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Zoe began driving again as Martin plugged in her earphones and carried on listening to her music.
"Never had you down as a Radiohead girl." He noted, smiling at her as she drove.
"As much as I love Claude Debussy I'm not gonna listen to him 24/7." Said Zoe, before Martin's phone began to ring and she handed it to him.
He saw his sister's picture come up on the screen and he smiled,
"Hiya Soph." He answered,
"Jesus, Martin what's happened to you? Where have you been?" His sister gasped in return.
"I've been away- h-how are you? How's the baby?" He asked, trying to change the topic.
"I'm fine, and he's fine too. Please, I know you must be in a horrible place right now-"
"I'm actually not." He told her, "I'm not. Look, we should meet up on Saturday."
Sophie seemed confused yet satisfied with this idea, "Yeah.. alright then. My house, mid day, okay? You promise you'll come?"
"I promise." He replied, honestly.
After their call ended Martin placed his phone back into his pocket and wound down his window slightly to let in some fresh air.
"I recognise this place." He said, looking out the window at the flat grey dunes covered in sharp thin marram grass overlooking the sea.
"That's because this is the first place we ever stayed on the first night of the trip." Zoë told him, looking around and parking at a small empty site.
"Oh my god, so it is." He exclaimed, leaning over to Zoë and kissing her quickly on her lips. "Thank you." He said before opening his door and walking out into the open, breathing in the fresh salted air. Ollie slid open the door and he and Jemma walked out onto the sand, taking off their shoes as they sat down and watched the sea.
Martin looked in at Ryan again who was being helped by Lucy to sit up.
"Wanna sit on the beach?" Offered Martin, climbing back into the van.
"Sir I really can't move.. I'm sorry." Sighed Ryan,
"Doesn't mean I can't lift you." He replied,
"I'm a heavy lad." Ryan warned,
"As am I." Martin Replied, "come on."
Martin strained his muscles as he lifted Ryan up from beneath his legs and back and walked onto the beach beside Ollie and Jemma.
"Oh Jesus, am I going to be third-wheeling here?" Laughed Ryan, seeing Ollie place his hand on Jemma's thigh.
"-better than fifth-wheeling." Added Cloda, helping Ryan down onto the sand and smiling at him as Ollie turned to see if he was okay.
"Oh mate.." Sighed Ollie, looking at Ryan who's head was flat in the sand, "you can lean on me."
Ollie was lying down on his back and Ryan's head was rested on his stomach, "we're like a romantic couple on a beach." Chuckled Ryan.
"I know a cocktail about that." Giggled Lucy, sitting down beside them and rubbing Ryan's shoulder as he gave a light laugh.
Martin and Zoe joined them in a circle on the sand, and they talked for hours, eating and drinking in the golden haze of the sunset, almost forgetting about Ryan's near complete paralysis.
"So it's our last night as a fam." Sighed Ollie,
"Don't be so pessimistic." Laughed Ryan, making the rest of the group smile.
"It's been quite a rollercoaster journey, hasn't it?" Said Jemma, pulling on her brown fluffy jacket.
"It certainly has." Agreed Martin, who had put on a navy fleece over his white shirt and was sitting close to Zoë.
Everyone was silent for a few moments before Ryan spoke.
"May I address the taboo?"
"If you must." Said Martin, looking down and preparing himself.
"I think you all know that I haven't got long left. And I know it too, I can feel it. I-it's not that I want to die -because I don't- I love you all and I don't want it to end here.. but I'm ready." He looked up at the sky while Ollie bit his lips together and Ryan continued, "I'm eighteen years old. And in those years I like to think that I've had two very different lives. The former being absolutely shit and the latter being absolutely amazing. I feel ready to die because I never thought in a million years that I could ever live this happy, and I'm used to the pain. So thank you for this chance.. sorry I couldn't take it. I'm sorry I'm gonna ruin your week when I die, but I'm afraid there's nothing more that I can do." He closed his eyes and a tear fell down, "I know you all plan on going away after the summer.. I.. I just want you to be happy and to be there for each other.. that's all I want. Oh- and look after our two teachers when they get all old and stupid. And their three little kids. Although knowing these two there's probably a lot more where those came from."
Martin tried to muster a laugh while simultaneously trying not to cry.
"Mr McCafferson.. thank you for teaching me how to play the drums. They've brought me quite far in life. And thanks for introducing me to this lot; they've brought me pretty far too- literally. Mr McCafferson you're a bloody genius in every level and as much as I take the piss out of you I really really respect you and you've had an incredibly hard year.. it's the fact that... I just-"
Martin let himself go, his hand clutched his mouth before he shook his head, "don't make me cry, Ryan."
"I'm making myself cry, I know I'll be dead but I'm gonna miss you all so much.. you've literally given me my life... you're my whole world; yes, I stole that from Mr McCafferson, but it's cute and it's true."
Ollie sat up and helped Ryan up into the deepest and most passionate embrace,
"I love you mate." He moaned softly, closing his eyes as he tensed his face with utter heartbreak.

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