Being Late

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"Hoh? Late on the first day of school for MY class? Let's hear the reason for your tardiness, Argenti."

Chifuyu cracked her knuckles with a dark expression.

My body froze, and the bag in my hand fell on the floor, making an awkward thud.

'So that's why Houki ran like her life was depended on it.'

I looked at the clock, and saw that I was 25 minutes late.

"Ah-noh, O-Orimura-sensei, there is a perfectly sound rea-"

"Enlighten me." She commanded.

It was now or never. Give her an answer she doesn't like, she'll kill me. Give her an answer that she wants to hear, she'll assume it's an excuse, so she'll kill me.

'I have no choice but to do this...'

Chifuyu raised an eyebrow when she saw me straighten up. I made eye contact with her and,

"Sensei... To tell you the truth, I got caught up looking for a beautiful flower that matches your beauty..."

There was a painfully long silence. But soon enough, there was an uproar among the class girls.


"N-No way, he just confessed to Chifuyu-sama!"

"Noooo, Argenti-kun!"

"My Chifuyu-sama!"

The crowd was going crazy. But this was a little sacrifice that I needed to make to save my life. I closed my eyes with a victorious smirk.

'Hmph. How do you like that, damn Chifuyu? I bet you're goin- Ah-reh?'

My smirk fell into a frown of despair upon seeing the bulging temple and the murderous expression on her face.

Surprisingly, even though her expression was terrifying, her tone was the same,

"Is that so? That's interesting because Shinonono here says that you were talking to a girl."

I instantly looked at Houki who was sitting in her seat, perfectly fine. I cursed her mentally,

'Houki, teme! You betrayed me!'

But she outright looked away from me with a small "Hmph".

I felt a vein pop in my temple and I clenched my fist in anger,

'That little... I'll get you back for that!'

There were some murmurs again from the rest of the classmates.

"Phew... I thought he was being serious for a second."

"Thank goodness."

"I thought Chifuyu-sama was going to be a rival."

Crackle, Crackle, Crack.

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"I guess flirting around with girls is more important to you than my lesson, huh, Argenti?"

I heard more cracking of Chifuyu's knuckles. I felt blood escape from my face and I paled. I also heard something break inside me. It was all over.

"Ch-Chifuyu-nee! It's just a first day of school, you should forgive him!"

That voice. Ohh that beautiful voice. It was Ichika. He was coming to my res-

"It's ORIMURA-SENSEI. And you stay out of this."

"H-Hai... I'm sorry." Ichika looked down in fear.

Well, so much for my rescue. At least he tried.


I let out a silent gasp,


"500 PUSH-UPS!"


Ichika POV

Honestly, when I tried to help Kazuki, I could have sworn there was a demon possessing Chifyuy-nee. She let out a scary aura that made me sweat bullets. Although I felt bad for him, I don't stand a chance against Chifuyu-nee.


Yamada Maya was in front of the class, making hand gestures on the hologram screen, displaying the core network system, and was explaining the mechanism in great detail.

In the meanwhile, Kazuki was doing pushups on the ground next to her with Chifuyu sat on his back, her legs crossed to add insult to injury.

"300 more to go, Satoshi. Don't you dare stop." She ordered with a satisfied smirk.

Kazuki grunted and panted, sweat flowing down his face. Nobody but Chifuyu noticed the bitter scowl on his face.

'Why does everyone like sitting on me? First, Mary, then Tabaco, and now Chifuyu?! Give me a break!' Kazuki cursed at his fate.

"So, is there anyone with a question at this point?" Yamada asked, looking around the room for any raised hands.

She then saw one, and it was Orimura Ichika's hand.

"Yes! Orimura-kun!" she sounded rather enthusiastic, eager to answer her student's question.

"S-Sensei… I barely understand anything…" Ichika admitted shamefully.

Yamada pulled back slightly, astounded,

"Ehh? Everything?"

She looked towards the other students,

"Is there anyone else who doesn't understand something up to this point?"

There was no show of hands from the rest of the girls. But then, a tired voice coming from the floor next to her called her attention,


Kazuki was still doing push-ups all while listening to everything.

"Argenti-kun too?"


Ichika noticed her sister calling him and straightened nervously. She didn't move from her spot, but she sent him an annoyed glare.

"Did you read the reference book before entering this school?"

"Erm… Is it the massive thick one?"

"That's it. It's written there that it's compulsory to read it."

Ichika scratched his head sheepishly,

"I made a mistake and threw it away…"

"You fool!"

Ichika jumped in his seat when Chifuyu scolded loudly.

"I'll issue you another copy later, memorize it within one week."

Ichika's jaw dropped onto his desk,

"Ah… One week for that thickness is a little…"

Chifuyu sent him a dark look and her eyes glinted for a second,

"I'm telling you to do it."

"… Hai, I'll do it…"

Chifuyu then tapped the back of Kazuki's head with her textbook provocatively,

"What about you, Argenti? You're not going to tell me you threw yours out too, are you?"

Between pants and grunts,

"If it's the massive thick one, then no, I didn't throw it away."

"Then why don't you understand anything?"

For a second, Kazuki's face was neutral,

"I used it for target practice." He finished bitterly.


Chifuyu slammed her textbook onto the back of Kazuki's head, which seemed to have temporarily paralyzed him from his push-up position. But he continued to do push-ups, afraid of Chifuyu adding more push-ups just because he stopped.


"Yes, sensei?" that came out more sarcastic than what Kazuki had hoped.

"I will also give you another copy later. You will finish reading it and will memorize everything within 3 days."

"Why do I get less time!?" he retorted.

But Chifuyu ignored,

"And also, 500 more push-ups."

Again, there were murmurs of pity going around the room,

"As expected, Chifuyu-sama shows no mercy…"

"But she's so strict! Even to her own younger brother."

"But that's love! Ahh… I'm so jealous!"

"But poor Satoshi-kun!"

"He's been doing push-ups for an hour with Chifuyu-sama on top of him!"

"He must be really strong!"

While watching Kazuki do his endless push-ups, Chifuyu was in deep thought,

'He's already on 400 after an hour with added weight. That's completely impossible for most strong females. Even I can't do 500 push-ups in two hours without the added weight.' Chifuyu stared at the back of the teen's head with such intensity; she could almost leave a mark.

'Somebody just please kill me right now…' Kazuki cringed mentally.

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