Part 5

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Liam and I were on another mission for the White Masks. Another anti-white masks supporter coming to visit (country). It should be really simple, unfortunately Kevin was ordered to tag along to get more field experience.

Liam: So when you taking her on a date?

"To be honest I didn't ask her I just said hi."

Liam looked at me speeding up his personal car.

Liam: Call her.


He speed up more, still looking at me.

Kevin: Shouldn't you...

Liam: Shut up Kevin. Call her or I crash this car.

"I'd like to see that."

We looked at each other as the car went max speed. It began going off the road but he didn't let up.

"Fine! Fucking look at the road!"

Liam: That's what I thought.

Kevin: Guys.

"I fucking hate when you do that shit."

Kevin: Guys!

Liam/Me: What!

We looked at police lights coming towards us.


Liam: I got it, just calm down.

"Calm down? We got fucking guns sitting next to Kevin."

Liam: Do I out run them?

"No, pull over. Kevin get out."

Kevin: What?

"When the cop stops, sneak over and kill the cop waiting in the car if there's one."

Kevin: Got it.

"Don't break anything on the car. Make sure it's a clean kill."

Liam: What you thinking?

"Well kill the cops take there uniform and kill the fuck."

Kevin jumped out as the car slowed down. Hopefully he's capable of doing one easy thing. I opened the glove box giving Liam the pistol he keeps inside.

"Is that a .22?"

Liam: Shut up.

The cop knocked on the window as he shined the light at us. I looked in the side mirror, Kevin was sneaking up to the car.


I jumped before looking at Liam getting out. I walked over to Kevin who was sitting inside the police car waiting.

Kevin: I got him now what?

"Go dump the body, but take the uniform off of them first."

Liam followed him off the road as I kept watch for any cars driving by. They walked back wearing the uniforms, Liam acting like he's an actual cop.

Liam: So what are we going to do with my car?

"I'll park it somewhere then we'll go to the target as police."

Liam: Don't scratch it.

I drove his car to some parking lot as they waited for me around the corner. Kevin was sitting up front until I knocked on the window.

Liam: So what's the plan?

"Go to the house say there's been threats or something bring them inside we kill them and dump the body somewhere."

Blue Collar, White Mask (White Mask reader x R6S)Where stories live. Discover now