Ch 2 - Rainy Days

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Emily's POV

That "brick wall of a person" outside our classroom that Alara mentioned, super creepy, I haven't seen him around before, and I know everyone in some way,even if it is the new year.

I'm like a ninja or a spy basically, it would be a cool job, but the uniform probably wouldn't suit me.

But anyway, enough about the creepy stuff, we have some shopping to do!

"MUM!, MUM!!"

"Yes, sweetie?!", she shouts back.


"Sure, oh oh, oh wait, it's raining"

I rush back into my room and push the pastel blue curtains open to reveal dark clouds and the pouring rain. I swear it was as bright as Einstein.

"How?!", I stare in disbelief as the rain starts to hitting my window.

Just out the corner of my eye I see a silhouette walking across the other side of the street. The figure stops and turns to face my house, creepy much? For some reason it is getting really really dark for a rainy day that is.

Out of no where, as a flash of lightning strikes near by causing my vision to become white, the shadowy figure appears at the front of our house. Their eyes glowing as they suddenly snapping their head upwards to face me, why do I feel like I'm in a murder movie, why am I getting Friday the 13th vibes from this situation?

Once again out of no where a flash of lightning hits the ground, right outside my window causing me to trip back over a few of my textbooks that I had laying in the floor.

"Ow ow ow"

I hope that didn't hit the house, because I am not going without my bedroom for another week, especially after last time, we had a fire start in my bedroom literally out of no where when I had my cousin come over, looking at fire for an absurd amount of time haunts me of that time, it felt like I was going to die. It nearly spread through my whole room but luckily Kallie and I got out in time thanks to my mum.

Opening my eyes to see if any damage was done, a guy standing on the roof, just before my window unlocks the latch with ease, sliding the window up slowly and sticks a note on the windowsill. I sit there still on the floor making sure not to move in case he does decide to hurt me, I watch as he silently but swiftly pulls his hand back out and jumps off the roof with ease.

Now you don't see that everyday, normally people see that in movies or read that in books, but this is reality. A guy just can't jump off a roof and not hurt himself. I rush to the window to check to see if he was sprawled on the grass lawn, but nothing was there, he had disappeared, in just a couple of seconds, he vanished.

I look back at the note that he stuck on the windowsill, one name scribbled onto the note, Olympia.

Just as I go to scrunch up the note, the weather clears and the sun light trickles back into my room, strange.


"What now?", She sighs as she wipes the flour from her forehead, only to wipe more on.

"This creepy guy was out the front and he climbed up onto the roof somehow as the lightning started and left this note, but then disappeared into thin air in no time flat! He also left a note with your name on it", I pass the note along to her as she punches the dough on the bench. "Something weirrrrrrd is going on because just before that weirdo appeared the weather just went poof, lightning and rain".

"Well sometimes we have some crazy weather from time to time, no one controls the weather, it's not like we can snap our fingers like Thanos, am I right?", She smiles and takes the note, the corner of her smile twitches.

"I honestly wish I could, I could of got an early start on the special that was starting this morning, but now all the new releases are going to be sold out, I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Lizzie was there with all of the football team (all of her ex-boyfriends) and her 'besties' checking out the handbags and lipstick".

"She has to buy all that lipstick to cover up her blimp lips somehow", She goes back to punching the door then oiling a container,"But on a more serious note, did you see what that 'creepy guy' looked like, or see any feature?"

"He had glowing eyes when he was out on the street, but apart from that all I did see, with the little light I had was the top of his head, in other words his hair", I note.

"Must of been a reflection from the far off lightning or something", she puts the container into the oven, and hastily shuts the oven door.

Well I admit that lightning can start to form, and do it's thing as soon, or just before it starts raining but there wasn't lightning near by; science is my subject, despite what people think.

I watch my mum start running water into the sink, obviously in deep thought and questioning; something is definitely up, and I know when something is up.

I walk back up to my room, picking up my phone and start texting Alara these strange events as I roll around on my pastel blue, fluffy bed.

Backstory to why I have this throw-rug on my bed, one day back in my last few weeks of high school, Alara, my mother and I (odd combination isn't it) went out Christmas shopping, and I found this in one of my favourite shops, Pastel Chalks, I have no idea why they called their business that considering it's like Officeworks but is all pastel stuff with furniture as well; It's a smallish store though.

I carried the throw-rug all the way around the store with all the other little things I picked up, in the end Alara decided that was my Christmas present for the year, as well as some (somehow) cool emoji earrings that go with my yellow crop top. That went on for a little longer than I intended, sorry.

First week, and things are already starting to get weird, next thing I know I'll be best friends with Lizzie and Alex (Lizzie's current boyfriend), as much of an extrovert I tend to be, I would NEVER be friends with her!


Didn't really know how to end this chapter, I want to put a 1200 word limit on my chapter, but exceed it on certain occasions, but knowing me if I ended it on a cliffhanger or how I like to end chapter, it would definitely go way over the limit.

But anyway I hope you enjoy or enjoyed reading this chapter, and I'm pretty sure I'm actually going to get further with this story, compared to my others that is, because I've somewhat planned and drafted ideas and chapters.

So by I publish this chapter I may have 2-3 chapters done (maybe in the last drafting and correcting stage) in advance.

That's enough from me for now, thank you once again, and I hope you have a great day, or evening!

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