I woke up to a different smell, it was pale and musky. The scent of death.
I quickly jolted my head up urgently suddenly aware of where i was I menataly cursed myself for letting myself fall into there hold once again I shoul have stayed hidden went into a different territory but I let myself get distraced.
I tilted my nose up smelling at least 7 different wolves most warriors but one stood out, it was the most powerful of them all.
An alpha.
And next to that alpha stood a shepish looking Tyson. "Sorry" He said. I merley just looked next to him curiously at the alpha who seemed just as curious as me.
"We had to up the gaurds on you since you escaped last time and tyson here was just nice enough to let us know where you went. That earned a glare from me and a wince from Tyson who seemed to shrink back. "How is it that there is so much power in one tiny looking mutt" Her spat like I was a dscrace which to him I was he didn't know me. Even if he did he would probably think the same thing. I glanced away knowing that he didn't really want an anwser.
"Who are you" Nothing came from me.
"What pack are you from" Still nothing.
"How long have you been a rouge a pretty little thing like you can't last too long in these big bad woods" i let out a dry bitter chuckle. If only he knew. My dad had taught me to keep quite in interrigations. I mean I'm a werewolf the most powerfull one of all I can't be killed not that easy.
"Something must have happened for you to turn rouge" He said and I realized where this was going. "Did daddys little princess do something to get kicked out of the pack?"
"Or maybe you left on your own" He paused before studying me. "No, no thats not it" He walked around the room abit. "Let me guess you slept with one to many of the football players and there mates weren't to happy" He stopped again before almost snarling at me. "Or maybe you stole one of there mates"
My face winced it was the oppiste actually I thought. He seemed to smirk at the reaction because he seemed proud of himself almost before he kept going. "Daddy and mommy couldn't deal with you after that could they? They had no choice but to toss there little slut out on her own" I growled trying to tugg forwards to break the chains. He kept going sending insults my way which only made my angier. I concentrated on his face his movement when I pulled and the chains yanked out of the wall. I spun sending them his way as they hit him across the face, the warriors came in flying towards me attempting to restrain me but by this point I was too far gone.
I was breathing heavy sweat pouring off my face by the time I reached him, he stood there shocked but reganged himself and a smirk was placed back onto his face, it seemed to be the only expression he wore. "You know nothing about me" I spat at him.
"Oh Red, but I do" Her voice stood out amounst the yelling and growling. Her silkly smooth voice almost enchanting me. My eyes meet hers and I realized why she looked so familiar, we were the same, at least we looked the same. We had the same features, the same smooth voice the same piercing blue eyes, and i realized that this girl might be the key to almost everything i needed to know.
"Crim" The Alpha spoke. "What are you doing here?" He questioned obviously confushed and oblivous to the tension between me and her.
"Crimson to you" She spoke as if she was scolding a child. "And I came to see my dear Sister Blake" The alpha looked shocked as he looked between me and her.
"Sister?" We spoke at the same time, I didn't know who looked weirder. The alpha who wore more of a constipated, puzzeled expression, or me whos expression must have changed every second not to mention my eyes which were flicker back and forth between colours not sure which one to stay as. I continplated if she could be telling the truth before shaking me head.
"No" I whispered, My parents would have told me. "You're lying" I growled suddenly a wave of anger crossed me. She just stood there with that sadistic smirk on her face, she looked as if she was laughing at me moking me. "No" I suddenly yelled loud enough to make the room rumble. "No" i whispered queiter this time.
And I did the one thing I thought of. The one thing I remember my brother teaching me. The one thing I did best.
Screw extra guards, screw fake lying sister rouges, screw alphas who screw you over interogate you infuriate you and cheat on you.
I ran.
Because thats just the type of person I was. If you could even call me a person.
I ran, because I was a coward.
Just liked Christi called me, and no matter how many times I told myself I wouldn't be that same defensless Blake who ran away from everything, who cried over nothing, I couldn't just lose that part of myself, I couldn't just lose my emotions.
But that might just be right what I have to do.