Sloan's P.O.V.
"Taehyung, the banner isn't supposed to be crooked!" I groan as I look at my newly done banner hanging sideways in the grand hallway of the school.
"Well, I'm sorry. It's kind of hard to see clearly when you're the one putting it up." he seethe, attempting to straighten the banner as he singlehandedly makes it worse.
I sigh as I rub the area between my eyes. This is giving me a migraine. Whyd I have to choose taehyung for this job? Oh, yeah! You wanted a reason to ogle the boy freely without getting accused.
"You know what, just get down. I'll fix it myself." I wave off, stepping close to the ladder. Taehyung mumbles words and begins his descent down the ladder. Once he's firmly on the ground I shove my planner portfolio in his arms and work my way around him so I can climb myself up the ladder.
Keeping the angle it was crooked at in my mind, I adjust the banner to my liking and lean backwards a bit to see if it's straight. I smile in content of my work and dust my hands off before climbing down.
Only I was so focused on finishing my work that I hadn't recalled where the next rung down was.
"Sloan!" I hear taehyung's voice and a loud crashing noise above my shreik of terror. Before I can hit the ground, I land comfortable somewhere.
I repose myself and look to see Taehyung's eyes wide in panic and his breathing labored. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You could've seriously injured yourself!" he sets me down on my feet as he scorched my body for any injuries that could've been caused.
His arm is still wrapped around my waist tightly. We are at such a close proximity it's making my head dizzy. I've never been so close to him and his body and his lips.
"Are you okay?" his voice is more steadied now as he releases himself from me. I stumble immediately when he does so but yet again he's quick to catch me.
"Ow." I hiss, bending over to rub my ankle.
"Looks like you twisted your ankle. We should get you to the nurse." taehyung's bends slightly to look at my ankle.
"How do you suppose we do that when I can't even walk?" I ask in despair, completely oblivious to the possible ways I could move.
I could hop. I could side step as I drag my foot behind me. Oh, I could crawl! See, so many options so choose one you idiot.
Taehyung's tools his eyes at me before leaning over to pick up my binder and papers that had fell out when he dropped it. He eyes me carefully before hoisting me up into his arms bridal style like before.
"What are you doing?" I squeal, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"Taking you to the Nurse, genius." he sits the binder in my lap and proceeds down the hall to where the main office is.
I cling myself to his body like a koala and attempt to hide my face as students passing by give us a knowing look. Some giving me eyes of pity while others wolf whistle at taehyung for "snatching a girl finally".
Oh, how embarrassing!
I faintly hear a door open and Taehyung's muscles contradict together to attempt carrying me at the same time as he opens the door.
I raise my head just in time to see the reactions of all the ladies working inside the office. "She fell off the ladder and I think she may have sprained her ankle." taehyung speaks up to the women before us.
I can see some of then in the back pointing and whispering at us. I'm aware Taehyung and the others are some of the best gossip to talk about upon office employees but do they really have to point out things? At least make it subtle.

Fate Met In Paradise || Jeon Jungkook
Fanfiction"Well, I didn't expect to see you here. What are the odds?" One love story turned into many. The domino effect of fate. Highest Story Ranking: #151 in Fate Wonderful covers made by BTS_Emu