Days pass of line after line, roaming the boat and rolling around in bed with Mateo, high, trying to find stuff to do until we get to Russia. The day comes that we are supposed to dock somewhere in Russia and Mateo sits me down to have a talk.
"Cariño... We are arriving today. We're gonna start a new life here. I have new identities for us for meeting people and existing normally there. You're going to be a good girl... okay?" He slides his hand onto my cheek, pushing my dark hair out of my face while staring into my dilated eyes. I smile easily through the high and nod. "And you're going to stay by my side, right?" I nod again and he smiles, pulling me into a hug. "Good girl." Mateo stands and goes to the luggage he packed up by the door and picks it up.
"There are several boxes of bleach in the bathroom cabinet. Can you please bleach your hair?" I barely think and nod. He leaves the room with the luggage and I look around the room before getting up. I look at my long black hair in the mirror, running my fingers through it slowly.
Mateo comes back into the room hours later and I walk out of the bathroom, looking at him. He takes in my new hair before coming over to me swiftly.
"You're so beautiful." He mumbles and then says something in Spanish, picking up a piece of my now close to platinum blonde hair that is also cut so that it just barely touches my shoulders. "We're about an hour away." I go over to the dresser and make myself a nice line before snorting it. Mateo brings me a jacket and helps me into it. "So..." I turn around and look up at him, waiting for him to say something. "There will be security and we got a little word from some... friends that there will be some light police presence so we are going to have to keep a low profile coming off the boat and avoid them." I nod and he smiles, leaning down and resting his forehead against mine. I drape my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly against him. His lips press against mine softly. He pulls away, but does not let go of me and remains with his forehead against mine.
"When we get there, we are going to go to a private airfield and we are going to fly to Moscow and then go from there to our temporary safe house." Mateo mumbles and begins to rock us back and forth.
"How long are we going to be at the safe house?" I question lightly.
"Until I figure out what is going on in the United States with looking for us and the police presence in Moscow. Probably just a few days." Mateo leans away and looks down at me, searching my eyes for something. "Let's go get you a small snack." Mateo pulls away completely and leads me out of our room. We slowly walk to the dining room kitchen area and I sit down at one of the metal tables while Mateo goes into the kitchen area. I hear him searching the cabinets and I rest my head on the cold metal table.
"Cariño..." I must have fallen asleep because I wake up with my head still on the cold metal table top. I sit up and look at Mateo, who is holding a bag of chips. He laughs slightly and hands me the chips. We sit and eat the chips and after a little bit of time there is an announcement over the ship's intercom system. A male's voice announces that we are minutes from the dock and to be prepared to dock. Mateo stands and I slowly stand with him. I follow him up the stairs to the deck with all of the shipping containers. As we turn the corner, I get a glimpse inside one of the shipping containers as they are closing the door. It's filled with those barely dressed blindfolded girls. Disgust pulls at me before I jump from Mateo pulling my hood up over my head. I see land close to us and part of me gets excited to get off this boat.
When the boat docks, Mateo and I quickly get off the boat with a couple of the workers. Mateo looks in one direction while he leads me into another directions. I look in the direction he is looking and see he is looking at two people walking side by side who look like cops. He adjusts my hood on my head and we speed walk to some cover behind a shipping container that has more containers stacked on top of it. He slows down once we are behind it. Mateo leads me cautiously through the shipping yard and when we reach a fence that has been cut, there is a person there waiting.
"Mateo! You made it." This person has a Russian accent as he greets Mateo through the fence.
"It's nice to see you Luka, you've made the arrangements?" The person nods as Mateo pulls back the fence and lets me duck through first. He steps through after me and let's go of the fence. Mateo follows Luka and I follow Mateo to a car in a parking lot close by. I get in the back seat of a car with dark tinted windows and Mateo gets into the back with me while Luka gets into the driver's seat. Mateo wraps his arm around me and brings me closer to him while Luka starts the car and pulls out of the parking space. We sit in the car for half an hour before we park in a small parking lot outside of a small private airport that is only a small building, the small parking lot, several hangers, and an airfield surrounded by a tall metal chain link fence with barbed wire on top of it. Mateo opens the door and gets out and then offers me a hand and helps me out. We follow Luka into the small building and Luka walks up to a front desk where a guy is standing, staring at the computer that is eye level with him. He looks at Luka and us and says something in Russian, smiling. Luka starts talking and they talk back and forth a little before Luka pulls out his wallet, opening it and pulling out some money. He holds it up for the guy to see and the guy thinks a little bit and then nods, going to the computer and typing some stuff. He reaches over behind the desk and grabs something, handing keys and a paper to Luka. Luka nods to the guy and then turns to us.

Caught By Him ~Sequel to Taken By Them~
ActionCorinna is kidnapped by the leader of Las Fantasmas, Mateo, and the FBI and Donte set out to find her again before she disappears into the gang's human trafficking ring.