Chapter Fifty

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It's April 19th, and tomorrow is Easter. Not only that, but Aunt Katie is still living with us. Luckily, I haven't been spending much time at home. I've been sleeping over Harry's three days a week - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And When I'm not at his, he's here studying with me after school. It's the perfect plan for avoiding the peope in my house. My house is big, I'll admit. But it's never going to be big enough to fit the burden that comes with every single person that stays in this house.

"Diana, what are you wearing for Easter tomorrow?" my mom asked me when Harry and I walked into the kitchen.

I shrugged. "I don't know. What are you talking about, mom? We never celebrate Easter."

Aunt Katie raised a brow at my mother and Harry pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm aorund my waist. "Yes, well, this year, Aunt Katie has decided that it would be a good idea to bring back our old family easter tradition."

"Family? As in who?"

"Family as in everyone. Us... your Aunt Charlotte... her kids."

"Wait, Aunt Charlotte is coming?"

My mom nodded her head. "Yes."

"Mom, why didn't you tell me? I could've gotten my hair done - or my nails - or something!"

"Now, just because she's coming doesn't mean that you have to get all dolled up. You haven't even spent an hour with me," Aunt Katie said.

I sighed. "Listen, I have to get ready for tomorrow. I'll see you guys tonight or something."

I pulled Harry upstairs. Once I closed the door, Harry looked at me for answers. "Who's Aunt Charlotte?"

"Aunt Charlotte is my dad's sister - was? I don't know. But she's my dad's sister. She's the same age as my mom, but she doesn't act like it at all. She's my absolutely favorite family member, and I just - I just wish they told me earlier that she was coming so I could be prepared. I have to get my hair done or something. I have to do my nails and fix my makeup routine and I have to - I just-"

Harry cut me off when he began to notice that I was struggling bewtween breaths. "Diana... calm down. Just calm down. Why do you have to do all of that for her?" he asked.

"It's just something we do. Every time that we see each other - which is rare - we get all done up and we try to see how common we really are. We let the real inner us come out and we see how many things we do in common when we see each other. It's the most perfect thing. Oh, I want you to meet her! In fact, you should bring everyone else too!'

"Listen, I'm sure that they would-"

"Harry, please? I promise she's nothing like Aunt Katie or my mom. Sometimes I think of her as my mom becuase she knows me so well. Can you just please tell them to come?"

Harry nodded. "Fine."

"Okay, now leave."

"What? Why?"

I sighed. "I'm going ot get my hair and makeup and nails done and stuff."

"I could go with you."

"Nope. You can't see my until tomorrow."



And so he left.


Harry's POV.

After spending a shitload of time convincing Kendall and them that they should come, they finally agreed. They said that it would be funny to see how everyone reacted to them. But I told them that they had to show me what they were planning to wear before we left. I was not planning on letting them ruin this already fucked up occassion for Diana.

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