Graduations were taking place. Team Cyan sat in the courtyard on a bench as a light flurry of snow descended. Nick sighed, is breath wafting up like smoke from a chimney. With Thomas' passing the night before, graduation was hard to swallow. The Headmaster had insisted that Nick take time out and not attend the ceremony, however Nick did so anyway. His team was supportive, Indigo and Ash stuck by him all day.
'What's taking Coal so long?' Ash growled. 'We got to go to Atlas soon.'
'He must have a reason for being delayed.' Nick responded, his teeth chattering in the cold. Coal in his white graduation gown bolted down the path from the side of the school, he skidded to a halt before the team panting. 'Sorry I'm late, that talk took way longer than I wanted to. Doctor Alabaster is on board, He said he will meet us in Atlas tomorrow. We best get going, we can get some food then head out. Our flight isn't for a few more hours.'
'Right on, Coal. Thank you so much, guys. I know it is a crazy idea, but I think we can do it.' Nick stood shaking off the snow that built up on his hood. He cracked a small smile.
'That's the first time you have smiled all day,' Ash said pinching Nick's cheek. Nick pulled away. They all giggled.
'It is a crazy idea and will take some time to set up, but at least if we pitch the idea now, we have some support from the school and your dad's friends, the council should be more up for it. Besides we can talk to them about the stabilized energy dust we made.' Indigo responded. She looked at the boys. 'We should be thanking you Nick. Without you we wouldn't even be on this path.'
'Oh, does that mean we change the team name?' Ash butt in.
'What! No!' Coal exclaimed. 'Why would we change the team name?'
'Because Nick will be the leader.'
'How did you come up with that, brother?' Coal glared at his twin.
'We are joining him on his mission,' Ash, for the first time, in a long time proposed a solid argument.
Indigo slow clapped, 'I'm scared and impressed. That's the most intelligent thing you have ever brought to the table, Ash.'
'Why thanks - Hey!' Ash growled again. Coal giggled. Ash moved closer to Indigo who partially drew her short sword, Noctis. He backed off slowly.
'Cool it, you two.' Coal said in his voice of authority. Indigo sheathed her sword. 'What say you Nick, think we should change the team name? Would you like to be leader?'
Nick shrugged his shoulders. It was not something he had ever thought about. On missions Coal had always had good communication and was always prepared to be the first to put his best foot forward, it made following him motivational. He was great with people and good at thinking on his feet, especially with combat. Nick was used to serving support roles and not used to the limelight. He mulled it over a little more.
'You don't have to answer now. Just think about it. Either way we are with you all the way.' Coal flashed him a smile and a wink. 'Let's get going! Need to get out of this stupid gown.'
The next day, the team stood at the steps of the Atlas research and development department building which temporarily housed the kingdom's governing council. The six-story building itself was new, and just like Alsius, was constructed of white stone, glass and steel. The steps leading up to the entrance were caked with ice. Ash stood gawping at the majesty.
'Come on bro, we got a date with destiny,' Coal yelled at him from the top of the steps.
'Hey, wait up guys! You know I'll get lost if you leave me behind!' Ash yelled back.

RWBY: Remnants
FanfictionRemnants. Fragmented pieces of the past scattered across the world. Through people, stories, legends, and artefacts alike, the events of the past are compiled and remembered. Man takes great pride in stories of heroism, greatness and victory, doing...