chapter 27.

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chapter 27.

*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

"Why did you kiss me?" Niall asked.

"Oh uh, WHAT’S THAT LOUIS? OH YOU NEED MY HELP? COMING!" I shouted to no one in particular. Talk about the worst excuse ever.

"Louis didn’t call you?"

"He did. We have uh, twin telepathy powers.. Yeah! So bye!" Before he could reply i sprinted back upstairs towards Louis’ room. The door was unlocked so i just ran in there and locked the door behind me. I turned around only to see Louis and Harry sitting on the bed staring at me. For fuck sake. Must Harry be everywhere?!

"Oh, sorry for interrupting." I looked at both of them awkwardly. "I’ll just go chill with Zayn... Bye!"

I went to go back out the door but of course someone tackled me to the ground. And that someone is obviously Louis. Damn this boy!

"LOUIS!" I yelled.

"Yes twin?"

"Get off!"

"No. Your gonna try escape!" He whined.

"I pinky promise i wont! Just get off me!"

"How do i know you’re not lying?!" He exclaimed.

"Well for one i’m still here aren’t i? And two, i’m pretty sure my breathing is rather important, so i kind of want to live!"


He got up off me and helped me up then dragged me over to the bed where they were sitting.. I sat up near the head rest while they sat at the end of the bed just staring at me...

"Louis why do i have to stay?" I glared at him.

"Because you and Harry need to work things out."

"There’s nothing for us to work out!" I said plainly.

"Yes there is!" Harry disagreed with me.

"Uh no there’s not?" I tried to shut him up by giving him evils.

"Why don’t we start with why you said yes to date HazzaBear?" Louis interrupted.

"Are you seriously making us talk this out like we’re in a therapy bonding class?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Now start answering my question peasant!" He demanded. How dare he call me a peasant!

"Fine! I agreed because on our 'date' he seemed like he was just himself, not 'Harry Styles from one direction!'. He was genuinely himself and actually really sweet.. He made me laugh and he was actually fun to be around.. But i emphasize on the was part." I explained.

"Okay good. Now why did you break up with him if he WAS all of those things?" Louis continued.

"I still AM all of those things!" Harry protested with a pout on his face.

"Uh because he cheated on me?" I stated the obvious.

"But did you get his side of the story?" Louis asked.


"And your thoughts were?"

"That he’s an idiot."

"Heeey!" Harry butted in.

"Truth hurts doesn’t it." I retorted giving him a dirty look.

"Why won’t you forgive him?" Louis asked.

"Because he's a dick. Because he doesn’t deserve my forgiveness. Because he cheated on me." I named the few things that came to my head.

"What if he earns it?" Louis asked once again. Him and his questions.

"Well then i could possibly forgive him."

"Good. Harold now you have to woo her!" He smirked happily at Harry.

"What is this 'woo' you speak of?" I asked.

"Well he basically has to do everything it takes to woo you and win your forgiveness." Louis smiled.

"Riiiiiiiiight.." I trailed off. I don't even know what to say. "Oh, Lou can i speak to you in private please?!"

"Uh suuuure."

"Harry that means get out." I suggested with a fake smile.

"I know that LOVE! I’ll see you soon!" He said winking at me and left the room leaving me and Louis sitting on the bed to talk.

"What’s up love?" Louis asked.

"Well first of all, you englandish people have an obsession with saying “love'." I smiled. "And secondly- NIALL WANTS TO KNOW WHY I KISSED HIM!" I panicked.

"Englandish? Really?" Louis said smirking. "THAT IS NOW MY NEW WORD! And so?" He shrugged plainly as if this isn't a big deal!

"So?! What am i supposed to say back?! I dont want to hurt his feelings but do you want me to just go 'Oh Louis dared me to, i never wanted to do it!' no! That’s rude and mean!"

"Calm down 'love'!" Louis smirked. "Just say that, uh, this is a hard one... Uh... OOOH! I GOT IT! Just say you have a bucket list and on the list it said that you had to kiss him!" He suggested.

"Oh my god, thanks Louis!"

"No problem love! Oh i almost forgot, you and Harry are hanging out today!" He exclaimed.

"WHAT?! Oh wait, what a shame- Liam said i’m not allowed out anywhere!" I said triumphantly smirking. Hah take that Louis!

"That’s alright because we’re having a movie day today but you and Harry have to sit next to each other and snuggle the whole time!" He smirked back which caused my entire face to drop.

"What did Liam have to say about this?!" I hissed.

"Oh Liam said it was fine."

"Fine. When does this stupid movie day start?!"

"Right now!"

And with that said, Louis dragged me out of the room..

This chapter was pretty boring haha... I’m getting worse at writing with each chapter :( haha but anyways, thanks for reading & yeah comment, vote ect. :) xo

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