Author's Note: Hey! So my chapters are going to be small, to begin with. They'll get longer, I promise. If you have any feedback, please feel free to let me know!
It was around 8:30 pm. Suzy and I were the last two people on our floor. She was playing some heavy-sounding music while replying to emails at a furious speed (how does she even type that fast?) and I was just done touching up my makeup. Dressed in a tweed co-ord set, I knew I looked way too formal for a club night - but that's what you do for friends-who-happen-to-be-your-boss, right? Plus, I had dressed up for the morning team meeting, in which they had announced that I would be taking on more editing responsibilities - I wanted to look the part since at 23 I was still kind of young for that senior a position.
Suzy looked up from her screen when I entered the room again. "Nice. Are you looking to get laid too?"
I rolled my eyes at her. "I happen to have a boyfriend, in case you're forgetting."
She scoffed. "Yeah, but does he know that? Last I remember, he was still afraid of any kind of label."
This much was true. Our work, which involved drawing inspiration from our personal lives and experiences quite a bit, made certain that we all knew every intimate detail of each other's lives. If not because of work, Suze and I definitely updated each other during our shared smoke breaks. She was older, wiser and a mentor - I didn't mind sharing embarrassing details with her even if I didn't always take her advice.
"He'll come around. I only call him my boyfriend because it's easier anyway. How am I suppose to introduce him otherwise? 'Here's Charles, he's my weird, complicated but kind of exclusive boy-situation. Oh and he works in finance.' I don't see that going down well. Plus, it's not like I'm asking him to marry me tomorrow or something. I'm just trying to have fun."
"Fine, fine, I don't really care about him, to be honest. I think the rest of these emails can wait until tomorrow. You're ready to bounce?"
I took out my phone to book an Uber for us, "Don't tell me you're going to be working all weekend again?"
She flashed me a fake smile, "Isn't it better than stalking my ex-boyfriend and his new fiance on social media?"
I sighed, "Fine. I'm turning my slack notifications off though. You'll drive me nuts with your notes."
"We both know you're all talk. You can't function without slack. You're too paranoid." When did she get to know me so well? Ugh.
I started walking towards the elevator, "I can't hear you. Better pack up quick, the cabbie is almost here. I'll see you downstairs, I'm gonna have a quick smoke."
I pressed the button for the ground floor as I stepped into the elevator, looking for my cigarettes in my tote. My phone buzzed and I saw a text from Charles.
Charles: On your way home?
Lily: No, heading out for drinks with Suzy. She's had a bit of a rough day. You want to join?
I knew his answer before I even asked him...
Charles: No, carry on. I'm still at work, will grab a drink with the guys before heading home.
Typical. He didn't care for Suzy very much either.
I got off on the ground floor and lit my cigarette as I waited.
Lily: Have fun! I'll see you tomorrow?
Charles: Sure, see you
This was the problem with this guy. He never sounded enthusiastic to see me. Or was I just looking for faults now? He was always great once I was with him - polite, engaging, sexy as fuck... Oh, forget it. The sex definitely made up for his lack of excitement while texting.
Suze came down just as the cab rounded the corner. Another 15 minutes and we could start drinking away her sorrows.

RomanceIt wasn't like life wasn't complicated already. My parents were headed for a divorce, my 3 best friends were in an impossible love triangle and my kind-of boyfriend had some major commitment issues. And then he comes back into my life. And what doe...