Always - Thasmin One Shots

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My breathing was hard, and it took me a few tries to get the words out.

'Doctor, where are they?' She looked back at me blankly, as if to say how should I know and I couldn't help but flounce a little, beginning to get my breath back and hoping that she really did have a plan - or at least part of one.

'We'll meet them back at the Tardis. It'll be fine. Come on.' Without thinking I began to follow her down the corridor.

If I wasn't becoming used to this, it might have occurred to me that it was a little odd to be running on a glass floor, but what would have been more surprising would have been the fact that beyond that glass, down as far as the eye could see (and all around us) was black. To the point that you couldn't really be sure that it was glass until you saw a star shooting beneath your feet, or another ship in the distance.

It was eery but, at the moment, inconsequential.

Her coat flapped behind her and in the back of my mind I was wondering whether two hearts meant she was just that much better at running, or whether I was more unfit than I had thought.
I was used to having to keep up with others, prove myself, Yasmin Khan, female police officer of Pakistani descent. It wasn't like it had been an easy journey.

But the doctor was way out of my league, and I'd known it from the first moment I met her.

Without even turning back to me she called out my name, motioning with her hand for me to catch up as she slowed at the end of the corridor.

She kept her hand held out behind her and waved it a little as though waiting for me to do something.

I looked at it wondering what she wanted, and checked my pockets for her sonic. Sometimes she forgot it somewhere and I picked it up, for someone so clearly a genius she could be a bit of a liability.

'What?' I asked, my breathing slowing, as I found nothing in my pockets to give her.

'Don't worry.' She said, but I noticed a blush on her cheeks - feeling a little triumphant I followed her through the now unlocked door, wondering if this was a sign that actually she was getting a little tired.

'One Tardis, safe and sound.' She tapped it, but kept her hand resting on it, the relief palpable.

'Thank goodness for that.' I nearly laughed, my stomach unclenching for the first time in a while.

But a noise coming from behind the Tardis kept me quiet, the doctor moved in front of me, her hand outstretched behind her keeping me back.
'Who's there?' She called out, and I looked down her figure to see her hand reaching into her pocket, resting on the sonic.

'Doc, it's only us.' It was unmistakably Graham's voice, and I went to move forward, but she put her hand out to stop me again, taking hold of my arm with one hand and putting her finger to her lips with the other.

Her hand slipped down my arm and came to rest on my wrist, me not moving next to her.

'If you are Graham,' she said, seriously, 'what's my favourite biscuit?' I sucked in a breathe, not sure why it suddenly felt like there wasn't enough air in the room.
When no sound greeted us, she moved her hand down again, and I relaxed my clasped hand, letting hers slip into mine.

She squeezed it a little and moved her head around the Tardis.

'Well?' She asked again.

'Well, it's obviously a custard cream, like the ones you used as cereal this morning.' Her nose wrinkled as she smiled and I couldn't help but smile too.

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