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"Good morning Your Majesty." Jace said as he walked into the foyer. The queen looked at him and nodded.

"Good morning." She said shortly. Jace watched as she stood with her eyes fixed on the door.

"Everything okay?" He asked. The queen nodded.

"Yes." She said.

"Why are we staring at the door?" Jace whispered.

"You don't have to. I am expecting someone." The queen said. Jace nodded but didn't move.

"Mr Herondale-"

"I really would rather you call me Jace." Jace said. The queen sighed and nodded.

"Jace. You don't have to stand here with me. You can do other things." The queen said. Jace chuckled.

"Your Majesty, the only thing I want to do is work on my plane. But the captain of your police force won't let me near it." Jace said. The queen laughed softly.

"It's a foreign object. Captain Lightwood is making sure that no part of it is going to injure anyone." The queen said. Jace looked at her.

"Well wouldn't it make sense for the person who knows how it works to do something with it?" Jace asked. The queen sighed.

"I suppose. But Captain Lightwood is just doing his job. Once he's done, he'll bring it back here and you can work on it." The queen said. Jace sighed.

"Well I guess I can live with that." Jace said. Magnus walked into the room and sighed.

"Your Majesty, she's not coming. She cancelled." Magnus said. The queen sighed and walked away.

"She said it was extremely important. And she just cancelled?" The queen snapped.

"Yes that's what appears to have happened." Magnus said. The queen turned to Magnus.

"You don't think he had anything to do with this, do you?" She asked.

"No Clary. I don't think he did. Relax. Don't work yourself up." Magnus said. The queen took a deep breath and walked into the dining room.

"Clary, have you eaten this morning?" Magnus asked. The queen nodded.

"Don't lie to me." Magnus said. The queen groaned.

"Fine. I haven't." She said. Magnus shook his head and sat the queen down at the table.

"You too Blondie, I know you haven't eaten either. Goodness you two are insane." Magnus said before walking into the kitchen. The queen sighed and tapped her nails on the table. Jace exhaled loudly and the queen looked at him.

"How did you get here?" She asked.

"Well Magnus sat me down across from you." Jace said.

"No, I mean here." The queen said.

"Well my parents really loved each other and then-"

"No! I meant how did you get to Atlantis? Humans shouldn't be able to find it." The queen said.

"You keep saying 'humans' as if you're something else." Jace said.

"Well we are. We're not human. Not exactly." The queen said.

"Then what exactly are you?" Jace asked.

"Atlantians." The queen said.

"Pardon?" Jace asked.

"We are almost identical to you. But different." The queen said.

"That really doesn't clear much up. What makes you different from humans?" Jace asked. Magnus walked in with two plates of waffles and various types of fruit and the queen looked at him.

"Magnus, what makes Atlantians different from humans?" She asked.

"Their healing abilities, omnipresence, high-level of durability, vast stamina, speed and strength with excellent reflexes and balancing and insight and responses, acrobatic skills beyond of normal humans, and the potential to do Magic, such as the ability to shape-shift, teleport, and to manifest as objects." Magnus said. Jace looked at the queen who had a soft smile on her face.

"Thank you Magnus." The queen said softly. Magnus nodded and left the room.

"So that's pretty interesting." Jace said The queen nodded and put a raspberry in her mouth. Jace smiled and grabbed a strawberry. The queen watched him subtly and smiled. There was something about him that made the queen trust him.


"Your Majesty!" Isabelle called. Jace looked at her.

"Have you seen the queen?" Isabelle asked. Jace shook his head.

"No. Does she normally just take off?" Have asked. Isabelle shook her head and Magnus walked in, followed by Captain Lightwood and Simon.

"Have any of you seen the queen?" Isabelle asked.

"No. Did you lose her?" Simon asked.

"Not exactly lose. She just disappeared. She has to go to a meeting and if she doesn't leave soon, she's going to be late." Isabelle said. Jace smiled and saw a flash of red hair.

"Excuse me." Jace said, leaving the foyer and following the flash of red hair.

He ended up in a very large fenced off field. The queen was sitting in the middle of the grass. He walked over to her and sat next to her and she sighed.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You know, everyone is looking for you." Jace said.

"I know. But I have no desire to go to that meeting." She said.

"What's the meeting about?" Jace asked.

"I'm meeting with the government officials for each section of Atlantis." The queen said.

"Well what happens at those kind of meetings?" Jace asked.

"Well it's me, and 5 people who don't think I'm fit to be queen. And all they do is argue over who needs more money and then I decided which divisions get more money. None of them ever agree with me but ultimately I am the final decision." The queen explained.

"Well then bump the meeting back." Jace said.

"I can't. It's almost the end of the month so we have to decide what happens with next months budget." The queen said. Jace looked at her.

"Well that sounds awful. Have fun with that." He said. The queen laughed.

"I won't. These meetings are mostly the government officials arguing with each other. And according to Isabelle and Magnus I become 'insufferable' after the meetings." The queen said.

"Your Majesty, we've been looking everywhere for you!" Isabelle said. The queen turned around and sighed.

"Well here I am." She said. Isabelle helped her up and brushed the queens dress off.

"Come on, they're all waiting!" Isabelle said happily. Jace waved as the queen walked back into the castle.

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