4. really a session?

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Day Four

    After the nice day you and he had out in the streets of New York, Loki had been spending more time with you outside of sessions. He found himself going to you when he was upset or angry at someone. He'd sit on your couch and listen to you talk and ask him minor questions such as what he had for breakfast, and he'd do this while absentmindedly drifting his hand across the paper of his sketchbook. After an hour or so of this, he found he wasn't as angry as he was originally.

    You would invite him to watch movies or introduce him to your music. A lot of these visits were always calm and comfortable, something Loki had never really had but had definitely craved now that he did.

    It was almost routine by now, he'd appear on your floor of the tower every afternoon and the two of you would have lunch and find some sort of activity to engage in.

    Once, while you were making some movie snacks you told him to go sit in his spot on the couch and that you would join him in a moment. It was incredible how happy that sentence made him feel.

    His spot on the couch.

    He had a spot, a place, somewhere to belong.

    Sometimes he would get there super early, which he decided to do more often once he saw you sleepily roaming the kitchen with a fluffy blanket around your shoulders, insisting that you would make him some breakfast.

    He started wearing more laid back clothes, and the fluffy socks that you bought for him (though he wore dark black dress shoes to try and cover up the fact that they were lime green. It didn't work.). He became more loose.

    Loki was polite. Not only to you, to a few of the interns in the building as well. He'd send his signature cunning smiles to everyone he saw. His brother, Thor had sometimes joined him in walking around the halls before Loki joined you on your soft couch. The funny thing was, he didn't mind these moments spent with the blonde as he normally did. He actually liked them.

    Problem was, he wasn't showing this same assured personality to the rest of the Avengers.

    Not surprising, the rest of the team still doubted him and, as it seems had started doubting you.

    Tony would constantly look for updates on Loki's behaviour. To which, you would ignore saying he was your patient and you weren't allowed to spill details unless it was to director Fury.

    Steve would try to sweet talk it, he'd bring you a coffee and casually bring up the conversation. He would ask how spending time with the trickster god was. You would give a short one word answer and then go off to talk about a dog you had seen earlier that morning.

    Natasha never really cared and Clint was with his family most of the time, so he wasn't ever around to ask. Bruce was a bit wary, but had more trust in your abilities than Loki's.

    So it was just the man of iron and the man out of his time.

    Apparently, they had been so worried that they did contact director Fury. Which led to a little investigation where Tony searched through the 'therapy room' footage. Doing this, they realized that you hadn't even touched on the fact that he tried to take on the world. All you had been asking were stupid little questions.

    So, they held an Avengers meeting. Fury, Loki and yourself included. Tony was almost steaming asking you what you were trying to do, steering away from the attack and only asking Loki what sort of hair product he used.

    Steve was also asking, why would you agree to be his therapist if you weren't going to do your job.

    Everyone else in the room listened closely for your reply. Especially Loki, who was just as curious as they were.

    You took a sharp breath, ready to unleash hell upon anyone that would question you. You started with the fact that yes, you weren't asking questions about the attack but how many therapists before went for that angle and came up dry. You knew, going in there you had already known what to expect. You had already diagnosed him.

    They only gazed at you, confused as to what kind of diagnosis he had other than clinically insane.

    You however, didn't mind them. You looked directly into Loki's eyes instead. You told them.

    His diagnosis was that he was incredibly lonely. Understandable, as he was a rare kind of being. Rare beings often find it difficult to find friends, especially when they don't even have a family.

    Thor objected to this but you silenced him quickly.

    Because when was the last time Loki really felt like he had a family.

    You told them, you went into that office armed with a smile and a million get-to-know-you questions. You took interest in his interests, you payed attention to his emotions.

    Who else on the team could say they had given Loki that same chance.

    Not one of them.

    And with that you informed them that he was in fact making great progress. He'd no longer be as vicious toward people, he preferred to sit silently in his spot of the warm couch in your flat and sip at his favourite cup of tea while you told stories.

    When you had finally finished your ranting behaviour, stating that Loki had only needed a friend, Tony looked exasperated and Steve looked mildly understanding. Fury watched you with his one good eye proudly. He knew that putting you in this position was the right decision, and you delivered with flying colours. He even claimed that Loki would no longer see a therapist, for it was no longer mandatory. He then walked out without so much as a goodbye.

    Loki was partly confused at everyone's very human lives and decisions but was nonetheless happy when you gently grabbed hold of his arm and told him about a new movie you wanted him to see.

    For now, he was just awaiting each day and greeting it with excitement knowing it would be another day spent with you.

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