A Perfect Present.

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[Taehyung's P.O.V.]

Taehyung: Y/N's birthday, huh?

I was leaning on my arm while listening to Mark and Jungkook... Talking about that brat again...
Great. What should I give her? A cockroach? A disgusting slime? That would be cool. Seeing her reaction, I mean.

Jimin: *Surprised* I didn't know her birthday was in November.
Hoseok: Yeah, I thought she's a summer girl.
Mark: I thought so too, so I was quite shocked when I first heard that it's at the end of November as well.
Namjoon: So what should we give her?
Jin: *Excited* I'll cook!
Mark: Well, I was thinking of throwing a surprise party, but...
Yoongi: *Curious* But?
Jungkook: She stopped loving and looking forward to her birthday since... That incident happened...

What incident? Why are they all speaking in some weird codes!?
While everyone looked at him confused, frowning their eyebrows, I glanced at Jin, who lowered his head after hearing that, almost crying.

Taehyung: 'What could it be that they all look so depressed after hearing it...?'
Namjoon: ... Anyways, whatever it is, let's make sure she'll look forward to her birthday again.
Hoseok: Yeah! Let's do something for her too!
Taehyung: *Mutter* Hmph, as if she did something...

Jimin probably heard me because he pushed me with his elbow, giving me some glares.

Hoseok: Let's talk about it in a separate chat we made. She'll be home anytime soon.
Mark: Yeah, you're right... So, who wants some tea?
All: Me!

We came here- everyone dragged me here to visit y/n and practice a little, but when we came, Mark said she went to her part-time and he was the one guarding the house.

Jin: Where's Lisa?
Mark: (Pouring tea into Yoongi's cup) She got sick.
Jimin: (While drinking tea) Shouldn't you be with her instead?
Mark: I am. I'm taking care of both her and this house.

Just when he finished pouring tea into Yoongi's glass, we heard the door being open.

Taehyung: 'Sigh, there goes the parasite...'
Y/N: Hello~!
Hoseok: Yo, yo, yo~! Whaddup?
Namjoon: Hello~! How was your job?
Y/N: *Happy* Good as always. (Lifting her hand with a plastic bag) So... Some cake?

We were all now in the kitchen, drinking tea and eating the cake she brought.

Jin: Why don't you sit with us?
Y/N: (Eating her cake) Nah, I like it here more.
Mark: Y/N, I don't think it's a good idea to sit in front of a window, you might catch a cold.
Y/N: But it's so comfy!
Mark: I know it's comfy since it's like a mini bed, but don't end up like Lisa, please.
Y/N: I won't, I won't~!
Mark: *Shrugging* Suit yourself, then.
Jimin: (Eating cake) Mm, where did you get the cake?
Y/N: Someone bought two cakes instead of one. I didn't want to take it, but Auntie said I should so...
Yoongi: Auntie?
Y/N: *Nodding* Mhm. The one I work for when I have free time.
Yoongi: Oh.

Auntie... Sounds familiar.

Jungkook: All in all, the cake is delicious, thanks!
Y/N: *Happy* You're welcome.

I didn't notice it up until now, but... Y/N didn't tie her hair today.

Y/N: Would you like some brownies? We have some left.
Namjoon: Woah, you have so much food!
Hoseok: *Jokingly* Are you preparing for an apocalypse or something???
Y/N: *Laughing* No, it's just that there are a lot of leftovers in the bakery, so we take them home.
Jungkook: In that case, I want some!
Jimin: Me too!
Mark: Should I take them instead?
Y/N: Nope, I'll take them. (To the boys) Plates, please.

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