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        Sage walked into Stiles' room, him  following behind. Despite having a mission, something they were supposed to be urgently doing, their footsteps seemed to be dragging. Having received the visual confirmation that Matt Daehler was, in fact, the Kanima's controller, they just had to convince Stiles' dad that he was also the one behind all of the killings in town. Not only because Matt could be doing that at this very moment, but because it would get John his job back. She couldn't stand knowing that everything was slipping through his fingers at this point, having lost nearly everything good in his life apart from Stiles. 

    The two weren't as motivated as they could have been, mostly because of the punch they consumed at the party. Both had hallucinations that scarred their minds mentally, one of them more emotionally while the other more psychologically. Stiles didn't know what to say after imagining what his father said to him at the party, if he could even believe for a second that what was shouted isn't true. The whole time in his jeep, it was completely silent between them; any time silence was created upon the couple, it was either because they were in a fight or because there was no words to express how they felt. It was the latter this time. 

        Sage dropped down onto Stiles' bed, silent as she kicked off her white converse. Stiles stared at her for a moment, his eyes moving from her tangled and messy hair to her black and smeared make up. It always brought a sick feeling to his stomach to see her like this, completely empty and without a fight. It wasn't the Sage he knew, the blonde that always knew how to push his buttons. This girl, this Sage, wasn't his. He ran a hand through his scalp, and shook his head before moving towards his closet. His supply of hoodies were dwindling by the days, and he was down to his very last few. Throwing one her way, it fell halfway onto her lap. He watched as her fingers curled into the fabric, then cleared her throat before looking up at him. 

        "I'm going to go try and clean my mess of a face," She muttered, going to stand up. Stiles nodded, and she went to pass by him, but stopped abruptly. He turned to look at her in question when she embraced him in a hug, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. He hesitated, his chest pressing against her's as she clung to him. Slowly, his hands crept around her waist and he was squeezing her back. They hugged at the party, but that was for his comfort. This one was for her, and it brought a lump to Stiles' throat as he wondered who, or what, she saw when she was under the wolfsbane punch. 

        "Sage?" He mumbled into her shoulder, in which she hummed out a small response. He only held her tighter as he said, "It wasn't real. None of it." He felt her nod into his neck then pull away, sending him a reassuring smile as she breathlessly laughed, rubbing at her cheeks. He brought his fingers up and ran them under her eyes, trying to get the black smudges and dried tears off her face. "You look like shit." 

        "Yeah, well. So do you," Sage retorted. He laughed, and kissed her forehead before letting her trudge off to the bathroom. She nearly tripped on the carpet as she went, still not completely stable after drinking so much. When she got into the bathroom, she pulled one of the cloths hanging from the rack and turned the water on. It wasn't like her to let something affect her this long. When something happened to her, she was able to discard her feelings immediately after it happened. This wasn't her. She shook her head, and scrubbed at her face, trying to get rid of the dark makeup. 

        Aiden was her very first boyfriend, and the only reason she felt so deeply for Allison. She knew what it was like to date a werewolf, more importantly, one with anger issues. The only difference between Aiden and Scott is that one of them protects and one of them kills. That was the main reason the whole relationship crumbled to the ground. Like she had told Melissa on the night of formal, Aiden was not, and never will be, a good guy. The idea of him coming back into her life scared her more than Matt being the Kanima's controller did because if he did, it would be for a bigger reason than just missing her. As far as she was concerned, he didn't even know she lives in Beacon Hills.

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