Chapter 31: Jaco

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We stand on a hill outside Amatikulu and look down at the Naidoo headquarters. At least ten buildings surround the central warehouse. Security is high with sentries, high fences and dogs.

My brother is in war mode and running this rescue with military precision. I haven't seen him like this since army days and I'm impressed.

"Ok, so we work in three waves. The aim of the first is to get to Liz and ensure she is safe. Max you go wolf and use your nose, Jabu, Jaco and I will get you through the fence and run interference on the guards. Then the second wave will be lead by Spots and his team. I want a frontal assault, create a diversion. I want a third element taking the perimeter, picking up any runners. Listen guys, this needs to be slick, no survivors, no witnesses. If any word of this gets out, every shifter in the country will have to bear the consequences.

We head around the back, Ric and Jabu have wire cutters and make short work of the fence and we slide under. My nose picks up Golf's scent straight away and I work my way silently towards the warehouse. As it comes into view, I hear her. The scream. It's like ice in my veins and my wolf growls as I spring forward, but Max's bulk gets in my way.

"You can't rush in, Jaco." Ric whispers at my back, "We don't know what is going on inside."

I push past them and run around the side of the warehouse looking for a door. She screams again, and I break into sprint. In the background I hear shouts and gunshots as the second wave crashes through the main gate.

A smash on the far side of the warehouse distracts me. There was no plan for an assault on the warehouse. This is followed by screams and explosions inside. I push through the door.

Inside is mayhem. There is smoke everywhere and the tables are flung against the far wall causing huge dents and imprisoning at least four men, all groaning. But it's the screams from the bar area which attract my attention. I trot forward and as the smoke clears, I see my Golf. She is tied to a plastic chair and her face is bleeding. At her feet, lie three men, Harry is clearly dead, bled out from his legs which look like they exploded. Aucamp is clutching his hand which is burnt beyond recognition, and Vesh Naidoo is holding his face, which looks like half has been blown off, with fingers which are swollen and black, as his rings cut off their circulation.

I tilt my head and look at Golfie, she smells wrong, the stench of mint overpowering her delicate orange blossom. She stares at me, her eyes black and lifeless.

"Shifter dogs." She sneers. "War beasts, bred to serve the Fae. What do you want?"

Her voice is dry and hoarse from screaming but her tone is regal. Jabu comes up behind me and kneels down in front of her. His hand on my neck as he whispers.

"She's fae, Jac. I don't know how I missed it, but this is bad. She's unstable and she's dangerous."

My wolf growls, "But she's mine."

I inch towards her on my stomach, she is my mate, somewhere in there is my Golf. I lift my nose to her fingers and lick gently. Golfie, come back to me, baby.

Her fingers twitch and touch my fur. Slowly I change and kneel, looking up at her as she continues to stare at me with black eyes and run her fingers through my hair.

"Golfie, it's me, Ford. Are you in there, love? You're safe, we can get you out of this chair."

Her expression softens, her black eyes following me. I kiss her hand then move my eyes to the knife impaling her other hand.

"I need to take this knife out of your hand to free you, Golf. Can you be brave for a little while longer?" Her empty stare moves to the knife and watches as I grab it and yank it out. She gasps and the whole warehouse shudders around us. She sucks in air, crying from the pain, as I use the knife to slice the ropes holding her. Ignoring the cries of warning from my friend and brothers, I pull her up into my arms, holding her in a tight embrace, her body shudders against mine and her scent shifts away from the mint, and the orange blossoms and spices return. I look down at her bleeding face, now marred with an ugly knife slash, and her eyes stare back, beautiful whiskey-gold.

"Ford. Ford? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?"

She looks around, confused, taking in all the destruction around us, then she looks at her hand, the hole from the knife dripping blood, and she starts shaking.

"Ford, you came for me. I thought, I thought, you and Bethany..."

I kiss her other cheek. "It's you, baby, and will always be you. I will always come for you, Golf."

She glances over my shoulder, looking at Ric, Jabu and Max who is standing over Naidoo. Naidoo croaks, "You're a crazy, witch. How the hell did you do that? I should have known you were in alliance with the shifters, we'll kill you all."

Max growls and looks to Jabu who nods and Max latches onto Naidoo's neck and in a swift jerk rips out his throat.

Golf gasps as the blood flows but nods her head. "He deserves it, the fucker."

Jabu steps forward, his arms crossed over his chest. "You are Fae."

She looks at him and shakes her head. "Fae?"

"One of the faerie race. Where are you from and why are you here?"

She stares at him, the silence stretches out between them, broken only by the odd gunshot outside, the second wave had been swift and deadly.

"I don't know anything about the Fae. I was adopted when my mother asked the fairies for a child. I always thought my mother was a bit of a hippy but maybe she was right after all. Maybe the electrical shock triggered something inside of me, but all I felt was the metal calling to me and this power. I never meant to hurt anyone. All I want, is to be with Ford."

Jabu stares at her. "I must talk to my father, we have no experience with the Fae. Until then, stay with Jaco, he will have to take responsibly for you." He shares a look with me, damn, if she goes Fae on the pack it will be on me. Max and Ric have since worked their way around the warehouse dealing with the survivors and I lift her in my arms. She cringes and cradles her injured hand as we make our way out into the night.

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