➵ XV. Alpha Meets King

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Happy birthday Flash! I'm sorry I had to put this here. I have something special planned for when it's his birthday in the book, not real life.

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017, 12:00pm

Until We Go Down - Ruelle ^

Rei's POV

I wonder how that conversation is going, telling Asher and them about the Rogue Kingdom.

I'll go back in a bit. The silence is nice.

The wind blows softly as I take a deep breath.

My eyes snap open.

Sandalwood and pine, accompanied by a rogue scent.


I stand, and shake some snow off my body. I look around, my eyes narrowed. I spot Thatcher's sandy blonde coat, along with the rest of the Rulers, Daring, Four, AJ, Max and Darcy. I growl softly as I notice they're coming towards me.

And just when I think things can't get worse, one of Moonblood's patrols shows up behind me, growling at all of us. Thatcher growls back, and I know they'll start fighting if I don't do something. But I also I can't keep them apart on my own.

Guys, I'm gonna need some help, I say. Thatcher's here with the Rulers, facing off with one of the pack's patrols.

Be there in a flash, Killian replies.

Asher's just getting told about them now from the patrol, Clove adds.

I look at Thatcher, just as he takes a step towards the patrol. I growl at him, making him look at me.

Come on, Queenie, he whines. You're no fun.

Go find fun somewhere else, King, I say. Out of all packs out there, why come here?

Like I said before, Thatcher replies, stepping closer to me. A king needs his queen.

One of the patrol wolves growls again. They can't hear our conversation, so they don't know what's happening. Thatcher looks at his group and nods. Daring goes to lunge, but before he does, I use my power and create a wall of flames in between us, and the patrol. The tongues of flame burn high, too high for a wolf to jump, and the line of flames is too wide to jump across.

I hear some of the pack wolves yelp in surprised. Daring sends a glare at me, so I stick my tongue out at him.

Killian appears next to me, dropping down from the branches. I guess he climbed a tree on the other side of the fire and jumped across that way.

"Hello, tops and bottoms," Killian says, grinning.

Daring gives a wolf grin and waves with one paw. The rest of the Rulers just roll their eyes.

Stop the fire, Queenie, Thatcher says.

Why? I reply. You'll just attack them.

Exactly, Thatcher hisses. I want blood to be spilt.

Then go find a different pack to attack, I say.

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