I woke up and glanced at the alarm clock. It read:
8:12 am
I looked up at Alex who was asleep and contemplated whether I should sneak out from under him.
Yes. Yes I should. Malcom is not going to come get me if I go downstairs to make tea.
I carefully removed his arm and tiptoed down the steps. While I was waiting for the water to heat up, Clover walked in with a soft mew.
"Hey sweetie." I greeted in a high voice, sitting on the floor and scratching behind her ears. She purred and leaned into my hand.
"Have they been annoying you too?" I asked her, she didn't acknowledge my words at all because she was far too busy feeling my hand pet and scratch her. "Yeah me too." I answered. I decided that my tea had heated up enough and took out the tea bag. I then put sugar in it and stepped into the living room. I just really needed time to myself. After about a half hour, I heard a loud crash upstairs and Alex appeared in the living room looking very concerned.
"Hey babe." I greeted. His concern turned to anger and he glared at me.
"You can't fucking do that." He snarled.
"Do what? Make tea in my own house?" I retorted.
"He could've walked right in and taken you!" He snapped.
"Alex if your so fucking worried, why don't we just move to the guy's?" I asked.
"Because he's invited in there. I used to work with him, remember?" He said, looking down.
"Then why are you not worried all the time while we're there?" I asked.
"Because It's a house full of vampire, Jess. You are always with someone." He said. Come to think of it, I don't think I'd ever been alone in that house. There was always at least one of the guys with me. That sneaky bastard.
"I'm not helpless." I said defensively.
"You barely have more strength than a human, never mind a vampire who is thousands of years old."
"Well if you look at it that way, neither can you." I retorted.
"Jess I can do a lot more than a vampire of my age should." He said, closing his eyes, frustrated.
"Well guess what Alex? I can hide and I can be absolutely silent, you know why? Because I had to be. Believe me, I know what it's like to have a psychopath want to hurt you but you know what? I've survived. I always do because I can do those two things. I'm not a child Alex. I am capable." I ranted. That shut Alex up but to my dismay, a voice which was much worse, filled our ears.
"My, my. I do love a woman with a tongue." Before I could look at him, Alex had grabbed me and thrown me behind him, shielding me with his body.
"Go away." Alex ordered.
"I've come to get something of mine." He said.
"She's not yours." Alex spat.
"Well you have a point," Then a strong hand gripped my arm and pulled me forward with the force of a freight train. "But she is now."
Malocm's hand was latched around my wrist and I was able to steal one look at Alex's outraged and dismayed face before being whisked away by Malcom in a swirl of blur.
Title cred: Na, Na, Na by My Chemical Romance