I want to see

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Lance knew something was coming but he couldn't figure out what. Keith was busy as always but it was a different kind of busy like an event busy.
"Daddy what's going on?" Lance was pestering Keith again and it was only Lunch the ballroom has been decorated there was food everywhere and decorations. The whole place looked like a party.
"Is it a party!" Lance squealed and jumped out of his chair knocking a glass cup to the ground it shattered and Keith being stressed enough was pissed.
"Well your not going now!" Keith spat. Lance gasped and crossed his arms like a two-year-old.
"That's not fair! It was an accident"Lance's eyes started to well up with water. Keith sighed and gave in not in the mood to deal with Lance crying.
"You can go but you're staying by my side" Lance nodded his head and gripped onto Keiths arm tightly like it was his lifeline.
"Love you, Daddy" Lance kissed Keith and warmth filled him he loved Keith although his punishments could be a bit extreme it was fun and most of the time Lance enjoyed them. Keith looked at Lance and picked him up bridal style.
"The parties in an hour so get upstairs your outfits all laid out." Lance jumped out of Keith's hands and ran up the stairs almost falling a couple of times. Lance burst through his doors to his bedroom and scanned the room for the so-called outfit of Keith's. It was a golden lace corset with matching underwear. Lance groaned as he slipped on the corset and the underwear out of the corner of his eyes he saw a pair of heels shimmering gold in the light and a beautiful and complex gold chain choker. Lance came out of the room all dressed up and Keith was there at his door about to knock.
"I forgot one major detail" Keith unfurled his hands and revealed a gold chain leash and blindfold. Lance stepped back this is what Keith meant by staying by his side.
"I'm not some stupid show pony!" Lance had tears in his blue stained glass eyes. Lance had his hands at his side and Lance as an instinct clenched his hands into fists.
"Don't make this harder. It's a trust exercise." Keith tried to soothe Lance.
"No" Lance didn't want to be some prized trophy for Keith.
"I love you please I want you to trust me, after all, that's happened I want to trust myself with you." Lance relaxed slightly his fists unraveled and he looked up and Keith wiping his eyes.
"Fine" Lance crossed his arms as he let Keith attach the gold chain to his neck and slowly slip on the blindfold. Lance couldn't see anything he hated it but he trusted Keith sorta.
"You'll be rewarded for this Kitten" Keith then as gentle as he could handcuffed Lance's arms behind his back.
"Daddy you didn't say..." Keith cut Lance off with a kiss.
"Don't complain" Keith was stern yet kind and Lance fell head over heels for him. Keith tugged gently on the chain and Lance stumbled forward. Keith slowly lead Lance down the stairs after much difficulty it took a while but they managed.

