5 - "Noah, whats wrong?"

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Noah's POV:

I could hardly sleep last night thinking about how I fucked up with Venus. I felt terrible for pushing her, but I didn't even mean to.

I searched for my phone on the nightstand and when I picked it up, I was happy but nervous to see there was a response from Venus.

From: Venus
Hey Noah. I probably overreacted. There's just so much you don't know about me, I don't want to get close to you and scare you away or get my heart broken. We can be friends, but nothing more, I hope you can understand.

I feel like someone just punched me in my chest. I know it sounds crazy to have feelings for someone you just met, but Venus had something different about her, something I've never seen in anyone. She was pure and innocent and fragile, like a dragonfly. She had wings, but I don't think she quite knows how to use them. She's never felt free, I can tell because she closes herself off to the world. I want to show her how great life can be. She's been hiding in a shell because of her mom's illness but now that she's cured I just want her to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

To: Venus
Can I see you today?

I anxiously waited for a response. I wanted to see her and apologize in person and try to explain myself. I just want to spend time with her and continue getting to know her but I probably ruined my chances.

I decided to get ready for the day and to try and stop worrying about what Venus was thinking.

I put on a green and blue plaid shirt with a white T-shirt underneath and black jeans that were ripped at the knees. I put on some white vans and tried to tame my curly hair.

I heard my phone buzz and I literally bellyflopped onto my bed to see the message.

From: Venus
Animal Kingdom?

A smile came across my face reading that message from her. I was so relieved that she didn't completely hate me. I grabbed all the shit I needed and left the cabins to make my way to Animal Kingdom.


On my way here, I texted Venus saying that I would be near the Rainforest Cafe outside the park waiting for her.

I was getting nervous when she hadn't shown up after having waited almost half an hour. I felt a shadow approaching me and I turned around to be met by two blondes and their mom.

"Hey." I put my hands in my pockets and smiled at them nervously.

"Good morning, Noah!" Their mom said, sounding happy to see me, "We're so happy you could join us today."

"Uh, yeah, me too," I gave a real smile, feeling relieved, "And good morning!"

Venus gave me a sad smile but Ellorie just looked annoyed with her sister.

"Shall we go in?" Their mom said happily.

"Yeah, let's." Ellorie said, crossing her arms.

We made our way towards the bag check and Ellorie and her sister went in a line together, leaving me alone with their mom.

"I'm sorry about Venus," she said, "I've been trying to get her to break out of her shell for who knows how long. She's sensitive. She doesn't have friends back home and the only guy she ever liked broke her heart so she's too scared to try to get to know anyone. Give her some time. She'll come through."

Hearing what her mom had to say opened my eyes a little. Venus didn't mention much about boys or relationships so I guess I didn't know enough about her to try and have her come to the party last night. I'm more determined now than ever to break down her walls.

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