Chapter 11 Pixies, Fairies and Dragons Oh My

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Everyone went home and I was with my new instructor the pixie elder Sprig. Sprig was more like Merlin and demanded that I call him Master Sprig and taught me about the world around me and how to manipulate the life force of plants. After a few years we were joined by his fairy counterpart Sprout because their two magics usually worked best together to help nature flourish. They were the shepherds of nature always encouraging it to grow and prosper. At the end of our lessons for my final exam they burned the entire garden to the ground to the displeasure of the fairies and pixies that lived here and left it to me to repair the damage they caused. It took hours but I was finally able to repair the damage as I flew over the gardens with my wings that I learned how to summon. I asked my fairy and pixie friends if everything was back exactly the way it used to be and they all began checking. There were some small problems they told me about and I fixed it. The cool thing about pixie and fairy magic was it was dependent on fairy dust and songs rather than spells or potions or even wands. I loved their magic and learned that I actually had a pretty good singing voice.

They alerted me that my next instructors would be a Dragon and his partner of life and soul. I looked up at Livior with squinted eyes as they left and asked "So not are you going to tell me what that means since I have instructors coming with the same title you used for me?"

Livior said "You will have to wait for OUR instructors to arrive to find out...partner of life and soul."

I groaned in frustration and opened the portal and a few seconds later my family and friends appeared. I showed them all what I learned by creating a new garden which the fairies and pixies were ecstatic about and when I turned back toward them all they were all staring at me like I had something on my face. I wiped my face and said "Is there something on my face?"

Seth was the one who spoke first and said "My god baby I never knew what a beautiful voice you truly had. I was entranced and still am if I'm being honest. I can imagine you singing lullabies to our pups some day."

I was smiling until he said the part about pups and then remembered that I COULD indeed have children and didn't really know what to feel about that or him imagining us having children already at such a young age. He sensed my uneasiness and pulled my head into the crook of his neck and I inhaled deeply and calmed down just as I felt Liviors warm breath on the back of my neck. Seth didn't growl this time which confused me about why he suddenly was not jealous of Livior but I felt more like he was now protective of Livior as well and loved him as well which made me jealous. Liviors love for me and Seths love for Livior were platonic although Seths love for me was definitely NOT platonic.

Their visiting years seemed to fly by we were soon joined by a beautiful teal dragon whose scales sparkled in the sunlight just as Liviors did, she had eyes that matched her scales just as Livior did as well and a man built like a linebacker with teal eyes that matched the dragons scales. He had fire red hair that ran down his back halfway. His features were stunning but he had plenty of visible battle scars visible on his face, hands and even arms. He had strange symbols on his hands that looked like an angry dragon and warrior both breathing fire. He was wearing a vest of black leather and black leather pants along with black leather boots. They eyed Livior and I and even circled us without speaking for a long time. I heard a voice in my head, a strong female voice rumbled through my mind asking "Why are your eyes still green? They should have turned golden by now young one."

I was confused and asked "What do you mean? My eyes have always been green, why would they turn golden?"

The mans head snapped from Liviors scales to me so fast I almost couldn't see the motion. He walked quickly over to me and grabbed my chin pulling my face within an inch of his looking intensely into my eyes and I heard Livior growl slightly. The female voice said "Relax young one, my partner of life and soul is only examining your partners eyes more closely, he just does not have a good...bedside manner I guess is the closest thing to say."


The man seemed to be looking for something and finally there was a smile spreading across his face when he said "There ARE golden specks in your eyes forming but my partner is right, your eyes should already be golden. They should have turned golden the moment you performed the bonding ritual."

I looked confused at him and both dragons and asked "First, who are you and secondly what bonding ritual are you talking about?"

The teal dragon suddenly rushed at Livior angrily and pinned him to the ground and said so I could hear as well "You didn't even perform the ritual with your partner yet?! How long have you two been together here?"

Livior responded in a terrified manner "We have been together here for 35 years and no I thought we should wait until you and your partner could explain things to him better than I can."

She seemed to relax and take his words to heart. She then looked at me and said "I am Genia and this is my partner of life and soul Jason Fireclaw. You do not need to call us master but you will respect us. We will train you together as one because you must become one. Now, the ritual we were discussing is the bonding ritual that the two of you must perform within 50 years of meeting one another that binds your lives and souls together forever. This means when one dies, both die. You must protect each other with everything you have or you will surely fall. If you fail to perform the ritual within that 50 years then you both die of a broken heart."

I walked over and kicked Liviors shin as hard as I could and said angrily "You're such an idiot! If you had told me this before I could have been preparing myself for this mentally but noooooo. That explains why you and my mate seem to be bonded now as well. You know that I love you as my family so why didn't you think you could tell me so we could perform the ritual?"

Livior sighed and his head sagged to the ground. He said sadly "I thought you might reject me and as part of the ritual I am to present you with armor and a sword all made of my scales. I have been slowly collecting them over these years." He walked away and came back and dumped a huge pile of golden scales at my feet.

I asked "Didn't it hurt to pull these out?"

He snorted and replied "Of course it did. It felt like you would if somebody waxed your private area clean in one swoop."

I felt the pain with that mental image and cupped myself. I heard laughter from Genia and Jason but kept my eyes on Livior. I then felt my heart swell and said "You put yourself through that pain for me?!"

He nodded his head yes and I hugged his snout feeling his warmth as he hummed a contented sound and closed his eyes giving his toothy grin that would terrify most people but I thought was quite handsome in its own way. I then asked "How are you supposed to create armor and a weapon from these though?"

He smiled wider and said "Remember my human form? I also have magic."

Then I turned to our instructors and asked "When exactly would I possibly need this stuff though? It's not like a dragon can fly around on earth unnoticed."

Livior and our instructors laughed and Jason said in his gruff voice "Humans can't see dragons and other magical creatures and can only see shifters when they want them to but most of us live in a different world of our own when not needed on earth just like this dimension."

I asked "Do shifters live in this other world or on earth?"

Jason smiled and said "Their packlands are actually on earth mostly but some have moved to our world just because they don't have to hide who and what they are in our world but the shifters who can't find a mate among our various species have to return here to find their mates. Some such as your mates pack have decided they are happier on earth so they have stayed on earth and help in our world if and when needed."

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