Time skip by Kuron
The party was full up and running music going loud and Keith had a firm grip on Lance making sure no one touched him or stole him. One guy had slapped Lance's ass and Keith had almost beaten him up but Lance had told him to stop. This was a bonding exercise and Lance was putting a lot of trust in him and he was going to prove Lance could trust him. Keith took a deep breath and asked if Lance needed anything.
"Restroom please" Lance begged Keith sighed and dragged Lance to the bathroom.
"You can take the blindfold off only to use the restroom," Keith said sternly.
In the bathroom, Lance thought about how serious Keith was when he had said it's a trust game or whatever. Lance washed his hands and walked to the door he slid his blindfold on and opened the door.
"Keith hold me" Lance stumbled and all most fell Keith caught him and squeezed him into a hug.
"I'll always hold you" Keith whispered into Lance's ear his voice like silk.
"Now Let's dance!" Keith was so enthusiastic that Lance could only nod his head yes as Keith wrapped his hand around the gold chain hanging from Lance's neck. Keith then dragged Lance back to the dance floor. Lance repeatedly stumbled and bumped into people Lance helplessly called out for Keith to slow down but he couldn't be heard over the music. Then Lance bumped into a woman who seemed pissed.
"Sorry Ma'am" Keith had stopped walking but them Lance felt the chain against his skin warm from Keith's grip he had let go. Lance panicked as the woman shoved him he fell to the ground Lance tried to crawl away but the man picked held him down.
"Hey slut watch out." The voice belonged to a man, not a woman. Then there was silence and a crash.
"Don't touch my boyfriend!" Keith had come back to help him. Lance weakly stood up and stumbled around until he found Keith and stood behind him. Lance leaned up to Keith's ear he could feel Keith's mullet and his broad shoulders.
"I'm okay." Lance tried to calm Keith down he didn't want anyone fighting. Keith flipped the man off and grabbed Lance by the gold chain and walked off.
"Lance I'm leaving you in the sex room okay I'm just scared" Keith was worried and Lance could hear it in his voice.
"But you promised!" Lance stopped walking and this caused Keith to jerk back. They were in front of the door and Keith opened it up. The sound alerted Lance where they were. Lance grabbed at his neck feeling for the latch. Once his fingers found what he was looking for he unclipped the chain from his neck which meant Keith had no hold on him he ran not taking the blindfold off he knew the house like he knew his sexuality. Lance managed to get to his room and once he shut the door he flopped down on his bed. Keith would never look for him here. Keith had a bunch he knew were to look for Lance so he ran to Lance's room he shoved passed people and spilled a couple of drinks which got him yelled at but he was the host and he didn't care. Keith burst through Lance's door and heard a screech. Keith examined Lance the blindfold remained on. At least he didn't take it off thought Keith.
"Hello" Lance called out, he had heard the door but didn't know who was there, Lance backed into the headboard which hit the wall. He looked weak like a lost fawn easy prey for a wolf. Keith was ready to pounce on Lance and drag him back to the room and shove a vibrator in his ass and make him suffer but he didn't disobey rules and all he did was want to be at the party Keith sighed.
"I can hear you leave me alone!" Lance was shaking half from the cold and half because of fear. Keith crawled onto the bed and pulled Lance into a kiss Lance pushed away with all his might.
"I'm not cheating on Keith go away!" Lance weakly kicked Keith not knowing it was him.
"Good boy" Keith finally spoke and Lance gasped.
"I'm so sorry Daddy I didn't mean too"
"Kitten I was making sure you wouldn't cheat. It's ok I'll reward you if you wait in the sex room" Keith slowly caressed Lance's face it was quiet and in the background, the party was going loud. Lance whimpered and Keith had to pick him up and carry him to the room taking back ways to avoid people. Once Keith was at the room he opened the door and Lance squirmed in his grip.
"Be a good kitty and stay" Lance purred and practically leaped out of Keith's hands onto the mattress. Keith then attached the chain to Lance.
"You were so good I'm going to give you this" Keith slipped the cock-ring onto Lance then handed him a dildo.
"Keep the blindfold on and I'll give you a treat" Keith walked out of the room locking it behind him. He slipped the key into the little puppy hole of the wall. Keith then went back to the party and quickly had some shots laughing and dancing he almost forgot about Lance when the douche he almost beat up passed him mumbling.
"That was a fine little whore that guy had. Must have been a prostitute or sex slave." the men laughed and Keith was a bit tipsy he stood up and tapped the guy on the shoulder. The guy turned around a sneer on his face then Keith's hand slapped him leaving an imprint. Keith ran and went to the sex room. Keith unlocked the door and slipped in locking it behind him and activating soundproof. Keith looked at Lance who was riding the dildo crying out for it to be his sugar daddy.
"Miss me much?" Lance gasped at Keith's words startled at first then he slid off the dildo.
"I want you" Lance was panting and his tongue lolled out of his mouth.
Keith giggled at the lovely sight before him.
"You're tipsy!" Lance gasped held never known Keith to get drunk let alone tipsy.
"I'm barely tipsy" Keith harumphed and stalked over to Lance.
"You left the blindfold off good boy" Keith cooed at Lance and if Lance was any redder he would be a tomato. Keith laid Lance on his back
"We can take it easy ok?" Keith didn't want to go fast. Lance nodded an okay. Keith grabbed the lube and spread it on his dick once satisfied he inserted himself into Lance who gasped at the sudden penetration. Keith slowly made out with Lance and left love marks and bites all over his delicate skin.
"Daddy pick up the pace a bit please" Lance usually didn't beg for the pace to be sped up or down but he had been good so Keith went at a decent pace. Lance nibbed at Keith's neck indicating he wanted to mark it and Keith didn't deny him. It was a moderate pace but it was full of love and passion not just the need or desire for sex. Lance loved everything about the man topping him right now everything from his hair to his personality. Lance moaned as Keith filled him up and Keith took of the ring allowing Lance to release himself. Keith unchained Lance and carried him to the bed in the room once they were both settled in they spooned.
"Love you" Lance meant those words with all his heart they were true and full of meaning.
"I love you as well sugar" Keith replied with such sincerity and love that Lance melted into his touch and felt warm and whole. It was beautiful the party raging on without them but they had each other.
"Are they going to shut up?" Lance couldn't sleep with the noise.
"At midnight the guards will escort everyone out" Keith then squeezed Lance tighter.
"Just go to sleep Lance" Keith sounded tired and this made Lance tired he didn't want to keep his boyfriend or sugar Daddy awake but what was he to Keith a boyfriend or sugar baby and nothing else. Lance would ask Keith tomorrow morning. Lance succumbed to sleep knowing he was safe in Keith's arms no one was going to touch him or hurt him here while he was protected by Keith's hot head, muscles, strength, and his legs. Lance loved Keith no doubt about it but did Keith love him back he would ask tomorrow morning.

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