Chapter 14 • 2004

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I was in the kitchen, unaware of what was going on. After about twenty minutes I began to wonder where they were. It was a five minute walk to the shop and all they had to buy was chocolate! I looked outside and it was pouring with rain so I stayed put, but five minutes later they still weren't back. Once the cake was out the oven I switched it off and went looking for them. About thirty seconds after I left the house I heard someone yell. My stomach formed a knot as I realised it was Aleasha's voice. I ran towards where the sound was coming from, splashing in about every puddle along the way. I turned the corner and saw Danny lying on the floor and Aleasha bent over him crying. I ran over and crashed to the floor next to her, tearing my jeans and grazing my knee as I did so.

"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked panicked.

"H-he fell o-over in the sh-shop because his ex-g-girlfriend p-pushed him and t-then he f-f-fell over here." Aleasha said in between sobs and shivers. Oh god, they must have been here for at least fifteen minutes, I realised when I noticed that Aleasha's hands and face were blue and Danny's face was white as a ghost, his lips like ice.

"Have you called an ambulance?" I asked Aleasha.

"W-what?" She replied looking confused.

"An ambulance! Did you call one?" I repeated.

"I-I don't kn-know..." She trailed off before collapsing into more tears. I was starting to shiver now too, especially when I realised that no help was on its way. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled 999 but it wouldn't work. Then I checked and saw I had no signal.

"Rats." I muttered under my breath before racing off.

"W-where are you g-going?" Aleasha called after me.

"I have to find a signal!" I yelled back, disappearing round the corner.

I made my way back to the house and tried the landline instead. It still wouldn't work and then I saw a bright flash of light followed by a huge clap of thunder. That's why nothing's working, I thought, the storm must have interfered with the signals. I would have driven Danny to the hospital myself but Tom had the car today. I didn't know what to do. Thinking at a million miles an hour, I rushed upstairs and grabbed every coat, jumper and scarf I could carry before dashing back out the house.

When I got back to Aleasha and Danny I saw that Aleasha was now completely blue. I told her to put a couple of coats on and she just looked at me with a confused expression and I could see it wouldn't be long before she slipped unconscious as well. I repeated myself but it was clear she couldn't understand what I was saying, she was so cold, so I had to put them on for her. I made sure she was well wrapped before turning to Danny. I could tell he was almost stopped breathing now so I started to panic. For a few seconds I sat there, not knowing what to do but I mentally slapped myself. If I didn't concentrate we would all die there. Aleasha was in no fit state to do anything and Danny was halfway dead anyway. I focused on nothing but staying awake, warm thoughts on my mind as I tried to keep the shadows away. I couldn't let the cold take over me and pull me into its depths, I couldn't. I used up all the scarves and coats I had on Danny which left me there in just my soaking wet converse, sodden jeans, thin jumper and only-just-waterproof rain jacket. I was shivering uncontrollably but I knew I had to calm down and get Danny - and Aleasha - to safety. Another flash of lightning appeared, hitting the ground just a few feet away from us. I was terrified yet the warmth from it was so nice. As the cold took hold of me once again I leant against the wall and closed my eyes, hoping the lightning would strike again and warm us all up. But as the thunder sounded I opened my eyes and saw Danny unconscious and Aleasha fighting to stay awake and remembered I couldn't. If the lightning did strike again there was a good chance it would kill one of us so I knew we had to move. I shook Aleasha by the shoulders and looked at her through bleary eyes, helping her stand up. She didn't look like she would make the half-an-hour-plus walk to the hospital but she had to try. With all my effort I lifted Danny up and basically gave him a piggy back, my legs threatening to collapse underneath our weight. With a wince I grabbed Aleasha's hand and we began the long walk to safety.

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