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I was walking to my aunts in the lavish forest, seeing the salamanders sitting next to the creek. I saw a weird tree and took a picture with my camera, but then I realized something; where’s my camera? Where’s my phone? Where are my belongings? I turned to Lizze-Anne, who was looking down as she walked. She traced the wall as we approached the stairs to the 4th floor. How high up were we before? Nonetheless, we walked down the stairs. I figured I’d pose the question now. If she tried to hurt me I could push her down the stairs and kill her. “Lizze-Anne…”, I started. She looked up at me, and I could see the concern plastered on her face and marbled in her eyes. “Where are my belongings? I had things with me”, I stated. She chuckled softly, then looked at me with glossy eyes. “I’m sure you didn’t forget leaving them on the 1st floor, did you?”, she gushed. I sighed with a sense of relief, so I’d be getting my things soon. We reached the 3rd floor, and we were both silent again. I tried to think again. I’d taken the picture of the tree, and then kept walking.  I got a harrowing headache, but I walked on. After that, it’s all black. I don’t remember anything else from then. Once I got back into reality, I looked back at Lizze-Anne as we walked down the stairs to the 2nd floor. She seemed sad, somewhat. I squeezed her hand a bit, and she looked at me. “Hey,” I soothed. She smiled at me, and squeezed my hand back, then laughed a little. It made me smile, but then she turned away from me and began to hum the tune. At least she hummed again, that beautiful voice of hers. She traced the wall with her hand that was free, and I was tempted to hum along with her. She had an enticing voice that made it hard to resist her. Once we reached the 1st floor, I wanted to just run straight to wherever I put my things. I held back though, and instead relished in the warmth of the inclosed hallway. Lizze-Anne looked at me, as I realized we had stopped walking. She simply stood there holding my hand, smiling at me. I saw her in the corner of my eye, and so I stood still. “Isn’t this lovely?”, I asked, my arm swished up invitingly. She nodded, “Yes”. I smiled, and let go of her hand as I danced around the empty hallway. She looked at me, as I was filled with whimsy. I stopped to look at her, and I smiled. She made me happy. I walked over to her, smiling. “So”, I started, “where are my things?”. I said it all with a smile. She smiled at me, “I’ll show you.” She walked toward one of the cells, then looked back at me. “Here,” she said, pointing to the cell which had my belongings on the floor. I smiled, and then hugged her. She pulled me away from her with my hands still on her shoulders, and then she smiled worryingly at me. I smiled back, but she seemed more sad and I more happy. “What’s wrong?”, I said, and I could feel the worry on my face. “Nothing just…,” she looked down. “You aren’t going to leave me now that you have your things, are you?” I looked at her. I shook my head furiously, realizing what she just asked. “No! Of course not!”, I shouted, shaking her shoulders while I still shook my head furiously. She laughed, and then I stopped shaking my head. I smiled a little smile at her, and she smiled at me. “I feel so..” I began, taking my hands off her shoulders. “Euphoric,” I finished. “I figured,” she said, “You act different when happy. Are you happy often?” I looked at her, and chuckled slightly. “That’s a uh...difficult question,” I giggled, scratching the back of my hung down head. “That’s alright,” she said, with her head down. She put her hands on my shoulders. “I really like you, Walter,” she murmured. I smiled at her. She made me happy. She really made me happy. “Thank you, Lizze-Anne”, I said, but then I paused. “And...you can call me Walty,” I gushed. We then spent an hour or two making sure all my belongings are there and going through my belongings. It was night time, so we got into one of the cells and left the cell door open. She sat on the bed neatly while I sat on the floor, my arms holding my legs close to me. “So...Walty. Tell me about yourself. About your life,” Lizze-Anne asked, as I heard the curiosity in her voice. I’m sure she would’ve twirled her non-existent locks as she asked, too. “I’m not very interesting.. how about you tell me about yourself?”, I deflected. I looked up at her as she shook her head. “No, no. You, tell me about you,” she tittered. I sighed a bit, then nodded. “Alright...well what do you want to know?,” I questioned. “How old are you? Around my age?”, she asked. “Not your age, that’s what,” I laughed. She laughed too, then ruffled my hair. “Really, tell me,” she insisted. “I’m 17. I was on the way to my aunt’s for my birthday, actually,” I responded. “Ah...I see,” she said, a tone of sadness in her voice. “How...how old are you?”, I asked, curious about the sadness in her soft voice. “14…”, she lamented. I looked up at her, and she was already looking at me. She looked sad, and I hated her sad face. I looked back down for a moment, and thought. I then looked back up at her.

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