love, hunter;

15 2 0

after meredith went home before we could have sex, my mom came home and told me i had mail. probably a lonely girl who wants me to fuck her, i never decline those offers, because free sex with people who are interested, is the best kind of sex. especially when you don't have to see that person again.

it didn't have a name on the envelope, only my name, address, and this person's address. i once fucked a girl on that street but i don't think it was this address.

i open the letter and i read,

dear ethan,

your smile, that goddamn perfect smile. it makes me fall deeper and deeper. your hazel eyes that i can't get enough of. especially that sparkle when you talk about the things you love, i wish i could give you glimmer in your eye, but we both know that will never happen. you keep me sane, calm even. it's stupid really, the effect you have on me. i'm so utterly, stupidly in love with your goofy smile, laugh, eyes, and soul; yet i'll never be able to tell you this, let alone be with you.

hunter <3

hunter, hunter, i don't think i know a hunter. oh wait, is this hunter lamont? she's so hot, i'd fuck. but she is really gorgeous. hmm maybe i could drop meredith and fuck around with hunter. i'll talk to her at school tomorrow.

to the ethan i loved before | egdWhere stories live. Discover now