Chapter 8

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A knock on my door startled me awake. Momentarily disoriented I reached for the lamp on the nightstand, squinting my eyes as light flooded the room.

"Hope you're decent," an irritatingly cheery voice sang before flinging my bedroom door open. Groaning I flipped onto my side, hiding in the covers.

"C'mon little Ren, time for dinner," Dane sauntered over to my bed, poking me in the cheek.

"I'm going to regret agreeing to live here, aren't I?" I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Probably," he smirked, poking at my cheek again.

"I'm up now," I said, pointedly staring at the only exit to the room. "You can leave now."

"Alright, alright." Dane held his hands up, backing away as if I were a dangerous animal. "Wear something nice, it's a welcome back dinner of sorts."

Heaving the comforter off my body I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and placed my feet on the cold marble. Snatching a nice sundress off the hanger I quickly changed before entering the bathroom to fix my makeup and hair.

Deciding to leave my phone on the nightstand, I slid my arms into a cardigan and made my way into the corridor. I had texted my mother after getting out the shower ensuring her that I had made it to Woodbridge in one piece. Otherwise both my phone and laptop had gone unused, as I had completely passed out once hitting the mattress.

Anticipation electrified my veins, my body becoming alarmingly awake. Kaz said he would explain everything at dinner. Was I finally going to get answers or just more excuses?

Remembering Kaz's directions, I shuffled down the hallway occasionally stopping to appreciate the paintings on the walls. When I finally made it to the end I veered right, walking underneath a stone arch.

A large dining table, that could easily sit fifty, stretched across the room. I may have laughed at the sight of so few people at such a large table, instead I was left furrowing my eyebrows as my eyes narrowed in on the blonde female we had crossed paths with earlier sitting next to Kaz. Inviting your ex-girlfriend to dinner was a bit odd.

I announced my presence by clearing my throat and nervously running my hands down my dress. Irritation crept into me as I realized the odds of getting answers were slowly slipping out of my favor. Why was she here anyway?

"Ah Rena," Victor smiled from the head of the table. "Come join us, we were waiting for you."

"Sorry I was late-"

"What is she doing here?" Blondie's high pitched whine cutting me off.

"She's staying with us," Dane said rolling his eyes at her. At least I wasn't the only one annoyed by her.

Dane swiftly stood up from the table, pulling out the chair beside him for me. I blushed at the gesture, murmuring my thanks before taking a seat. I was positioned to the left of Dane with Victor on my right. Kaz shot me a pained smile from across the table, as if apologizing for the open glare Blondie was shooting diagonally in my direction.

Sucking in a breath and forcing the best smile I could manage, I turned to the hostile girl. "My name is Rena, it is nice to meet you..."

"Sophia Pedersen," the girl sneered, "Duchess of Brabant."

I nearly choked on the water I had been sipping. My wide eyes scanned the table, searching for a hint of amusement in the people seated around me.

Victor's expression remained passive, though his eyes were trained on me awaiting my next move. The two boys on the other-hand looked as if they were restraining themselves from ringing the little duchess' neck.

My mind began to race with possibilities, another piece being added to the puzzle of the guy sitting across from me. His golden eyes met mine, daring me to speak my thoughts.

"You're from Belgium?" I asked, more out of politeness than anything else. I knew where Brabant was but I was still trying to hold a conversation with Sophia. She may let something else slip.

"I'm Duchess of Brabant, of course I'm from Belgium," her accent picked up with her attitude and it took every cell in my being to force myself to not roll my eyes.

"Hmm," was all I could say. I glanced at Kaz then to Dane in my peripheral, they seemed to be communicating silently. Before they could put a cork in her, I turned to the duchess asking, "How do you know Kaz?"

She scoffed, "He is my betrothed. How do you know him?"

Once again I found myself coughing, though this time the lack of air was due to the fit of laughter I failed in suppressing. The silence coming from the others had me sobering up rather quickly.

"You can't be serious," I gaped. "What is this, the eighteenth century?"

"My point exactly," Kaz murmured staring down at his plate.

Referring to her as a crazy ex-girlfriend despite her presence at dinner was beginning to make a lot more sense. Kaz clearly wasn't as on board with this whole arranged marriage thing, and judging by the lack of surprise in her annoyed huff, Sophia knew he wasn't.

"So I was right about you being a duke?" I questioned, eyes burning into Kaz.

A shrieking laugh came from Malibu Barbie but I ignored her, my eyes never leaving his golden orbs. He broke eye contact, pushing a hand through his already messy hair. His voice was quiet, but I still caught the words, "not exactly."

Before I could press further our dinner was brought in by a smiling old lady. She placed heaping plate of pasta in front of me, my mouth watering as the smell infiltrated my senses. Aware that it was impolite to have such serious conversation while eating I remained silent, reaching for my fork.

I held back a moan as I took the first bite, savoring the Italian flavors dancing across my tongue. Inhaling the rest of the dish, I impatiently waited for everyone else to finish. The devilish looks coming from Sophia were becoming unsettling and I found myself seriously praying that she would not be joining us every evening.

"Okay, not-a-duke. What's your title then?" I asked, returning to our previous conversation. "Who are you Kaz Hansen?"

"I really don't see why it matters," Kaz grumbled, placing his silverware face down on his dish. A proper sign that he was done with his meal.

I watched as he lifted the white napkin, lightly brushing his lips, and suddenly I realized that hints had been flying over my head ever since we stepped off that plane.

His tendencies and nearly unnoticeable gestures alone spoke volumes about who he was. All of my answers were right there in front me the entire time in his behaviors and actions. His straight posture and powerful aura, though softening around me, was hard to miss.

His mannerisms and hospitable nature was out of character for a guy his age as well. For goodness sake, at dinner Kaz had used the fork closest to the plate, bypassing the salad fork on the far right. What kind of eighteen year old guy would know how to work his way through a formal plate setting?

I decided to test the theory rather bluntly, tired of beating around the bush.

"Well, I think it rather important to know that I am sharing company with a prince." I smirked, my voice coming out in a fake haughty manner.

Kaz groaned, but his lips betrayed his fake embarrassment by titling up into an amused smile.

Victor spoke up for only the second time that evening, stealing my attention away from the boy across the table from me. His eyes glinted with amusement though I felt his amusement was directed elsewhere.

"Welldone Ms. Miles." His voice reminded me of a snake sending shudders up my spine."You just passed your first test."    

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