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The car slows to a stop in front of my house, I cast another tentative glance at my phone and step out after paying for the trip. Last time I dialled her number, her phone was switched off. She is fine, the bodyguards confirmed that but I can't help that nagging feeling of dread. I frown and run my fingers through my scalp. The stunt Ifunaya pulled earlier comes to mind, I sigh, putting each foot forward until I walk through the gate.

A part of me knew she was joking but it didn't stop me from panicking, I chuckle, I hit that call button as soon as I saw the text. I don't remember saying those words to her but she was kind enough to remind me and I never want to hear them again. I love her, she loves me and that is all I care about.

The amusement laced in her voice when she eventually picked makes me wonder how long she has waited to get her revenge. At the thought of that word, my lips turn down in a frown and my heart beats out of rhythm. I am hopeful she will forgive me for returning later than I promised. What I need right now is a repeat of yesterday's experience, another moment of pure bliss.

I groan and run my hand through my face, a noncommittal greeting slips from my lips in response to the gateman's welcome. She spends time on her phone more than any woman I know, we have constant electricity too. Her phone has no reason to be off.

She must be upset with me is the only valid conclusion I can come up with, after all, I am late for our anniversary date. I told her I might be delayed but hours have passed since then and I don't feel up for it anymore. I am not up for anything other than cuddles after hearing those preposterous results.

My hand closes over the doorknob, I spare my wristwatch a glance and grimace, I am fucking late. The streetlights made me believe there was time but I will make it up to her. We can leave the house tomorrow, two of us, no guards. As much as she tries to hide it, I am aware she hates seeing those huge men around us and I have been trying to convince Mr Adams to take them back. They can return to protecting us from afar, I groan, I want a semblance of a normal life.

Our room is my first stop, my hand hangs from the door as my eyes scan the entire length of our bedroom, trying to process the odd emptiness. I retrace my steps back to the parlour, I must have missed her there. My finger connects with the switch, light floods the room and my heart threatens to jump out of my mouth at the sight of the empty parlour. Her phone is still switched off, I frown at the picture of her smiling at me as I redial her number. Switched off.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch the tip of my nose as scenarios swirl in my head, I have had a long, stressful day, I don't need this right now. A sigh escapes me, my tiredness is forgotten as I cover the distance to the guards' room in giant strides. None of them knows where she is and I have to clench and unclench my fists to keep from lashing out at them. Of what use are they if she will still go missing right under their noses? I level a glare at both of them, Jo averts his gaze but Erin matches my stare.

"She was in the room when we checked," Jo offers. I sigh, maybe but now she is missing.

"Find her."

The trip to the gateman proves futile, she did not leave the house. A sadistic chuckle slips past my lips as I lower myself onto the sofa with my hands laced behind my head. The tiles show a blurred reflection of my face, I sigh and pull out a strand of my beards. I can't handle another stupid prank.

My head lifts at the sound of approaching footsteps and my shoulders sag when the person comes into view. "Have you seen her?" I ask Jo who shakes his head. I dismiss him with a wave, my hands are shaky as I bring out my phone to call my sister. "Chi."

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