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The idea for this popped into my head this morning and I decided to add it to the end of this story as an extra bonus, I hope you guys like it!

Peter burst into the God's room one Saturday morning, clearly very excited. Loki didn't look up from his book until the kid suddenly jumped onto the bed and began bouncing around. The God closed his book with a sigh, and the kid crouched down to look earnestly at him. "I have an idea, Mr. Loki!"

"Do you now?" the God grumbled in halfhearted irritation.

"Yup! C'mon, let's go for a walk!" And grabbing his arm with surprising strength, the spider-kid dragged him out of the tower. Loki attempted to change into less conspicuous clothing, but the kid swatted his arm and told him to keep his normal Asgardian clothing on, while the God of Mischief stared down at him incredulously.

For passerbys it was truly a sight to behold; they stopped and stared at the sight of a teenager dragging Loki, the God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard, excitedly through the streets of New York.

Peter didn't allow the God time to stop and yell at the people for snapping pictures; he wanted people seeing this side of Loki, the one who was desperately trying to hide a smile as he glared at Peter.

Finally, they arrived at their destination and Peter practically shoved Loki through the doors of the animal shelter. The idea had come to him last night, and he had to make sure with Mr. Stark that it was okay for Loki to adopt a pet before bringing the God here. Loki looked down at Peter, pure shock in his expression, and Peter couldn't help but laugh.

"Pick one out!" Peter said, ignoring the other customers around them who were trying very hard not to stare too obviously at the strange pair, many failing. Loki noticed this, but Peter tugged on his sleeve and said, "Ignore them."

Sighing, Loki began to look around the shelter, and most of the animals quieted and shied away from him as he walked past, the kid trailing behind silently. Finally the God reached one cage where the creature didn't shy away at all; in fact it came even closer to him and meowed. It was an all black cat, with emerald green eyes much like his own. The creature's emerald gaze never left his, and after a moment he declared, "I want this one."

Peter went to talk to the man at the desk, stating that they would like to adopt the cat. The man laughed nervously upon seeing them, stating "Oh she's a handful, that one!"

Loki simply turned his emerald gaze to the man and said softly in his velvety voice, "So am I."

The man swallowed and lifted the kitten out of the cage, where she immediately began hissing and scratching at the man. Loki took the kitten from the poor balding man, where she instantly relaxed and began purring as the God held her in his arms. He wasn't sure how he felt; he had never had a pet or anything to take care of aside from himself (and now Peter, somewhat) but also felt like the now sleeping kitten was something worth him protecting and caring for.

Peter smiled at the soft look on Loki's face as he gazed at the cat. This was exactly what he had been hoping for. He gently pulled the God towards the desk, where he had to fill out and sign a bunch of documents in order to adopt the kitten. The man tried to give them a small carrying crate for her, but with a glare from Loki--"I shall carry her"--the man left it alone. The unlikely pair left the shelter, and their next stop was to get litter and food for the kitten. Several store employees tried to tell them that no pets were allowed in the store, but with a glare from the God of Mischief they quickly backed down.


Later that day, Loki and Peter returned to the tower with the kitten and the stuff to take care of it; Peter having no trouble carrying the heavy bucket of litter. The other Avengers stared at them, confused as to why Loki of all people was carrying a cat. The kitten, which Loki had decided to name Nótti, after the Norse personification of night, leaped from his arms and walked around, sniffing her new surroundings. The God of Mischief followed behind protectively, something the others didn't fail to notice, and Stark smiled to himself, knowing immediately that Peter's idea had worked. Thor bent down to pick Nótti up, who instantly began hissing and scratching at him, much to Loki's delight. The kitten leaped back into the God's arms, climbing up to sit on his shoulder, not unlike a parrot.

Peter helped the God set up the litter box and food bowl in Loki's room, Stark's only condition to having her in the tower. Nótti was allowed to wander through the entire floor of the tower with the exception of Tony's lab, which she did. She tended to cause quite of a bit of trouble, just like her mischievous owner. And though some of the other Avengers--everyone except Peter, Natasha, and Bruce, whom the kitten tolerated--grumbled about the kitten's antics, it was worth it to see the close bond Loki was forming with the creature. 


And that's all, folks! Please comment and let me know what you think, it would mean a lot to me! I hope you enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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