Chapter Two

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I hate sitting here. To the point where I can barely fucking move. Where I'm treated like a child because I can't do shit. I've been trying to get the ring off, but the bitch put that on tight. She was out right now. Maybe there is someway to get Nino to help me out. So I called for him. It took him some time to walk into the room.

"Mari will be back soon. You don't have to keep asking" he then walked over steadily.

"No...not about her..."

"Are you hurt? She is getting more supplies hopefully something to put down the pain for a while"

"No. Nino you have to take the ring off of me. You have to" he stopped. Then he crouched down next to me, a look of sadness glooming his face.

"Listen. You weren't supposed to even survive the HawkMothh Kwami and the Chat Noir transformation. Those are the two most powerful Kwamis and you survived them both. Hell I don't even know how you made it out of that fire. So if you think you can die this easily from a stab wound, your wrong"

"Nino...I've lived enough. It will be easier on her and you and Alya and the kids. Please Nino. Take the damn ring for her. Please" this guy has to help me. For once he can fucking help me.

"Adrien no. Listen. Just. You need it. I'm not taking it off. Stop being such an asshole we are helping you!" I rolled my eyes, trying to find a better position on my mattress. I only groaned when trying to move. God that hurt like a bitch. Nino sighed again, standing up. "Just last a bit longer okay? Marinette is not in the right state of mind and you dying will break her as it did before" as before? Wait...

"Did she cry? Seeing my note...?" The suicide note. Of course. How could I forget of that happening?

"No...she sobbed and broke down. It tore her to pieces" he went to the door. Something about that made me stop. I felt a lump in my throat. I tried to swallow it down but I couldn't. He was at the door now, looking at me with such worry. I shut my eyes in pain, both mentally and physically. What have I done to her? "Just rest man. Please just rest she will be back soon"

" feeling okay?" My eyes blinked open again to see her. She gave me a tight smile.

"Mari...we have to...we have to talk"

"No you need to rest" she started to unwrap her supplies, pulling them out of the plastic wrap they were in. She set them down in a little basket to the side of me.

"No Mari we have been avoiding everything...we need to talk" she stopped. The slammed what seemed to be bandages on to ground, becoming frustrated.

"Not now" she groaned. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"I'm stubborn...but we are talking...about this" my hand moved to grab onto hers. She looked at my hand and frowned.

"We don't have to. I'd rather you re-"

"You cried because of my letter?" I interrupted her. She paused. I tried to squeeze her hand but I couldn't find the energy to.

"I did..."

"Why?" It took her a second. She just...didn't know how to put her words together almost.

"I loved you" when she said that it hit me like a bullet. There were tears in her eyes now. "I didn't know what to do...I was a married woman. But then you 'died' and it all broke down. Everything just broke down"

"I'm sorry...I didn't know...didn't know you-"

"No Adrien I'm sorry. I was manipulated by an abusive husband. It's not your fault"

"It is...always has been...I brought you..brought you to the wrong person" she shook her head. She then pulled away from my hand to wipe her tears off her face. Her face was starting to get red, what normally happens when she is in the verge of a breakdown.

"I don't even remember what happened between us. Before the accident and that's what bothers me. It bothers me. It hurts me. I wish I knew now" she bit her lip closing her eyes. More tears flowed down. I wanted to wipe them, I just couldn't find the energy to.

"It's okay. I can tell you everything now...e-everything"

"Adrien I don't know anymore. I'm so scared. I've never been scared, but knowing everything. Am I even ready for it?"

"You are...we can take this step by step....your...your ready"

"Where will you start?" I shifted uncomfortably once again. Where do I even start to explain to her? Where do I even begin? I have to tell her the truth I can't lie about anything as I don't want her to live a lie.

"From the beginning...I got assigned to-to assassinate you by the Mayors daughter" I was starting to lose my breathe already. The pain was already beginning to spark again in my stomach. I winced. She jumped up going to help me but I waved her off. "So I acted like a student in your high school. Back then I was a model, that was my cover so I gained a lot of attention. But you were different. Instead of ogling over just didn't care. I went to your bakery, acted like an ass, you weren't dealing with my shit"

"I never have" she let out a laugh through her tears. I let out a light smile, the pain reminding me I was still terribly injured.

"T-then I got to know you...I found something I haven't seen in a girl before...I..I didn't know the feeling I was feeling. I-I fell hard" she moved nervously. "I took you. I stole you from your home...then I brought you back to a warehouse...I-I chained you up" the wound only started to hurt more, as if telling me to stop. I winced once more, frowning from the pain.

"You need to relax. Please I don't want you to hurt. You can tell me another time" she said softly, brushing the hair out of my face.


"It's fine. We will try again tomorrow" then she had gotten up, escaping my view.

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