made my heart beat frantically.

How long have I wanted him to say that?

"My question is, why did you leave. I tried to find you, but it was like you disappeared." He said. "I've never stop searching, but sometimes I couldn't see myself ever finding you again yet here you are." His hand come up and stroked my cheek.

I couldn't keep my tears at bay any longer.

"Please don't cry." But the kind, worried tone of his voice made me cry harder.

"Why was I so dumb do leave?" I said through my tears. "Why did I let him scare me away from everything and everyone I loved and cared about?"

"Who?" He asked and realized I had said to much. My hands rose and covered my mouth as I shook my head.

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